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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.1.5 Vertical Circular Motion

Delving into the complexities of physics, vertical circular motion stands out. It's a captivating play of forces, energies, and velocities as objects describe circles vertically. In this segment, we'll navigate through the interplay of these factors and comprehend the underlying principles.

Forces in Vertical Circular Motion

Every object in vertical circular motion, be it a simple pendulum or a bucket of water swung overhead, encounters varying forces at different positions in its cycle. For a refresher on the fundamental concepts, see Basics of Circular Motion.

At the Topmost Point:

  • Gravitational Force: Inherently pulling everything towards the Earth's core, this force remains constant. At the highest point of the motion, the potential energy is at its peak since the object is furthest from the Earth.
  • Centripetal Force: This force ensures the object remains in a circular path. At this point, both the gravitational pull and the tension in the string (if any) contribute to this force. Owing to its reduced speed here, the required centripetal force is minimal. Learn more about Centripetal Force.
  • Tension: The string, if present, undergoes reduced tension at this point. Given the object's decreased speed, the tension is comparatively lesser than other points in the motion. It's represented as: Tension = mg - mv2/r


  • m represents the mass of the object.
  • g stands for the acceleration due to gravity.
  • v is the velocity of the object at the topmost point.
  • r indicates the radius of the circular path.

At the Bottommost Point:

  • Gravitational Force: While its direction remains downwards, its effect in terms of potential energy is at its least here because the object is closest to the ground.
  • Centripetal Force: With the object's speed reaching a zenith at this point, the centripetal force required is also at its highest.
  • Tension: The string endures the maximum tension here, thanks to the object's heightened velocity. It can be quantified as: Tension = mg + mv2/r


  • m represents the mass of the object.
  • g stands for the acceleration due to gravity.
  • v is the velocity of the object at the bottommost point.
  • r indicates the radius of the circular path.

Dynamics of Energy in Vertical Circular Motion

One of the stellar principles of physics is the conservation of energy. In a closed system devoid of external influences like air resistance, energy remains constant, albeit shifting between different types. To deepen understanding of how these forces relate to the gravitational forces at play, refer to the Universal Law of Gravitation.

Conversion Between Energies:

  • At the Topmost Point: Kinetic energy is at a nadir since the object moves slowest. However, its potential energy, attributed to gravitational force, is at its zenith due to the object's elevated position.
  • At the Bottommost Point: Here, the scenario flips. The object's kinetic energy surges to its pinnacle because of the maximal velocity, but its gravitational potential energy plummets, thanks to the reduced altitude.

This continual oscillation between kinetic and potential energy ensures the object's movement in the vertical circle, assuming no external forces impede its motion. The concept not only underpins the object's movement but also provides a wonderful insight into the nature of energy.

IB Physics Tutor Tip: Ensure a deep understanding of how tension varies throughout vertical circular motion, as it's critical for analysing forces and energy changes, especially in real-world engineering and design applications. Explore more on how these dynamics are used in real scenarios in Applications of Circular Motion.

Necessary Conditions for Flawless Vertical Circular Motion

To ensure an object continues its vertical circular journey without hitches, certain criteria must be satisfied:

1. Minimum Velocity at the Topmost Point: To counterbalance the gravitational tug and to prevent a premature downward plunge, the object must sustain a definite minimum speed when at the top. This speed is derived from the relation: v2 = g*r

2. Unbroken Tension: A zero or negative tension, even momentarily, means the string (if it's the medium of attachment) will slacken. The consequent free fall of the object would disrupt the motion. Hence, the tension must always remain positive for unhampered motion.

3. Consistent Energy Interchange: An uninterrupted switch between kinetic and gravitational potential energy is pivotal. It ensures that the object neither halts abruptly nor exits the circular pathway.

Delving Deeper: The Role of Angular Velocity

The angular velocity, which is the rate at which an object moves through an angle, plays a significant role in vertical circular motion. For an object to maintain its trajectory, its angular velocity should neither be too high nor too low. A higher angular velocity implies greater centripetal force, which could stretch and potentially snap the string. Conversely, too low an angular velocity might not provide enough centripetal force to keep the object moving in the circle. Further insights into these dynamics can be explored in Banking and Centrifugal Force.

IB Tutor Advice: Practise problems involving the calculation of tension at different points in vertical circular motion, focusing on the conservation of energy principle to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Real-world Applications and Implications

Understanding the nuances of vertical circular motion isn't just an academic exercise. In the real world, the principles govern:

  • Roller Coasters: The thrilling loops rely on precise calculations of forces and energy conversions to ensure safety and excitement.
  • Gymnasts and Acrobats: Their flips and turns, especially when they're tethered, rely heavily on mastering these principles.
  • Vehicle Dynamics: Especially in off-roading and stunt scenarios, understanding vertical circular motion helps in maintaining control and predicting vehicle behaviour.


In vertical circular motion, energy conservation is a fundamental concept. As an object moves in a vertical circle, it continuously exchanges potential energy and kinetic energy. At the bottommost point, the object has maximum kinetic energy and minimal potential energy. As it ascends, kinetic energy decreases (reducing its speed) and potential energy increases. At the topmost point, potential energy is maximised while kinetic energy is at its minimum. This continuous transformation between kinetic and potential energy, without any loss in the total mechanical energy, is a manifestation of the principle of conservation of energy in vertical circular motion.

The length of the string, essentially the radius of the circular motion, plays a crucial role in determining the conditions for complete vertical circular motion. A longer string (or greater radius) requires the object to have more initial kinetic energy at the bottommost point to ensure it completes the circle. This is because, with a longer radius, the object has to cover a greater vertical distance against gravitational pull, converting more of its kinetic energy into potential energy. If the initial kinetic energy isn't sufficient, the object might not reach the top and complete the circular motion.

The minimum required velocity at the topmost point ensures that the object possesses enough centripetal force, via tension in the string, to move in a circular path. If the object's velocity is below this threshold, the centripetal force (which in this case would come solely from the tension) becomes zero. Consequently, the object will no longer follow the circular path, and it will move tangentially, leaving its circular trajectory. In simpler terms, the object will not complete its vertical circle and will instead fall downwards following a parabolic path due to gravity.

In vertical circular motion, gravitational potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy as the object descends, and vice versa as it ascends. At the bottommost point, the object is at its lowest height, and its potential energy is minimal. Most of its energy is thus kinetic, resulting in a high velocity. In contrast, at the topmost point, the object is at its highest height and has maximised its potential energy, leading to reduced kinetic energy and consequently, a reduced velocity. This natural exchange between potential and kinetic energy ensures the velocity at the bottom is always greater than at the top.

The tension decreases at the topmost point in vertical circular motion mainly due to the gravitational pull acting downwards on the object. When the object is at the top of its circular trajectory, the gravitational force and centripetal force, required to keep it moving in a circle, are both directed towards the centre of the circle. At this point, the effective force keeping the object in the circle is the difference between the gravitational pull and the tension in the string. Since this effective force is lesser than the gravitational pull when compared to the bottommost point, the tension in the string is also reduced at the topmost point.

Practice Questions

A conical pendulum has a string of length 1.5m and makes an angle of 30° with the vertical as it swings in a circular path. Given that g = 9.81 m/s^2, calculate the speed of the bob at its lowest point in the circular motion.

To determine the speed of the bob at its lowest point, we'll use the relation between the tension in the string, the component of tension acting along the vertical direction, and the gravitational force. Specifically, Tcosθ = mg and Tsinθ = mv2/r. Using the given angle, we know that r = lsin(30°) = 0.75m. Combining the relations and solving for v, we get: v2 = rgtan(30°). Substituting the values for r and g, we get v2 = 0.759.810.577. Solving this gives v ≈ 2.29 m/s. Hence, the speed of the bob at its lowest point is approximately 2.29 m/s.

An object of mass 0.5 kg is tied to a string and made to move in a vertical circle of radius 1m. If the tension in the string when the object is at the highest point is 2N, find the velocity of the object at that point.

When the object is at the highest point of its vertical circular motion, the gravitational force acting on the object works in the same direction as the tension in the string. Thus, the net force providing the necessary centripetal force is the difference between the gravitational force and the tension. Using the relation T = mg - mv2/r, where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, v is the velocity, and r is the radius, we can rearrange and solve for v. Given T = 2N, m = 0.5kg, r = 1m, and g = 9.81 m/s2, the velocity, v, at the highest point is approximately 1.32 m/s.

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