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IB DP Physics Study Notes

6.2.5 Satellites and Orbits

Satellites, whether natural like moons or man-made, play a pivotal role in modern technology and space exploration. Their behaviour and motion are primarily governed by gravitational forces, but understanding the specifics of their orbits and associated energies reveals fascinating intricacies. Dive deep into the realms of satellites and orbits to grasp the underlying physics.

Satellite Motion Fundamentals

  • Centripetal Force: Every satellite in orbit around Earth is essentially in free fall. It's constantly being pulled towards the Earth, but because of its tangential speed, it keeps missing the Earth. This delicate balance ensures that the satellite remains in its orbit. To understand more about the forces involved, see the fundamentals of centripetal force.
  • Velocity: This is the key to achieving and maintaining an orbit. Too slow, and the satellite will crash into Earth. Too fast, and it might escape Earth's gravitational pull.
  • Orbital Decay: No orbit is truly stable. Due to factors like atmospheric drag, especially prevalent in low Earth orbits, satellites can experience a reduction in altitude over time, termed as 'orbital decay'.

Types of Orbits

1. Geostationary Orbits (GEO)

  • Altitude: Situated at approximately 35,786 km above Earth's equator.
  • Characteristics:
    • Duration: Completes its full orbit in 24 hours, synchronised with Earth's rotation.
    • Position: Appears stationary when observed from the Earth, hence the name.
    • Uses: Mostly used for communication and weather monitoring purposes since they provide consistent coverage over a specific area.
    • Limitations: Limited to a plane directly above the equator.

2. Geosynchronous Orbits

  • Altitude: Can vary but has a period of 24 hours, similar to GEO.
  • Characteristics:
    • Duration: Although it completes one orbit in 24 hours, its inclination might be different from the equatorial plane.
    • Path: Can be slightly tilted or even elliptical.
    • Uses: Offers benefits similar to GEO but with varying latitudinal positions throughout the day.

3. Polar Orbits

  • Altitude: Varies, but is generally much lower than geostationary orbits.
  • Characteristics:
    • Path: These orbits take satellites over the poles during their revolution.
    • Duration: A full orbit can range from 90 to 120 minutes.
    • Coverage: Allows the satellite to observe almost every part of Earth's surface over time.
    • Uses: Widely used for Earth observation, reconnaissance, and some communication setups.

4. Sun-synchronous Orbits (SSO)

  • Characteristics:
    • Path: Designed to keep a consistent angle between the satellite, Earth, and the Sun.
    • Coverage: These orbits allow a satellite to pass over a particular portion of Earth at the same local solar time, ensuring consistent lighting conditions, which is vital for certain types of remote sensing.

5. Molniya Orbits

  • Characteristics:
    • Path: Highly elliptical orbits with high inclinations, ensuring prolonged periods over certain high-latitude areas.
    • Uses: Primarily used by Russian communication satellites to provide coverage over the far northern regions.

Energy and Speed in Orbits

Orbital Speed

  • Dependence: Orbital speed depends heavily on its altitude from Earth.
  • Lower Orbits: Require faster speeds, for example, the International Space Station orbits at around 7.66 km/s. This speed is essential due to the principles of circular motion.
  • Higher Orbits: At higher altitudes, the gravitational force weakens, necessitating slower orbital speeds. Geostationary satellites hover around speeds of 3.07 km/s.

Orbital Energy

  • Kinetic Energy: It's directly proportional to the square of the satellite's speed. The faster a satellite moves, the more kinetic energy it possesses.
  • Potential Energy: This relates to the satellite's position. Closer to Earth, the potential energy is more negative. As the satellite moves farther away, the potential energy becomes less negative but is always negative in bounded orbits.
  • Conservation: In the absence of significant external forces, the total mechanical energy (kinetic + potential) of a satellite remains constant.

Influence of External Factors

1. Solar Radiation: Photons emitted from the sun exert a force on satellites, which can, over time, impact the satellite's orbit. This becomes especially relevant for satellites without regular station-keeping.

2. Moon's Gravitation: The gravitational influence from the Moon can cause slight perturbations in satellite orbits, especially if they're in high Earth orbits. These perturbations relate to the universal law of gravitation.

3. Earth's Shape: Earth isn't a perfect sphere; it bulges at the equator. This oblateness can affect satellite orbits, especially those in low Earth orbits. The gravitational field around Earth varies slightly due to this shape.

4. Space Debris: With the increasing number of satellites, space debris has become a significant concern. Collisions or near misses can alter a satellite's intended orbit.

5. Magnetic and Electric Effects: Earth's magnetic field and charged particles in the ionosphere can influence satellites, especially those in lower orbits.

Understanding these dynamics can also be enriched by exploring Kepler's laws, which describe planetary motion and apply to satellite orbits.


Satellites in lower orbits, especially those in low Earth orbit (LEO), are subject to increased atmospheric drag due to the remnants of Earth's atmosphere in these altitudes. This drag slows the satellite down over time, requiring periodic boosts to maintain the correct altitude and speed. Additionally, these orbits have a higher likelihood of space debris encounters, which can pose collision risks. Both these factors can lead to increased maintenance requirements and can limit the operational lifetime of satellites in lower orbits compared to those in higher orbits.

The orbital radius, or distance from the centre of the Earth to the satellite, plays a crucial role in determining the satellite's energy. The total energy of a satellite in orbit is the sum of its kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. A satellite closer to Earth (smaller orbital radius) will have higher kinetic energy due to its increased speed but more negative gravitational potential energy. Conversely, as the orbital radius increases, kinetic energy decreases, but the gravitational potential energy becomes less negative. The balance of these energies is essential for maintaining stable orbits.

A sun-synchronous orbit is a type of near-polar orbit where the satellite passes over any given point on Earth's surface at roughly the same local solar time. This is achieved by having a specific inclination that takes advantage of Earth's slight axial precession. It's beneficial for imaging, reconnaissance, and weather satellites because it allows for consistent lighting conditions for observations. While both polar and sun-synchronous orbits cross over the poles, the distinction is in the consistent timing with respect to the sun that sun-synchronous orbits maintain.

The speed of a satellite in orbit is primarily determined by the balance between gravitational force and centripetal force required to keep the satellite in its orbit. The closer a satellite is to Earth, the greater the gravitational force it experiences. To counteract this force and remain in orbit, the satellite must travel at a faster speed. Consequently, satellites in lower orbits travel faster than those in higher orbits. For instance, satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) have much higher speeds than those in geostationary or geosynchronous orbits.

Geostationary orbits are highly preferred for communication satellites because they remain fixed relative to a point on Earth's surface. This constant position in the sky means that ground-based satellite dishes can be statically aimed at the satellite without the need to move or adjust their position. This makes communication more reliable and straightforward. Additionally, because of the fixed nature of these satellites, they provide consistent coverage over a specific region, making them particularly valuable for telecommunication, broadcasting, and internet services over large areas such as continents.

Practice Questions

How do geostationary and geosynchronous orbits differ in terms of their inclination and application?

Geostationary orbits (GEO) are a specific type of geosynchronous orbit. Both have an orbital period of 24 hours, which means they revolve around the Earth once every day. However, the key distinction lies in their inclination. A geostationary orbit has zero inclination relative to Earth's equatorial plane, resulting in the satellite appearing stationary when observed from Earth. This fixed position makes them ideal for communication and weather monitoring. On the other hand, geosynchronous orbits can have varying inclinations, allowing the satellite's position to shift, but they still complete one orbit in 24 hours. This variability can be advantageous in certain applications like reconnaissance.

Describe how the gravitational potential energy of a satellite changes as it moves from a lower orbit to a higher orbit.

The gravitational potential energy (GPE) of a satellite is given by the negative of the product of the gravitational constant, the mass of the Earth, and the satellite's mass, divided by the satellite's distance from the centre of the Earth. As the satellite moves from a lower to a higher orbit, its distance from Earth's centre increases. As a result, the magnitude of the gravitational potential energy (which is negative) decreases, meaning it becomes less negative or closer to zero. In essence, as the satellite ascends to a higher altitude, its gravitational potential energy becomes less negative, indicating a gain in potential energy.

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