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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.2.2 Gravitational Field

Gravitational fields encapsulate the invisible realms around any mass where another mass experiences the tug of gravity. This captivating concept is quintessential in understanding the dance between astronomical bodies and the everyday phenomena on our planet.

Defining the Gravitational Field

Every bit of matter, regardless of its size, emits a gravitational field. The vastness of this field isn't restricted by spatial confines, even though its force wanes with distance. For a deeper dive into this concept, explore the Universal Law of Gravitation.

  • Nature of the Field: The gravitational field is persistently alluring. Unlike some forces that can repel or attract, gravity solely lures objects closer, always seeking to unite different masses.

Gravitational Field Strength (g)

A fundamental measure in this domain, the gravitational field strength provides insights into the force a test mass would face in the field when weighed against its own mass.

  • Formula Unveiled: Represented usually by the symbol 'g', the gravitational field strength borne from a point mass (M) at a stipulated distance (r) is deciphered as: g = G*M/r2. The gravitational constant, denoted by G, is a minuscule yet vital number: 6.674 × 10-11 N(m2)/kg2. To understand similar concepts in another domain, consider the Electric Field Strength.
  • Direction's Role: A constant theme in gravity's tale is its unidirectional force. The gravitational field strength always aims for the heart, or the core, of the mass igniting the field.
  • Dance with Distance: The equation gives away a captivating relationship. As the distance doubles, the gravitational force doesn't merely halve but diminishes by a factor of four. This inverse-square relation ensures that while the gravitational field stretches infinitely, its tangible effects fade rapidly with growing distance. For a comparative look, see the principles of Gravitational Potential.

Analysing Gravitational Fields of Majestic Bodies

Gazing at celestial giants, like planets and stars, one realises that the gravitational narrative gets richer and more nuanced:

  • Outside the Celestial Body: The universe is vast, but for our calculations, the entire mass of a spherically uniform body can be treated as if it's a dot at its centre. Thus, even in this vastness, our formula g = G*M/r2 stands resilient. To understand the laws governing these interactions, refer to Kepler's Laws.
  • Surface Tales: When you're grounded, quite literally, 'r' is the planet's radius. This consistency gives our Earth a near-constant gravitational pull, ensuring we feel a force of approximately 9.81 m/s2.
  • Inward Bound: Venturing inside a spherical body, the gravitational pull isn't constant. As one draws closer to the core, the gravitational field strength reduces linearly. At the centre, amidst the heart of the mass, gravitational pull dissipates, as the surrounding mass exerts balanced forces in every direction.

Visualising Through Gravitational Field Lines

To truly grasp the gravitational field's essence, one can envision it using field lines:

  • The Directional Tale: The field lines, like arrows, guide towards the mass generating this gravitational realm. A test mass, if introduced, would trace its path along these lines, revealing gravity's pull. These lines are conceptually similar to Electric Potential Equipotentials.
  • Speaking Through Density: The gravitational narrative is also told through the density of these field lines. A denser congregation of lines indicates a stronger gravitational force. As one steps back and distance grows, the lines spread out, signifying a gentler gravitational whisper.

A Comparative Gaze: Gravitational vs Electric Fields

Drawing parallels between gravitational and electric fields can enrich our understanding:

  • Shared Narratives: Both these realms spring from inherent properties: mass births gravity and charge begets electricity. Their strength's relation to distance is strikingly similar, adhering to the inverse-square law.
  • Distinct Tales: The narratives diverge in their nature. Gravity's song is singular, always attracting. In contrast, electric fields can both beckon and repel, making them a duet of forces, dependent on the charges in play.

Gravitational Fields in the Canvas of Modern Physics

Far from being mere textbook concepts, gravitational fields play pivotal roles in contemporary realms:

  • Stellar Missions: Plotting a spacecraft's trajectory, especially when seeking to harness the gravitational pull of planets for propulsion (gravity-assist manoeuvres), demands a profound grasp of gravitational fields.
  • GPS Narratives: Earth's gravitational pull also tugs at the fabric of time. Satellites powering our GPS systems experience this through time dilation, a phenomenon birthed from Einstein's relativity theory. Ensuring GPS accuracy necessitates adjustments for this subtle time warp.
  • Astrophysical Mysteries: Cosmic phenomena, such as light bending around colossal bodies (gravitational lensing), unravel when one delves deep into gravitational fields enveloping stars and galaxies.


Gravitational field lines are imaginary lines that give a visual representation of the direction and strength of a gravitational field. The direction of the line indicates the direction of the force a mass would experience (always towards the source mass), while the density or closeness of the lines indicates the strength of the field. It's a useful tool in visualising how masses influence the space around them and predicting how other masses would be affected in that field.

Astronauts in space, for instance on the International Space Station, are often said to be in "zero gravity" or "weightlessness". However, this isn't because there's no gravity in space. In fact, the gravitational field strength at the altitude of the ISS is roughly 90% of what it is on the Earth's surface. Astronauts feel weightless because they and the ISS are in free fall towards Earth, but they're also moving forward fast enough that they keep missing Earth. This condition of continuous free fall gives the sensation of weightlessness, even though gravity is still at play.

For distances far from an object, the specific shape doesn't significantly affect the gravitational field, and it appears as if all the object's mass is concentrated at its centre of mass. This is why planets, asteroids, and stars, regardless of their exact shapes, can be treated as point masses when considering distant gravitational interactions. However, close to irregularly shaped bodies, there can be variations in gravitational field strength due to the uneven distribution of mass.

As one moves further away from the centre of the Earth (i.e., increases altitude), the gravitational field strength decreases, but not dramatically over short distances. This is due to the inverse-square nature of gravitational force. For instance, at the altitude of a commercial jet or even Mount Everest, the decrease is only a small fraction. However, at the altitude of satellites and space stations, the decrease becomes more noticeable, though gravity is still significantly present.

Gravitational force is the actual force exerted by an object due to its mass, attracting other masses towards it. It's a direct interaction between two masses. On the other hand, the gravitational field represents the space around a mass where another object would experience this gravitational force. It provides a way to describe how a mass influences the space around it, so if another object enters this space, we can predict the gravitational force it would experience based on the gravitational field strength at that location.

Practice Questions

How does the gravitational field strength vary as one approaches the centre of a uniformly dense spherical planet? Explain your answer with respect to the direction and magnitude of the force.

The gravitational field strength within a uniformly dense spherical planet decreases linearly as one moves from the surface towards the centre. At the planet's surface, the gravitational field strength is at its maximum because all of the planet's mass is exerting a gravitational pull on an object. However, as one ventures inwards, less mass is encompassed within the radial distance, and thus, less mass contributes to the gravitational attraction. At the centre, the gravitational field strength is zero because the forces from all directions cancel out, resulting in no net gravitational force.

Why do the gravitational field lines of an object always point towards its centre, and how does the density of these lines relate to the strength of the gravitational field?

Gravitational field lines always point towards the centre of an object because gravity is a centrally attractive force. The force always acts to pull objects towards the core or centre of mass of the object producing the field. The density of the gravitational field lines represents the strength of the gravitational field. A region with denser field lines indicates a stronger gravitational field, meaning a test mass placed in that region would experience a greater gravitational force. Conversely, sparser field lines signify a weaker gravitational field, with a correspondingly reduced force acting on a test mass.

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