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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.4.2 Magnetic Field due to Current

The intricate dance of electricity and magnetism unravels in the study of magnetic fields generated by electric currents. Understanding the magnetic field due to current-carrying conductors, solenoids, and coils is a pivotal step in comprehending the profound connection between these two fundamental forces.

Current-Carrying Conductor

At the heart of magnetic fields lies the interaction between electric currents and charged particles. A current flowing through a conductor generates a magnetic field that encircles the conductor.

  • Direction of the Magnetic Field: To envision the magnetic field direction, the right-hand grip rule comes into play. When you hold the conductor with your right hand, your fingers represent the magnetic field lines encircling it, and your thumb indicates the current's direction.
  • Magnitude of the Magnetic Field: The strength of the magnetic field (B) around a straight current-carrying conductor can be determined using Ampere's law. For a long conductor, the formula is as follows:
    • B = (mu0 * I) / (2 * pi * r)
    • Where:
      • B is the magnetic field strength.
      • mu0 represents the permeability of free space.
      • I is the current.
      • r is the distance from the conductor.


Expanding our exploration, we encounter the solenoid—an assembly of tightly wound wire loops that offers a deeper understanding of magnetic fields.

  • Direction of the Magnetic Field: Employing the right-hand grip rule, the direction of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is ascertained. By pointing your fingers in the current's direction, your thumb aligns with the field lines.
  • Magnitude and Uniformity: Unlike a single loop of wire, a solenoid's multiple turns generate a stronger, more uniform magnetic field. The field strength within an ideal solenoid is defined by:
    • B = mu0 * n * I
    • Where:
      • n denotes the number of turns per unit length.
  • Solenoid Core: The addition of a ferromagnetic core, such as iron, transforms a solenoid into an electromagnet. This enhancement results in an incredibly potent magnetic field due to the amplification provided by the core's high magnetic permeability.


Delving further into magnetic fields due to currents, we encounter the coil—a circular arrangement of wire with fascinating properties.

  • Direction of the Magnetic Field: When dealing with a coil, a modified right-hand grip rule comes into play. Point your fingers in the direction of the current flow, and your thumb showcases the magnetic field emerging from the loop's centre.
  • Magnitude of the Magnetic Field: Similar to solenoids, the magnetic field strength of a coil intensifies with the number of turns it possesses. More turns translate to a more potent field for a given current.
  • Magnetic Field Patterns: Visualizing the magnetic field of a coil, one observes concentric circles forming around the wire. As you approach the centre, these circles amalgamate to create a more uniform field.

Interplay between Electricity & Magnetism

Magnetic fields stemming from electric currents serve as the bridge between the realms of electricity and magnetism. This profound interplay fuels various applications that shape our technological landscape:

  • Motors: These devices transform the energy of electric currents and magnetic fields into mechanical motion, powering everything from household appliances to industrial machinery.
  • Transformers: By exploiting the changing magnetic fields in coils, transformers efficiently modify voltage levels, enabling the distribution of electrical energy over vast distances.
  • Magnetic Levitation: Employing the principles of magnetic fields, objects can be suspended or propelled without direct contact with surfaces, a phenomenon central to magnetic levitation trains and advanced transportation systems.


The strength of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid is directly proportional to the current passing through it. Increasing the current results in a stronger magnetic field, while decreasing the current weakens it. This relationship is described by Ampere's law, which states that the magnetic field strength is proportional to the current enclosed by the loop of the solenoid. Therefore, manipulating the current is an effective way to control the intensity of the magnetic field generated by a solenoid.

The length and number of turns of a solenoid play a crucial role in determining its magnetic field characteristics. Increasing the number of turns while keeping the length constant strengthens the magnetic field along the solenoid's axis. Similarly, decreasing the length while maintaining the number of turns also intensifies the field. This demonstrates the proportional relationship between the magnetic field strength and both the number of turns and the current enclosed by the solenoid. Thus, adjusting these parameters allows for fine-tuning the magnetic field's properties according to specific applications.

The magnetic field generated by a coil, which consists of a single loop of wire, is less uniform compared to that of a solenoid. A solenoid, a tightly wound coil with multiple loops, produces a more uniform and concentrated magnetic field along its axis when current flows through it. This is due to the cumulative effect of the magnetic fields produced by each loop in a solenoid, resulting in stronger and more consistent field lines along the solenoid's length.

The relationship between the current direction and the magnetic field direction in a current-carrying conductor is governed by the right-hand grip rule. When you point your thumb in the direction of the electric current, your curled fingers indicate the direction of the magnetic field lines encircling the conductor. This rule helps establish the connection between the current flow and the magnetic field orientation around the conductor.

When a ferromagnetic core is introduced into a solenoid, the magnetic field strength of the solenoid significantly increases. The ferromagnetic material, with its high permeability, enhances the magnetic flux density by concentrating the magnetic field lines. This effect intensifies the overall magnetic field produced by the solenoid. The core essentially acts as a magnetic amplifier, allowing the solenoid to function as a powerful electromagnet. This principle is utilized in devices like transformers, where the core's presence boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of the magnetic coupling between coils.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of the right-hand grip rule and how it is used to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. Provide an example scenario where this rule is applied.

The right-hand grip rule is a visual tool that aids in determining the direction of the magnetic field generated by a current-carrying conductor. When the thumb points in the direction of the current flow, the curled fingers represent the magnetic field's circular path. For instance, if we have a horizontal wire carrying current from left to right, placing your right hand above the wire with the thumb pointing right results in the fingers curling around the wire in a clockwise direction. This indicates that the magnetic field forms circular lines encircling the wire in a clockwise pattern.

Describe the difference between a solenoid and a coil in terms of their magnetic field generation. How does the addition of a ferromagnetic core impact the magnetic field of a solenoid?

A solenoid is an extended coil made of multiple loops, generating a uniform magnetic field along its axis when an electric current flows through it. A coil, on the other hand, is a single loop of wire that also produces a magnetic field, albeit less uniform due to its circular shape.

The addition of a ferromagnetic core to a solenoid significantly amplifies its magnetic field strength. This core enhances the magnetic flux density by concentrating the field lines, resulting in a more potent and efficient magnetic field. The high permeability of the ferromagnetic material multiplies the magnetic effect, making the solenoid function as a powerful electromagnet. This principle is crucial for applications such as transformers and magnetic locks.

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