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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.1.3 Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal acceleration is foundational in circular motion. It's an inward force ensuring an object remains on its curved trajectory. Understanding its derivation, direction, and magnitude provides insights into circular motion's core dynamics.

Derivation of Centripetal Acceleration

The nature of centripetal acceleration is best comprehended through its derivation.

The Basics of Circular Motion: When an object moves in a circle at a constant speed, its velocity is always changing due to the continuous shift in direction. Any change in velocity implies acceleration.

Consider an object moving in a circle with a radius of r at a steady speed v. If it moves a small distance Δs in time Δt, the speed is v = Δs/Δt.

For two radial vectors from the centre of the circle to the object's location, separated by a tiny angle Δθ, we can relate Δs and Δθ by Δs = rΔθ.

Changing Velocity: The object's velocity changes in direction but not in magnitude. The velocity change Δv is directed towards the circle's centre with magnitude Δv = vΔθ.

From acceleration's definition: a = Δv/Δt.

Replacing Δv and using v = rΔθ/Δt, we find:

a = (rΔθ/Δt) * (vΔθ)

On simplification:

a = (rv2)/r2

Thus, the formula for centripetal acceleration is:

ac = v2/r

This equation links the acceleration of an object in circular motion to its speed and circle's radius.

Direction and Nature of Centripetal Acceleration

  • Inwards Attraction: Centripetal acceleration always points towards the circle's centre, which is why it's called 'centre-seeking'.
  • Perpendicular to Velocity: At any point in its circular journey, the object's centripetal acceleration is at a right angle to its velocity. This means the direction of an object's motion changes due to centripetal acceleration, but its speed doesn't.

Magnitude Exploration

Understanding the magnitude of centripetal acceleration is pivotal:

  • Speed's Influence: From ac = v2/r, it's clear speed has a quadratic effect on centripetal acceleration. Doubling an object's speed increases its centripetal acceleration four times.
  • Radius's Role: The centripetal acceleration is inversely proportional to the circle's radius. If a circle's radius doubles with the speed unchanged, the centripetal acceleration halves.

Practical Implications of Centripetal Acceleration

Real-world examples help relate to the theory:

Twirling a Ball: A ball twirled in a circle using a string, when sped up, increases the string's tension due to the rise in centripetal acceleration.

Cars on Curves: A car navigating a sharp curve requires its tyres to provide the necessary centripetal force. Faster speeds or tighter curves increase this demand.

Celestial Movements: Planets orbiting stars or moons around planets are also governed by centripetal acceleration, with gravitational force acting as the required centripetal force.


The radius of the circle has an inverse relationship with centripetal acceleration when the speed is constant. As per the formula for centripetal acceleration, ac = speed^2 / radius, we can see that if the speed remains the same and the radius decreases, the centripetal acceleration will increase. Conversely, if the radius increases, the centripetal acceleration will decrease. Essentially, the tighter the circle (i.e., the smaller the radius), the greater the centripetal acceleration needed to keep an object moving in that circle at a given speed.

Absolutely, centripetal acceleration is experienced in numerous everyday scenarios. A simple example is when you take a turn in a car. As the car changes direction, you can feel a pull; that's due to centripetal acceleration acting on the car and, by extension, on you. Another common experience is riding a merry-go-round or a spinning swing at an amusement park. As it turns, you feel a force pushing you outwards (which is often mistaken for centrifugal force), but it's the centripetal acceleration that keeps you moving in a circular path. The force you feel pushing outwards is a result of your body's inertia resisting the change in direction.

The object doesn't move towards the centre due to the nature of centripetal acceleration. While centripetal acceleration always points towards the centre of the circle, it doesn't act to pull the object closer to the centre. Instead, it acts perpendicular to the object's motion, causing a change in direction without affecting its speed. The object's inertia wants to keep it moving in a straight line (tangentially), but the centripetal force ensures that the object's path curves towards the circle's centre. The combination of these two effects results in the object's circular motion.

Objects in uniform circular motion maintain a constant speed but their velocity is continuously changing. This might sound contradictory, but it's crucial to understand that velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. While the magnitude of the velocity (i.e., speed) remains constant, its direction changes continuously as the object moves around the circle. Since acceleration is defined as any change in velocity over time, and the direction of velocity is constantly changing, an object in uniform circular motion is always undergoing centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the centre of the circle and is responsible for changing the object's direction, ensuring it stays on its circular path.

Tangential acceleration is associated with a change in the magnitude of velocity, i.e., a change in speed. In uniform circular motion, the speed of the object remains constant throughout its path around the circle. Hence, there's no change in the magnitude of velocity, which means there's no tangential acceleration. However, there is a change in the direction of velocity, leading to centripetal acceleration. If there were tangential acceleration, the object's speed would either increase or decrease as it moves around the circle, which would mean the motion is no longer uniform.

Practice Questions

A car is travelling at a constant speed of 20 m/s around a circular track of radius 100 m. Calculate its centripetal acceleration.

To determine the centripetal acceleration of the car, we'll use the formula for centripetal acceleration, which is given by the square of the speed (v) divided by the radius (r) of the circle.

Using the formula: Centripetal acceleration (ac) = speed^2 / radius

Given: Speed (v) = 20 m/s Radius (r) = 100 m

Substituting these values in: ac = (20 m/s * 20 m/s) / 100 m ac = 400 m2/s2 / 100 m ac = 4 m/s2

Thus, when a car travels at a speed of 20 m/s on a circular track with a radius of 100 m, its centripetal acceleration is 4 m/s2. It's important to note that this acceleration is always directed towards the centre of the circle, which is why the car continues to move in a circular path.

If the radius of a circular path is halved while keeping the speed of the object in motion constant, how does the centripetal acceleration change?

The relationship between centripetal acceleration (ac), speed (v), and radius (r) of the circular path is described by the formula: Centripetal acceleration (ac) = speed2 / radius

Given this relationship, it's evident that centripetal acceleration is inversely proportional to the radius when the speed is kept constant. When the radius is halved, the denominator of this fraction (radius) becomes half of its original value.

So, using the formula: New ac (when radius is halved) = speed2 / (radius/2), This effectively means that the acceleration would be doubled compared to its original value when the radius was not halved.

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