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IB DP Physics Study Notes

7.1.2 Types of Radioactive Decay

Understanding the nature of radioactive decay is fundamental in the realm of nuclear physics. Among the diverse decay processes, four types stand out: alpha, beta-minus, beta-plus, and gamma decay. Each has its unique set of characteristics, effects, and detection methods, which we will explore in depth.

Alpha (α) Decay

Origin & Nature

  • Alpha decay is a nuclear process where an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle, comprising two protons and two neutrons, equivalent to a helium-4 nucleus.
  • This type of decay is common in heavy nuclei such as uranium and radium.


  • As a result of alpha decay, the parent nucleus loses two protons and two neutrons, resulting in a decrease in the atomic number by 2 and the mass number by 4.

Penetration Abilities:

  • Due to their relatively larger mass and a charge of +2, alpha particles possess limited penetration ability.
  • They can be stopped or absorbed by materials as thin as paper or even human skin.

Detection and Practical Application:

  • Alpha particles are detectable through their ionisation of air, using instruments like the ionisation chamber or cloud chamber.
  • Geiger-Muller (GM) counters, especially those with a thin window, are also adept at detecting these particles.
  • Their limited penetration ability has found application in smoke detectors, where they ionise air, making it conductive.

Beta-minus (β-) Decay

Origin & Nature

  • Beta-minus decay results when a neutron in an atom's nucleus is converted into a proton. In the process, an electron (beta particle) and an antineutrino are emitted.
  • Elements like carbon-14 undergo this decay, which is crucial in carbon dating techniques.


  • The conversion increases the atomic number by 1, representing a shift to the next element in the periodic table, but the mass number remains unchanged.

Penetration Abilities:

  • Beta-minus particles surpass alpha particles in penetration. However, they are halted by denser materials.
  • They can traverse through plastic or even glass but can be stopped by denser substances like a sheet of aluminium.

Detection and Practical Application:

  • Due to the ionising nature of beta particles, they induce flashes in a scintillation detector, which translates into their detection.
  • GM counters are particularly sensitive and can readily detect these particles.
  • Their ionising ability is harnessed in medical applications, like treating specific types of eye conditions.

Beta-plus (β+) Decay

Origin & Nature

  • Beta-plus decay is somewhat rarer and involves the transformation of a proton in a nucleus into a neutron, accompanied by the emission of a positron (electron's antimatter counterpart) and a neutrino.
  • Sodium-22 is an example of a nuclide that undergoes beta-plus decay.


  • The atomic number decreases by 1 due to this decay, but the mass number remains stationary.

Penetration Abilities:

  • Similar to beta-minus particles in their penetrative capabilities, beta-plus particles can negotiate their way through substances like plastic or glass.
  • However, thicker barriers, like metals, can obstruct them effectively.

Detection and Practical Application:

  • When positrons encounter electrons, they annihilate each other, producing gamma photons, which can be detected using instruments like scintillation detectors.
  • GM counters are also proficient in tracking these particles.
  • The annihilation event is a cornerstone of PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scans in medical imaging.

Gamma (γ) Decay

Origin & Nature

  • Gamma decay is a manifestation of the nucleus's transition from a higher energy state to a lower one, releasing excess energy in the form of high-energy photons, known as gamma rays.
  • This decay often accompanies other decay modes, serving as a way for the nucleus to rid itself of excess energy.


  • It's pivotal to note that gamma decay doesn't result in a change in atomic or mass number; it's purely an energy discharge.

Penetration Abilities:

  • Being highly energetic photons, gamma rays exhibit formidable penetration, eclipsing both alpha and beta particles.
  • To shield against gamma radiation, one requires dense materials like lead or several centimetres of concrete.

Detection and Practical Application:

  • Instruments like scintillation detectors, due to their heightened sensitivity, are commonplace for detecting gamma rays.
  • GM counters with thicker walls can discern gamma radiation, albeit less efficiently than scintillators.
  • Gamma radiation finds extensive applications in cancer treatments and sterilising medical equipment, showcasing its therapeutic and sanitising prowess.

Comparative Analysis of Radioactive Decay Types

To have a holistic understanding of radioactive decay, it's vital to juxtapose the various types:

1. Particle Mass: Alpha particles are the bulkiest, beta particles have almost negligible mass, and gamma rays lack mass altogether.

2. Charge: Alpha particles come with a +2 charge, beta-minus particles are -1, beta-plus are +1, while gamma rays are neutral.

3. Ionising Ability: The sequence here is alpha (most ionising), beta, and gamma (least ionising).

4. Penetration: Gamma rays are the most penetrative, beta particles follow, and alpha particles are the least penetrative.


When exposed to an electric or magnetic field, different types of radiation particles deviate due to their charge and mass. Alpha particles, being positively charged, are deflected in one direction, while beta particles, being negatively charged (for beta-minus) or positively charged (for beta-plus), deflect in opposite directions. Gamma radiation, being uncharged photons, remains unaffected and continues straight without deviation. The amount of deflection also provides insights into the mass of the particles, with heavier alpha particles deflecting less than lighter beta particles.

In beta-minus decay, a neutron changes into a proton, emitting an electron (beta particle) and an antineutrino. The antineutrino and the kinetic energy of the electron ensure energy conservation. In beta-plus decay, a proton is converted into a neutron, producing a positron and a neutrino. The emitted neutrino, along with the kinetic energy of the positron, balances the energy books. The presence of these neutrinos and antineutrinos not only ensures that energy is conserved but also addresses the conservation of lepton number in these processes.

Yes, an atom can undergo a series of radioactive decay processes. This sequence of decay events is termed a decay chain or decay series. In such chains, an unstable atom decays through a series of steps, each producing a different unstable daughter nuclide, until a stable nuclide is formed. For example, the decay chain of uranium-238 involves both alpha and beta-minus decays and ends in the formation of a stable lead isotope. Such chains illustrate the intricate nature of radioactive decay and how one type of decay can set the stage for another, leading ultimately to a stable end product.

Gamma radiation frequently follows alpha or beta decay because these decay processes can leave the resultant nucleus in an excited, high-energy state. This excited nucleus seeks to return to a lower, more stable energy state. To achieve this, it emits the excess energy in the form of gamma photons, which are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. This transition from a higher to a lower energy state via gamma emission ensures the nucleus attains a more stable configuration, and it doesn't alter the atomic or mass number of the atom.

Gamma radiation originates from the nucleus of an atom. It is an emission of energy in the form of gamma photons when an excited nucleus returns to a lower energy state. Unlike alpha and beta decay, gamma decay does not involve a change in the number of protons or neutrons within the nucleus, and hence there's no alteration in atomic or mass number. It's purely an energy discharge, with the nucleus transitioning from a higher to a lower energy state. Gamma radiation is highly penetrative and requires dense materials like lead or several centimetres of concrete for shielding.

Practice Questions

A heavy radioactive element undergoes decay and ejects a particle comprising two protons and two neutrons. Identify the type of decay, its impact on the atomic and mass number of the parent atom, and briefly discuss its penetrative ability and any safety precautions needed when handling materials emitting such particles.

In this decay process, the emitted particle with two protons and two neutrons is an alpha particle, signifying that the element has undergone alpha decay. Post alpha decay, the atomic number of the parent nucleus reduces by 2, and the mass number decreases by 4. Alpha particles, despite their relatively large mass and +2 charge, possess limited penetration ability. They can be halted by materials as light as paper or human skin. As a safety measure, wearing gloves and ensuring no direct skin contact can usually prevent any harmful exposure from alpha-emitting materials.

Differentiate between beta-minus and beta-plus decay in terms of their origin, the change they bring about in the atomic number, and their detection methods. Also, highlight a practical application of each.

Beta-minus decay occurs when a neutron in an unstable nucleus converts into a proton, leading to the emission of an electron (beta particle) and an antineutrino. This increases the atomic number of the nucleus by 1. On the other hand, in beta-plus decay, a proton in the nucleus transforms into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a positron and a neutrino. This decreases the atomic number by 1. Both types of beta particles can be detected using Geiger-Muller counters. Beta-minus decay plays a vital role in carbon dating, assisting in determining the age of ancient artefacts, while beta-plus decay's positron emission is foundational in medical imaging techniques like Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans.

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