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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.2.1 Universal Law of Gravitation

Sir Isaac Newton’s monumental law of universal gravitation fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe. It elucidated the invisible force drawing objects together – gravity. This law, its components, and overarching implications are explored in detail here.

Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation

In the 17th century, Newton proposed a groundbreaking idea: every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle. This attraction's strength is determined by two main factors: the mass of the objects and the distance between them.

F = G (m1 * m2) / r2


  • F represents the gravitational force between two objects.
  • G stands for the gravitational constant, a value that measures the strength of gravity.
  • m1 and m2 are the respective masses of the two interacting objects.
  • r signifies the distance between the centres of the two masses.

The Significance of Each Component

1. Gravitational Force (F): This is the outcome, the force with which two objects attract each other. It's essential to note that this force is mutual and acts along the line joining the centres of the two masses.

2. Masses (m1 and m2): The more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull. This is why celestial bodies, like the Sun, have a dominant gravitational influence on surrounding objects.

3. Distance (r): Distance plays a pivotal role. As objects move apart, their mutual gravitational attraction decreases exponentially. This factor explains why astronauts experience weightlessness in space, far from Earth’s surface.

Gravitational Constant (G)

The gravitational constant is fundamental in gravitational calculations. Represented as G, this constant quantifies the strength of the gravitational force. Its value is approximately:

G = 6.674 × 10-11 N(m2)/kg2

Although the gravitational force is incredibly weak when compared to other forces like electromagnetism, its omnipresence makes it the primary force on astronomical scales.

Implications of the Gravitational Constant

1. Cosmic Scale Influence: At large scales, gravity is the reigning force. It dictates the motion of planets around stars, stars within galaxies, and galaxies within clusters.

2. Formation of Celestial Bodies: The gravitational constant is key in understanding star formation, where interstellar gas clouds collapse under their gravity, leading to star birth.

3. Impact on Time: Gravity can also affect time. In realms of extreme gravity, like near black holes, time can appear to slow down, a phenomenon predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity.

Implications of Newton's Law

1. Universality: One of the groundbreaking facets of Newton's law is its universality. From an apple falling to the ground to the motion of distant galaxies, the same principles apply.

2. Determining Planetary Movement: The predictable nature of gravitational interactions, thanks to Newton's law, allowed for the precise calculation of planetary orbits. This predictability was instrumental in confirming Neptune's existence, as its gravitational influence perturbed Uranus's orbit.

3. Tides and Oceanic Behaviour: The gravitational pull exerted by the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun causes Earth's tides. Understanding this gravitational dance is crucial for maritime navigation and coastal planning.

4. Dependence on Distance and Mass: Earth's gravity keeps us anchored and governs the trajectory of thrown objects. On the moon, with its reduced gravity due to less mass, astronauts could jump much higher than on Earth.

To explore how gravity affects the movement of objects in a curved path, consider reading about Centripetal Force.

Inverse-Square Nature of Gravitation

The inverse-square law is a crucial aspect of gravitation. As the name suggests, if the distance between two objects is doubled, the gravitational force decreases to a quarter of its original value.

This rapid dilution of gravitational strength with increasing distance has essential implications:

1. Spatial Arrangement of Celestial Bodies: Stars within a galaxy or planets around a star don't just drift away because the decrease in gravitational strength with distance ensures they remain bound, provided they don't exceed a specific velocity.

2. Gravitational Binding: The strength and nature of the inverse-square law ensure that celestial structures, like galaxies, remain bound together, with outer stars not just wandering off into the cosmic void.

3. Stability of Planetary Orbits: Planets, like Earth, remain in stable orbits around their stars. The balance between their motion and the gravitational pull ensures they neither crash into the sun nor drift away into space.

For further understanding of gravitational influences on planetary and satellite motion, see Kepler's Laws and the intricacies of Satellites and Orbits. Delve deeper into the concept of gravitational fields with Gravitational Field and Gravitational Potential.


Gravity does act between all objects with mass, but its strength is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In daily life, most objects we encounter have relatively small masses compared to celestial bodies like the Earth. The gravitational force between two everyday objects, say between a book and a pen, is minuscule and practically undetectable. In contrast, Earth, with its enormous mass, exerts a gravitational force that is strong enough to be very noticeable, keeping everything anchored to its surface.

If the value of the gravitational constant, G, were to increase significantly, it would enhance the gravitational force between all objects with mass. Celestial bodies would experience stronger attractions, leading to changes in orbital motions of planets, stars, and galaxies. On Earth, everything would weigh more due to the increased gravitational force. This could lead to numerous catastrophic events, including potential planetary collisions and even the collapse of stars. Furthermore, the delicate balance of forces within atoms could be disrupted, affecting fundamental processes at the microscopic level.

The gravitational constant, G, was first measured by Henry Cavendish in 1797-98 using a torsion balance experiment. He used a horizontal bar suspended from a thin wire, with small lead spheres attached to each end. Large lead spheres were placed close to the smaller ones, and the gravitational attraction between them caused the bar to twist, rotating the wire. By measuring this twist and knowing the properties of the wire and the masses involved, Cavendish could determine the gravitational force between the masses and thus calculate the value of G. His experiment was incredibly precise for his time, and his value was very close to the currently accepted value.

The inverse-square law, given by F = G (m1 * m2) / r2, implies that as the distance between two masses increases, the gravitational force decreases rapidly. This ensures that planets farther from the Sun experience a weaker gravitational force than those closer to it. If gravity didn't decrease with the square of the distance, planets farther from the Sun might not have been captured into stable orbits. The law ensures that planets, regardless of their distance from the Sun, are in balance between the gravitational pull of the Sun and their inertial tendency to move in a straight line, resulting in stable, elliptical orbits.

Gravity, despite being the weakest force, has two distinct characteristics that make it the dominant force at astronomical scales. Firstly, it has an infinite range, which means that no matter how far two masses are from each other, they'll always exert a gravitational force on one another. Secondly, it is always attractive and cumulative, unlike electromagnetism where positive and negative charges can cancel each other out. Hence, on a cosmic scale, where you have massive bodies like planets, stars, and galaxies, the gravitational force becomes substantial, determining the motion and interaction of these celestial entities.

Practice Questions

A planet orbits a star. As the distance between the planet and the star doubles, how does the gravitational force between them change? Explain, using the universal law of gravitation.

The gravitational force between two objects is given by Newton's universal law of gravitation as F = G (m1 * m2) / r2, where r is the distance between the centres of the two objects. If the distance doubles, the new force F' becomes G (m1 * m2) / (2r)2 = G (m1 * m2) / 4r2. Thus, the gravitational force becomes a quarter of its original value. Essentially, due to the inverse-square relationship, when the distance doubles, the gravitational force decreases to one-fourth of what it originally was.

Describe the significance of the gravitational constant (G) in Newton's law of universal gravitation. How does its value reflect the nature of the gravitational force in comparison to other fundamental forces?

The gravitational constant, G, represents the strength of the gravitational interaction between two masses of 1 kilogram each, separated by a distance of 1 metre. Its value is approximately 6.674 × 10-11 N(m2)/kg2, which is exceedingly small. This small value of G highlights that the gravitational force is incredibly weak compared to other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism. For example, the electromagnetic force between two electrons is vastly stronger than the gravitational attraction between them. However, due to its universal nature and its cumulative effect over large masses, like planets and stars, gravity becomes a dominant force at astronomical scales.

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