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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.4.3 Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic induction, a phenomenon discovered in the early 19th century, is a cornerstone of many modern technologies. At its core, it deals with the generation of an electromotive force (EMF) when exposed to a changing magnetic field. Such principles drive the workings of generators, transformers, and many electrical devices in use today.

Faraday's Law

Michael Faraday, a pioneer in the realm of electromagnetism, delved deep into the world of induced currents. His experiments and observations gave birth to Faraday's Law, which forms a core concept of electromagnetic induction.

  • Key Principle: When there's a change in the magnetic flux linking a circuit, an electromotive force (EMF) is inevitably induced in it.

To elaborate:

  • The Induced EMF (E) is directly proportional to the rate at which the magnetic flux changes. If the magnetic environment around a loop or coil intensifies or diminishes rapidly, the induced EMF will be correspondingly high.

Mathematically, Faraday's insight is captured by:

E = - ΔΦ/Δt


  • E denotes the induced EMF.
  • ΔΦ represents the change in magnetic flux.
  • Δt is the duration of that change.

The negative sign has profound implications. It's more than just a mathematical symbol; it embeds within it the essence of Lenz's law, hinting at the direction of the induced EMF.

Lenz's Law

While Faraday provided insights into the magnitude of the induced current, Heinrich Lenz went a step further to predict its direction. Lenz's Law, both subtle and profound, states:

  • The direction of the induced current (or EMF) is always such that it tends to oppose the change in magnetic flux causing it.

In essence, Lenz's Law is a manifestation of nature's inclination towards energy conservation. If the induced current were to support the change in magnetic flux, a never-ending loop of energy production would ensue, blatantly violating the conservation principles.

Factors Influencing Induced EMF

To harness the power of electromagnetic induction effectively, one needs to understand the various parameters affecting the induced EMF:

  1. Rate of Magnetic Flux Change: A swift change in magnetic environment induces a higher EMF. For instance, quickly moving a magnet closer to or farther from a coil produces a stronger induced current than doing so slowly.
  2. Coil Specifications: The more turns a coil has, the greater the EMF for a given change in magnetic flux. This is because each turn experiences the induction process, amplifying the total effect.
  3. Material Characteristics: Not all materials are born equal in the realm of electromagnetic induction. The efficiency of induction depends on the material's conductivity and magnetic permeability.

When these factors coalesce, the relationship becomes:

E = -N (ΔΦ/Δt)


  • N stands for the number of turns in the coil.

Applications: Generators

The world of electromagnetic induction isn't just limited to theoretical concepts; its applications are manifold. Generators, machines that transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, are a testament to this principle.

  1. Anatomy of a Generator: At the heart of a generator lie the rotor and the stator. The rotor, as the name suggests, rotates, cutting across the magnetic field lines produced by the stationary stator.
  2. The Dance of Magnetic Flux: As the rotor turns, the magnetic environment associated with its coils shifts continuously. This dynamic flux variation induces an EMF, a phenomenon encapsulated by Faraday's Law.
  3. Lenz Takes the Stage: Lenz's law determines the direction of the induced EMF. This is vital because it ensures that the system remains energy-conservative. Without Lenz's principles, the rotor might spin uncontrollably, a scenario avoided by the opposition of the induced EMF.
  4. Tapping into the Energy: This induced EMF isn't just an academic marvel; it's harnessed through brushes in contact with the rotor, powering our devices and homes.


The gap or spacing between turns in a coil can influence electromagnetic induction. A closer spacing means the magnetic field lines pass through more turns in a shorter span, intensifying the induced EMF. Conversely, if the turns are spaced further apart, fewer field lines interact with the coil, leading to reduced induction. Additionally, if there's an air gap in devices like transformers, it can drastically reduce the magnetic coupling between coils, leading to inefficient power transfer. It's vital to design coils with optimal spacing for efficient electromagnetic induction in real-world applications.

Back EMF, or counter-electromotive force, is the EMF induced in motors, which oppose the applied voltage when the motor is running. As the motor turns, its coils move within a magnetic field. According to the principles of electromagnetic induction, a change in magnetic flux induces an EMF in these coils. This induced EMF opposes the original applied voltage (as per Lenz's law), and hence it's termed 'back' or 'counter' EMF. In essence, it's a practical demonstration of electromagnetic induction in the world of electric motors and plays a vital role in self-regulating the speed of the motor.

Ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, cobalt, and nickel, have a high magnetic permeability. This means they can become strongly magnetised when exposed to a magnetic field. When coils are wound around a ferromagnetic core, it intensifies the magnetic field passing through the coil. As the magnetic flux increases, the potential for electromagnetic induction is enhanced, leading to a higher induced EMF than if the coil were wound around a non-magnetic or less magnetic material. This is why transformers and many electromagnetic induction devices employ ferromagnetic cores to boost efficiency.

Electromagnetic induction finds application in a myriad of modern technologies. Transformers, which play a crucial role in power distribution, are based on induction principles. Induction cooktops heat pots and pans by producing an oscillating magnetic field. Wireless charging pads for smartphones and other devices also harness electromagnetic induction, where a coil in the pad produces a changing magnetic field, inducing a voltage in the receiving device. Furthermore, electric toothbrush charging stations, metal detectors, and even some types of electric guitars employ the principles of electromagnetic induction for their functioning.

During electromagnetic induction, energy isn't created from nothing; it's transformed. When a magnet moves near a coil, it's the mechanical energy of the moving magnet that gets converted into electrical energy in the form of induced EMF. The resistance to this motion, due to the induced current (explained by Lenz's law), ensures that you can't obtain infinite energy. It's a perfect testament to the law of conservation of energy. For instance, in generators, the mechanical energy used to turn the rotor is converted to electrical energy. Energy remains conserved; it merely changes its manifestation from one form to another.

Practice Questions

A coil with 200 turns is placed in a magnetic field. The magnetic flux linked with the coil decreases at a rate of 0.02 Wb/s. Calculate the magnitude of the induced EMF in the coil and state the principle that helps determine its direction.

The magnitude of the induced EMF can be calculated using Faraday's law: E = -N (ΔΦ/Δt). Plugging in the given values, we have:

E = 200 x 0.02 = 4 V.

Hence, the magnitude of the induced EMF is 4 volts. The direction of the induced EMF is determined using Lenz's Law. It states that the direction of the induced current or EMF will always be such that it opposes the change in magnetic flux that produced it. In this case, since the magnetic flux is decreasing, the induced EMF will act in a direction to try and increase it.

A generator's rotor rotates faster, doubling its previous speed. Describe qualitatively the effect on the induced EMF and explain using the principles of electromagnetic induction.

When the rotor's speed doubles, the rate at which it cuts the magnetic field lines (or the rate of change of magnetic flux) also doubles. According to Faraday's law, the induced EMF (E) is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil. Thus, if the rate of change of magnetic flux doubles, the induced EMF will also double. In simpler terms, the generator will produce twice the voltage than it did previously. This relationship showcases the foundational principle of electromagnetic induction, where the EMF induced in a loop or coil is intrinsically linked to how quickly its magnetic environment is altered.

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