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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.1.1 Basics of Circular Motion

Circular motion forms the cornerstone of numerous phenomena observed in our universe, from the majestic dance of celestial bodies to the thrill-packed rides at amusement parks. To navigate this intricate choreography of movement, we'll unearth the core concepts of angular velocity, frequency, and period. Moreover, we'll bridge the connection between the linear and angular aspects of velocity, unveiling the nuances of objects in circular trajectories.

Angular Velocity

Angular velocity, often symbolised by the Greek letter ω (omega), illuminates the rotational speed of an object. It's an integral descriptor when assessing the motion of objects tethered to or revolving around a fixed axis.

  • Definition: The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.
  • Units: Measured in radians per second (rad/s).
  • Formula: ω = Δθ/Δt, where Δθ represents the change in angle (in radians), and Δt indicates the change in time.
  • Interpretation: If a spinning wheel has an angular velocity of 2 rad/s, it means that every second, any point on the wheel covers an angular distance of 2 radians. To explore this further, understanding the centripetal force that maintains an object's circular path is crucial.

Frequency and Period

Frequency and period are like the rhythmic heartbeat of circular motion. While they depict complementary aspects of repetitious motion, their implications in real-world scenarios can be starkly distinct.

  • Frequency (f):
    • Definition: Number of cycles or full rotations an object makes in one second.
    • Units: Hertz (Hz). For instance, 1 Hz suggests one complete revolution per second.
    • Relation to Angular Velocity: f = ω/2π
    • Real-World Context: The mains electricity supply in many countries oscillates with a frequency of 50 Hz, meaning the current direction changes 50 times a second.
  • Period (T):
    • Definition: Time duration required for an object to complete one full cycle or rotation.
    • Units: Time (typically seconds).
    • Relation to Frequency: T = 1/f
    • Illustration: A pendulum taking 2 seconds to swing back and forth has a period of 2 seconds. Discover how these principles are applied in applications of circular motion.

Linear vs. Angular Velocity

While both angular and linear velocities provide insights into an object's speed, their realms of application differ. Linear velocity depicts the speed along a straight path, while angular velocity is concerned with rotational speed. Their interplay becomes especially significant in circular motion.

  • Linear Velocity (v):
    • Definition: Speed of an object traversing a circular path. This path is essentially the circle's circumference.
    • Formula: v = ω * r, where r stands for the radius of the circular path.
    • Illustration: Consider Earth. Its angular velocity remains constant as every point from the poles to the equator takes 24 hours for a complete rotation. However, the linear velocity at the equator is greater due to the larger radius, hence the reason for the swift passage of landscapes when viewed from space. The principles of vertical circular motion further illustrate the effects of varying radius on motion.

Differential Analysis

To grasp the intricate dance of circular motion, let's juxtapose these foundational concepts:

  • Angular vs. Linear Velocity: Imagine a giant spinning disc with ants placed near the centre and the edge. While both ants experience the same angular velocity (they complete a full circle simultaneously), the ant on the edge, because of the larger radius, travels a greater distance in the same time. Thus, it possesses a higher linear velocity. The phenomenon of banking and centrifugal force offers a practical demonstration of these concepts.
  • Frequency vs. Period: Think of a blinking lighthouse. If it blinks 3 times in a minute, its frequency is 0.05 Hz, while its period (time between two blinks) is 20 seconds. They offer different perspectives on the same repetitive action.

Practical Implications and Examples

Understanding the basics of circular motion has profound implications. For example:

  • In designing satellites, engineers need to consider the angular and linear velocities to ensure the satellite remains in its intended orbit.
  • Music producers often refer to frequency when tweaking sound waves to achieve desired notes.
  • The design of vehicle tyres incorporates knowledge of these principles to optimise the balance between rotational and translational motion, ensuring smoother rides. Additionally, a deeper understanding of universal law of gravitation connects these concepts to the broader context of celestial mechanics.


Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) is a term that, as the name suggests, denotes the number of full rotations an object makes in one minute. This metric is widespread in engineering, especially with machinery like car engines.

To correlate RPM with frequency (number of rotations per second), you simply divide the RPM by 60, because there are 60 seconds in a minute. Thus, frequency = RPM/60.

Angular velocity, on the other hand, tells us how much angle (in radians) an object sweeps out in one second. Since there are 2π radians in one full rotation, angular velocity, ω, is calculated as 2π times the frequency. Therefore, to determine the angular velocity using RPM: angular velocity, ω = 2π(RPM/60).

The choice of radians over degrees is deeply rooted in the geometry and calculus of circles. A radian is defined by the arc length that is equal to the radius of the circle. Using radians streamlines many mathematical processes.

For instance, when you're working with trigonometric functions in calculus, having angle measurements in radians simplifies the equations and derivations. Using radians ensures that the relationship between arc length, angle in radians, and radius (arc length = angle x radius) holds true. Because of this intrinsic relationship between radians and circle geometry, radians per second becomes a more natural choice for measuring angular velocity in physics.

Absolutely, an object in circular motion can experience changes in its angular velocity. When an object's angular velocity isn't consistent, it's undergoing what's known as angular acceleration. Just as linear acceleration is a change in linear velocity over time, angular acceleration represents the rate of change of angular velocity.

For example, when you spin a top, it doesn't instantly reach its full speed. It starts from rest and its spin or angular velocity increases until external forces like friction slow it down. The change in its spin rate over time is due to angular acceleration.

The radius is a crucial element in the relationship between linear and angular velocities in circular motion. Angular velocity signifies how swiftly an object revolves around a central axis. In contrast, linear velocity quantifies the actual speed of a particular point on that object as it moves along its circular path.

The connection between these two types of velocities is given by the formula: v = ω * r. Here, v represents the linear velocity, ω stands for the angular velocity, and r is the radius. If you keep the angular velocity constant but change the radius, the linear velocity will change. A point on a larger radius will cover a greater distance in the same amount of time, thereby resulting in a greater linear velocity. This underlines the pivotal role the radius plays in determining linear velocity when the angular velocity is known.

In a circular motion scenario, angular velocity refers to how quickly an object rotates around a central point. Imagine a spinning CD or record; every point on the CD (from the centre to the edge) completes one rotation in the same amount of time. Thus, all these points have the same angular velocity.

However, linear velocity describes the speed at which a point travels along a circular path. The further out from the centre you go, the longer the path or circumference becomes. Hence, for points to complete their respective paths in the same amount of time, those further from the centre must travel faster. This is why they have a higher linear velocity. The relationship can be described with the equation: v = ω * r, where v is linear velocity, ω is angular velocity, and r is the radius.

Practice Questions

A record player rotates a vinyl disc at a constant angular velocity. If a point on the outer edge of the disc has a linear velocity of 0.5 m/s and the radius of the disc is 0.3 meters, calculate the angular velocity of the disc.

To find the angular velocity (ω), we can rearrange the formula connecting linear velocity (v) and angular velocity: v = ω * r. Given v = 0.5 m/s and r = 0.3 meters, plugging in the values, we get: 0.5 m/s = ω * 0.3 meters. On simplifying, ω = (0.5 m/s) / 0.3 meters = 1.67 rad/s. Therefore, the angular velocity of the disc is 1.67 rad/s.

A spinning wheel completes 120 full rotations in 2 minutes. Determine its frequency in Hz and its period in seconds.

Firstly, to find the frequency (f), we use the formula: f = number of cycles / total time. Given 120 rotations in 2 minutes or 120 seconds, we get: f = 120 rotations / 120 seconds = 1 Hz. For the period (T), which is the time for one complete cycle, we use the reciprocal of the frequency: T = 1/f. Given f = 1 Hz, we get: T = 1/1 Hz = 1 second. Hence, the frequency of the spinning wheel is 1 Hz, and its period is 1 second.

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