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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.1.1 Atomic Energy Levels

Atomic energy levels encapsulate the essence of quantum physics, providing a framework to comprehend how electrons are situated in fixed energy states within an atom. These levels significantly influence the atomic structure and its subsequent interactions.

Electron Transitions

Within an atom, electrons are not afforded a seamless range of energy; instead, they are constrained to specific, distinct energy levels. The shift of electrons between these states leads to either the absorption or release of energy in the form of photons.

  • Absorption: For an electron to transition from a lower to a higher energy level, it requires energy, typically derived from light. This specific energy corresponds to a precise wavelength of light. When this light is absorbed, it produces what's termed as absorption lines in a spectrum. This phenomenon can be perceived when specific colours or wavelengths are removed from white light as it passes through a medium, leading to a spectral line at that colour's position.
  • Emission: When an electron makes the leap from a higher to a lower energy level, it emits energy. This energy, dispensed as light, aligns with a unique wavelength. When viewed on a spectrum, these are referred to as emission lines, representing the energies released.

For a deeper understanding of the interactions between photons and electrons, see Photoelectric Effect Basics.

Photon Emission and Absorption

Photons, being the elementary particles of all types of electromagnetic radiation, are integral to the process of electron transitions.

  • Photon Emission: This event arises when an electron shifts from a higher energy state to a lesser one. The energy difference between these states dictates the photon's energy, and by extension, its wavelength. The relation can be expressed as E = hf, with 'h' symbolising Planck's constant and 'f' being the photon's frequency. The emitted photons, dependent on their energy, can range from gamma rays (high energy) to radio waves (low energy).
  • Photon Absorption: An electron, upon encountering an incoming photon with energy mirroring the difference between its current and a higher level, can absorb the photon. This results in the electron's elevation to the upper level. However, if the photon's energy is incompatible with the transition, it is left unabsorbed, allowing it to traverse the atom unhindered.

The mathematical expressions governing these interactions are detailed in the Photoelectric Equations.

The Bohr Model

Niels Bohr's atomic model, revolutionary for its time, was the inaugural model to embed quantum theory, laying the foundation for our rudimentary understanding of atomic energy levels.

  • Fundamental Postulates of the Bohr Model:
    • Electrons orbit the nucleus in distinct, defined orbits.
    • Only specific orbits, each associated with a distinct energy, are permissible.
    • Radiation, be it emitted or absorbed, materialises solely when an electron hops from one orbit to another.
  • Accolades of the Bohr Model:
    • It shed light on the spectral lines of hydrogen, a mystery till then.
    • Bohr's model initiated the discourse on quantised energy levels, a revolutionary concept.
    • It effectively expounded the intrinsic stability of atomic structures.

The concept of binding energy is closely related to these quantised energy levels.

Limitations of the Bohr Model

Though the Bohr model was groundbreaking, it wasn't devoid of flaws:

1. Exclusivity for Hydrogen: The model's precision was limited to the behaviour of electrons in hydrogen atoms. Its predictions faltered when extended to atoms with multiple electrons or ions.

2. Ambiguity of Orbit Shapes: The model failed to demystify the configurations of intricate orbits or provide a rationale for the predilection of certain orbits over others.

3. Overlooking Electron Spin: Subsequent discoveries unveiled electron spin, an integral characteristic which Bohr's model didn't account for.

4. Contradicting Uncertainty Principle: Bohr's conceptualisation stood in direct opposition to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This principle posits the impossibility of concurrently pinpointing the position and momentum of an electron with absolute certainty.

5. Inability to Account for the Zeeman Effect: Another lacuna in the Bohr model was its incapability to elucidate the Zeeman effect. This phenomenon sees spectral lines bifurcating when exposed to a magnetic field, a situation the Bohr model couldn't comprehend.

Further insights into related phenomena can be explored in the Radioactive Decay Law and the principles of Pair Production.


The relationship between the energy of emitted photons and the difference in atomic energy levels is direct and linear. Specifically, when an electron transitions from a higher to a lower energy level (orbit), it releases energy. This energy manifests as a photon, and its magnitude equates to the difference in energy between the two levels. The formula: E = E(final) - E(initial) encapsulates this. Additionally, this energy difference can be related to the photon's frequency via Planck's equation, E = hf, where h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon.

Electron transitions within an atom dictate the energy of the emitted or absorbed photon, which in turn determines its wavelength and, consequently, its colour in the visible spectrum. For instance, transitions involving a large energy difference produce photons in the blue-violet end of the spectrum, as these colours correspond to shorter wavelengths and higher energies. In contrast, transitions with smaller energy differences result in photons in the red-orange end, associated with longer wavelengths and lower energies. Thus, the colour of the emitted light serves as an indirect measure of the energy difference between the initial and final states of the electron.

Certainly, while the Bohr model was groundbreaking in its time, subsequent advancements in quantum mechanics led to more sophisticated atomic models. Bohr's model struggled to accurately predict spectral lines for multi-electron atoms. Enter quantum mechanics and the wave-particle duality concept. Electrons were no longer seen as particles in fixed orbits but rather as wave-like entities described by probability clouds, termed orbitals. The quantum mechanical model, guided by the Schrödinger equation, offers a more nuanced view, considering the probabilistic nature of electron positions. This model provides a richer, more detailed understanding of electron behaviour, atomic structure, and atomic interactions than the Bohr model.

The Bohr model holds particular significance for the hydrogen atom due to its innate simplicity which mirrors the composition of hydrogen. The model posits a nucleus with electrons revolving around it in specific, quantised orbits. In the case of hydrogen, which has only one electron, the Bohr model adequately explains the observed spectral lines, capturing the transitions of this lone electron between energy levels. As these transitions occur, the electron emits or absorbs energy in the form of photons, which correspond to the spectral lines of hydrogen. The model's predictions closely align with experimental observations for hydrogen. However, for atoms with multiple electrons, the model's accuracy wanes due to the complexities introduced by electron-electron interactions, which Bohr's model fails to accommodate.

Continuous and line spectra provide different types of information about atomic and molecular structures. Continuous spectra are produced when white light, containing all possible wavelengths, passes through a prism. This results in a continuous range of colours, from violet to red, without any distinct gaps. Conversely, line spectra are characteristic of individual elements. When atoms are excited, their electrons jump to higher energy levels. Upon returning to their original or lower levels, they emit photons with specific energies, producing distinct lines. Emission line spectra show these lines against a dark backdrop, indicating wavelengths emitted by the atom. Absorption line spectra, on the other hand, display dark lines against a continuous background, representing specific wavelengths absorbed by the atom.

Practice Questions

Describe how the Bohr model of the atom explains the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom. Also, identify one major limitation of the Bohr model when it is applied to multi-electron atoms.

The Bohr model postulates that electrons revolve around the nucleus in distinct orbits, each with a specific energy. When an electron transitions between these orbits, it either emits or absorbs energy in the form of a photon, which corresponds to specific wavelengths of light. This phenomenon results in the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom. Each line corresponds to a specific electron transition between energy levels. However, a major limitation of the Bohr model when applied to multi-electron atoms is its inability to accurately predict their spectral lines or describe the more complex interactions between electrons in these atoms.

Based on the energy levels in atoms, explain the difference between photon emission and photon absorption. How does this relate to absorption and emission spectra?

Photon emission occurs when an electron in an atom transitions from a higher energy level to a lower one. This downward transition results in the release of energy in the form of a photon. Conversely, photon absorption transpires when an electron absorbs energy, usually from an incoming photon, prompting its shift from a lower energy level to a higher one. This phenomenon directly links to absorption and emission spectra. Absorption spectra manifest when specific wavelengths of light are absorbed by an atom, producing dark lines on a continuous spectrum. In contrast, emission spectra display bright lines on a dark background, representing the specific wavelengths of light emitted by the atom.

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