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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.1.4 Banking and Centrifugal Force

Navigating the curves of a racetrack or experiencing the push against the outer walls of a spinning carousel, we encounter the principles of banking and centrifugal force. This section delves into the intuitive science behind banked roads and demystifies the often misinterpreted "centrifugal force". To better understand these concepts, it's helpful to first review the basics of circular motion.

Banking of Roads

What is Banking?

Banking refers to the inclination or tilt given to a road, particularly at curves. This incline is not a mere architectural decision; it's rooted deeply in the principles of physics to ensure safety and stability for vehicles taking the bend.

The Necessity of Banking

When vehicles navigate a bend, there's a need for some force to keep them moving in a circular path. If the necessary centripetal force isn't achieved, vehicles could either skid outwards due to insufficient inward force or skid inwards due to excess inward force. Banking provides a mechanism to achieve this balance. For more information on the forces involved, refer to the centripetal force notes.

Components of Weight in Banking

When a vehicle moves on a banked road, its weight can be divided into two components due to the incline:

1. Perpendicular to the Road: This component helps in providing the necessary centripetal force for the vehicle. It's the very reason why vehicles can move faster on banked curves without skidding compared to flat roads.

2. Parallel to the Road: This component tries to move the vehicle downward along the slope. The frictional force between the tyres and road counters this component, preventing the vehicle from sliding.

Deriving the Optimal Banking Angle

For optimal banking, where no reliance on friction is needed, the banking angle can be derived from considering the forces on the vehicle. This gives:

tan(theta) = (v2) / (g * r)


  • theta: banking angle
  • v: vehicle's velocity
  • g: gravitational acceleration
  • r: curve's radius.

The above formula illustrates that the banking angle should increase with an increase in either the vehicle's speed or the curve's sharpness (decrease in radius). To understand how this works in different scenarios, see the vertical circular motion notes.

Centrifugal Force: Myth and Reality

Understanding the Force

Centrifugal force is often depicted as the "outward force" one feels in a rotating system. However, it's vital to grasp that this isn't a real force acting on the body. It's a perceived force, arising due to the inertia of an object in a rotating frame.

Why does it Feel Real?

In a turning car or a spinning ride, you're pushed against the door or the outer wall. This isn't because an outward force is acting on you. Your body, due to inertia, wishes to move in a straight line. But the door or wall of the ride pushes on you, making you turn. To you, inside this non-inertial (accelerating) frame of reference, it feels as though an outward force pushes you, leading to the perception of centrifugal force.

Centrifugal vs. Centripetal Force

It's crucial to distinguish between these two:

  • Centripetal Force: The real force that acts towards the centre in circular motion. It's the necessary force that keeps an object moving along a circular path.
  • Centrifugal Force: The perceived outward force in a rotating frame, which is essentially the inertia of an object wanting to move tangentially. For a deeper understanding of these forces, check out the gravitational field introduction.

Real-World Impacts of the Centrifugal Effect

Understanding this force isn't just academic; it has real-world implications:

1. Astronomy: Celestial bodies like Earth are not perfect spheres but oblate spheroids, flattened at the poles. One reason is the centrifugal effect due to their rotation. As Earth spins, the perceived centrifugal force pushes matter outwards more at the equator than at the poles.

2. Engineering: When designing large rotating structures, like massive centrifuges, the effects of centrifugal forces must be considered to ensure structural integrity. For additional insight, see how magnetic fields and motion are affected by similar principles.

3. Transport: High-speed trains, especially in regions with lots of curves, need to be designed considering these forces. Too much perceived outward force, and passengers would feel discomfort.

4. Entertainment: Amusement park rides utilise the principles of centrifugal force to give riders thrilling experiences. The designs ensure riders feel the maximum effect without compromising on safety.


The angle of banking, or the inclination of the road, is meticulously designed to support vehicles travelling at a particular speed. When properly banked for that speed, vehicles can safely navigate the curve with minimal reliance on friction. If the banking angle is too shallow for the speed, the vehicle would require more friction to provide the necessary centripetal force, increasing the risk of skidding. Conversely, if the angle is too steep, there's a risk of the vehicle toppling over. Proper banking ensures the vehicle's weight and the horizontal component of the normal reaction balance out the centripetal requirements, optimising safety.

The perceived centrifugal force on an object in a rotating frame is proportional to its mass. Thus, a heavier vehicle (greater mass) will experience a larger 'outward push' when making a turn as compared to a lighter one. However, this doesn't mean heavier vehicles are more prone to skidding or toppling. The weight of a vehicle also contributes to its traction; a heavier vehicle has a stronger normal force pushing it against the road, which can increase frictional forces. Therefore, while heavier vehicles might experience a stronger centrifugal force, they also benefit from increased traction which can counteract this effect to some extent.

Banking a road is typically done with a particular speed in mind, ensuring optimal safety at that speed without relying on friction. If a road is banked for multiple speeds, it would involve creating a gradient of banking angles, which might be complex and impractical. In urban areas where speed limits vary, it's more common to design for an average or optimal speed, ensuring safety margins for both slower and faster-moving vehicles. It's essential for drivers to remain aware of recommended speeds for banked roads and adjust their speeds accordingly to ensure safety.

Centrifugal force is described as 'fictitious' because it doesn't arise due to any physical interaction in the traditional sense. Instead, it is a consequence of inertia in a rotating frame. When in a rotating system, like a car taking a sharp turn or a merry-go-round, our bodies naturally tend to move in a straight line due to inertia. The confines of the rotating system prevent this, making us perceive an outward push. This sensation is attributed to the centrifugal force. In essence, it is our body's response to the change in motion, and while it feels very real to someone in the rotating frame, it doesn't have an external agent causing it, hence it's termed 'fictitious'.

When a vehicle takes a banked turn at the recommended speed, the horizontal component of the normal (or perpendicular) force, due to the banking, counterbalances the necessary centripetal force required for circular motion. In such a scenario, there's no reliance on friction between the tyres and the road. This means the vehicle isn't at risk of slipping or skidding. As a result, the motion feels smoother and more controlled to the occupants of the vehicle, ensuring a comfortable and safer experience while navigating the curve.

Practice Questions

A car is moving on a banked road that has a curve with a radius of 50m. The maximum speed at which the car can safely navigate this curve without any frictional aid is 20 m/s. Calculate the required banking angle. Justify your steps.

To determine the required banking angle for the car to navigate the curve safely without relying on friction, we employ the formula for optimal banking angle: tan(theta) = (v2) / (g * r). Here, v represents the vehicle's speed (20 m/s), g is the gravitational acceleration (approximately 9.81 m/s2), and r stands for the curve's radius (50m). Substituting these values into the formula, we get tan(theta) = (202) / (9.81 * 50). Solving this gives tan(theta) ≈ 0.816, which translates to an angle theta of about 39.2 degrees. Hence, the required banking angle is approximately 39.2 degrees.

A child on a rotating merry-go-round feels an outward force pushing her against the side rails. Identify this force and explain its origin. Moreover, comment on its real or fictitious nature.

The force the child feels, pushing her outwardly against the side rails of the merry-go-round, is termed "centrifugal force". Originating from the child's inertia, this force arises in the rotating frame of the merry-go-round. The child's body has a natural tendency to continue moving in a straight line due to inertia. However, the side rails of the merry-go-round prevent this linear motion, causing the child to perceive an outward force. It's imperative to understand that the centrifugal force is a fictitious force. It appears real only when observed within a rotating (non-inertial) frame of reference, and there's no actual force acting outwards on the child.

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