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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.1.4 Hazards and Uses of Radioactivity

Radioactivity holds a unique place in atomic and nuclear physics due to its simultaneous potential for both great benefit and significant harm. Here, we delve into the intricate balance of the dangers posed by radiation exposure and the indispensable benefits of radioactivity across multiple sectors.

Hazards of Radiation Exposure

The hazards associated with radiation arise from its ability to penetrate living tissues and ionise atoms within them. Understanding the full extent of these dangers is essential for safe handling and exposure minimisation.

1. Cellular Damage

  • Ionisation and Cellular Disruption: Radiation ionises atoms and molecules within cells, impairing their function. This ionisation can lead to mutated DNA sequences, potentially causing cells to function abnormally or grow uncontrollably.
  • DNA Mutations and Cancer: Prolonged exposure or high doses of radiation can induce mutations in DNA. These mutations are a foundational cause of cancers. For example, exposure to radon gas, a radioactive gas, has been linked to lung cancer.

2. Acute Radiation Sickness

  • What is it? Acute Radiation Sickness (ARS) occurs after exposure to a large radiation dose in a short time. It affects various body systems, primarily the bone marrow.
  • Symptoms and Progression: Early symptoms include nausea, fatigue, and vomiting. As it progresses, blood disorders, hair loss, burns, and severe dehydration can occur. High doses can lead to organ failure and death.

3. Long-term Health Implications

  • Chronic Health Conditions: Besides cancer, long-term radiation exposure can also lead to other health conditions, including cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and fertility issues.
  • Genetic Mutations: Radiation can cause genetic mutations that are passed on to subsequent generations, potentially leading to birth defects.

4. Environmental Concerns

  • Impact on Ecosystems: Radioactive contamination affects both land and aquatic ecosystems. It can impact plant growth, microbial communities, and disrupt the food chain.
  • Persistence in the Environment: Radioactive materials can persist in the environment for thousands to millions of years. Improper disposal can thus endanger countless future generations.

Uses of Radioactivity

While the hazards are real and significant, the applications of radioactivity have revolutionised various sectors, proving its indispensable value.

1. Medicine

a. Diagnostic Imaging

  • X-rays: By passing a controlled amount of X-ray radiation through the body and capturing what comes out on the other side, it’s possible to produce pictures of the inside of the body.
  • PET scans: Using a small amount of radioactive material and a special camera, PET scans help show how tissues and organs are functioning.

b. Radiotherapy

  • Treatment Principle: This involves using radiation to damage or kill cancer cells. While radiation damages both healthy and cancerous cells, the latter are less adept at repairing themselves.
  • Types: External beam radiotherapy uses machines to direct beams at cancerous sites, while brachytherapy involves placing radioactive sources inside or next to the tumour.

c. Sterilisation

Why Use Radiation?: Gamma rays can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, making it ideal for sterilising medical equipment without the need for heat or chemicals.

2. Industry

a. Radiotracers

  • Tracing Flow: Radiotracers, which emit radiation, can be added to liquids or gases to trace flow, detect leaks, or analyse corrosion in pipelines and tanks.
  • Safety Evaluations: They are also employed in studies to determine the paths and destinations of pollutants.

b. Material Analysis

  • Quality Control: Industrial gamma radiography helps ascertain the quality and integrity of manufactured products, such as ensuring the uniformity of concrete in construction projects.
  • Density and Thickness Measurements: Radioactive sources are employed to gauge material density or thickness accurately in industries like paper production or metal casting.

c. Power Generation

  • Nuclear Fission: Nuclear reactors harness the energy from the splitting of atoms – primarily uranium. This energy is then converted to electricity, offering a substantial carbon-neutral energy source.

3. Research

a. Dating Techniques

  • Carbon Dating: Using the known decay rate of carbon-14, scientists can determine the age of ancient organic materials, aiding archaeological and palaeontological research.
  • Other Radioactive Dating: Techniques like uranium-lead or potassium-argon dating help ascertain the age of rocks, providing insights into Earth's geological history.

b. Biological and Chemical Tracers

  • Metabolic Tracking: Radioactive isotopes help in understanding complex biological processes, such as tracking how plants utilise nutrients.
  • Studying Reactions: In chemistry, radioactive tracers aid in understanding reaction mechanisms and rates.

c. Fundamental Physics Research

  • Deep Insights: Particle accelerators and research reactors provide deeper insights into the nature of matter, the fundamental forces at play, and the origins of the universe.


Yes, there are. This is often referred to as background radiation. Natural sources include radon gas released from the Earth's crust, cosmic rays from space, and even potassium isotopes within our own bodies. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the very buildings we reside in can also be sources of background radiation. Generally, these exposure levels are low and are considered harmless. However, in certain locations where radon gas levels are elevated, there's a need to monitor and sometimes mitigate its presence due to associated health risks.

Radiologists take several precautions. Firstly, they use the minimal amount of radioisotope necessary to achieve the required image clarity, thus reducing exposure. Secondly, they employ shielding, like lead aprons, to protect patients and themselves from unnecessary exposure. Furthermore, the rooms used for procedures are often lined with protective materials to prevent radiation leakage. Additionally, both patients and technicians might wear badges that measure radiation exposure to ensure it stays within safe limits. Regular equipment checks and maintenance also ensure that machines operate correctly and safely.

Radiation affects biological cells by ionising or knocking off electrons from atoms and molecules within the cell. This process can directly damage DNA or indirectly produce reactive oxygen species, which can harm cell components, including DNA. Damaged DNA can lead to mutations. If the damage is severe, the cell can die. If the damaged cell divides without repairing its DNA, it can lead to cancerous growths. This is why exposure to significant levels of radiation is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Nuclear power is often referred to as 'clean' because it doesn't release greenhouse gases like fossil fuels do. However, the process of nuclear fission, which powers these plants, produces radioactive waste. Workers are at potential risk because exposure to this radioactivity can damage living tissue, potentially causing cancer or other health issues. Moreover, radioactive materials can remain hazardous for thousands of years, demanding secure and long-term storage solutions. Therefore, even though nuclear power has environmental benefits, it poses health risks, especially if safety protocols are not stringently followed.

Industries utilise radioisotopes in a variety of ways. For instance, they're used in gauging applications to measure the thickness of materials, like paper or metal sheets. In oil and gas exploration, radioactive materials help in well logging to discern layers in the Earth's crust. Additionally, they're used in food irradiation processes to kill pests and extend the shelf life of certain products. In archaeology, carbon dating, a radioactive technique, determines the age of ancient artefacts. The diverse properties of radioisotopes, such as their half-life and the type of radiation they emit, make them versatile tools across multiple industries.

Practice Questions

In the field of medicine, radioactive isotopes are commonly used for both diagnosis and treatment. Describe one method of diagnostic use and one method of therapeutic use of radioactivity in medicine.

In diagnostic medicine, a prevalent method utilising radioactivity is the PET scan. In a PET scan, a small amount of a radioactive substance, typically bound to a sugar molecule, is introduced into the body. As the sugar is consumed by cells, regions with higher metabolic activity, such as tumours, absorb more of the radioactive material. This activity is detected, providing a detailed image of the body's internal functioning, especially useful for detecting cancer.

For therapeutic purposes, radiotherapy stands out. In radiotherapy, targeted radiation doses are employed to damage or annihilate cancer cells. The principle is based on the understanding that while radiation affects both healthy and malignant cells, cancer cells are less efficient at repairing themselves. Thus, they are more susceptible to destruction, allowing for the targeted eradication of tumours while minimising harm to surrounding healthy tissues.

Describe the importance and method of radioactive dating in research, highlighting one specific technique.

Radioactive dating is pivotal in research as it provides a means to determine the age of ancient materials, offering insights into Earth's history and evolution. One prominent technique is carbon dating. Carbon dating is based on the decay of the radioactive isotope carbon-14. All living organisms contain carbon, and when they die, the carbon-14 begins to decay at a known rate. By comparing the amount of carbon-14 present in a sample to that expected from the atmosphere, researchers can deduce the time that has passed since the organism's death. This technique is particularly useful for dating ancient organic materials like wood, bone, and fabric, aiding significantly in archaeological and palaeontological studies.

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