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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.1.8 Hybridoma Cells and Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies, molecules with remarkable specificity, have redefined modern medicine and research. Central to their production are hybridoma cells. By exploring hybridoma technology and the consequential monoclonal antibodies, we unveil an exciting intersection of immunology and biotechnology.

Creation of Hybridoma Cells

Defining Hybridoma Cells:

  • Hybridoma cells are a marvel in immunological research. They're essentially the fusion product of two cells: an antibody-producing B cell and a myeloma (cancer) cell. This ingenious fusion procures the antibody production capability of B cells while harnessing the continuous growth characteristic of myeloma cells.

Step-by-step Creation of Hybridoma Cells:

  1. Antigen Administration: To start, an animal, typically a mouse, receives an injection of a specific antigen. This antigen stimulates the animal's immune system, prompting it to produce specific antibodies against it.
  2. Isolation of Spleen Cells: After an appropriate immune response, the animal's spleen — rich in B cells producing the desired antibody — is extracted and its cells are isolated.
  3. Preparation of Myeloma Cells: Concurrently, myeloma cells are cultured. These cells, derived from cancers of plasma cells, possess an invaluable trait: they can proliferate indefinitely.
  4. Cell Fusion: The extracted spleen cells and the myeloma cells are then co-cultured. A chemical agent, commonly polyethylene glycol (PEG), facilitates their fusion. The fusion spawns several types of cells, including the much-desired hybridomas.
  5. Selective Culturing: With a milieu of cells, selection becomes paramount. Hybridoma cells possess a unique survival advantage in HAT medium, enabling their exclusive growth and eliminating unfused cells.

Monoclonal Antibodies: Production and Significance

Defining Monoclonal Antibodies:

  • Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are identical antibody molecules derived from a single B cell lineage. These molecules can target and bind with extreme specificity to particular structures called antigens.

Journey from Hybridoma Cells to Monoclonal Antibodies:

  • Culture and Stimulation: Upon successful creation, hybridoma cells are provided optimal growth conditions, stimulating them to produce antibodies in abundance.
  • Harvest Cycle: The antibodies secreted into the medium by proliferating hybridoma cells are periodically harvested.
  • Purification Stage: The collected medium, though rich in monoclonal antibodies, contains other cellular components. Rigorous purification protocols, such as protein chromatography, ensure a pure mAb yield.

Diverse Roles and Importance of mAbs:

  • Specific Binding: One of the crowning glories of mAbs is their specificity. They're tailored to latch onto a specific part (epitope) of an antigen, granting them unmatched precision.
  • Uniformity: Derived from a single cell type, mAbs exhibit structural uniformity, making them highly predictable and consistent in function.
  • Therapeutic Giants: Their precision has ushered mAbs into the therapeutic realm, especially in treating diseases like cancers and autoimmune disorders. mAbs, by targeting specific pathological molecules, pave the way for treatments with enhanced efficacy and minimal side effects.
  • Research Protocols: Beyond Therapy, mAbs are staples in biomedical research. Techniques like ELISA, immunofluorescence, and flow cytometry often employ mAbs for detecting or quantifying specific proteins.
  • Diagnostic Relevance: The precision of mAbs has been capitalised in diagnostics. Their ability to bind specifically allows for the detection and quantification of disease markers, revolutionising fields like oncology, infectious diseases, and more.


Yes, ethical concerns arise due to the use of animals, typically mice, in the initial stages of monoclonal antibody production. These animals are immunised with an antigen to stimulate an immune response. Some argue that alternative in vitro methods should be further developed and employed to replace or reduce the use of animals in this process.

Monoclonal antibodies originate from a single B cell line, ensuring that they target a specific epitope on an antigen. They are uniform and consistent in their specificity. Polyclonal antibodies, on the other hand, are derived from multiple B cell lines and recognise multiple epitopes on an antigen. This means they are a mixture of antibodies, each targeting different parts of the same antigen.

Absolutely. While mice are commonly used in monoclonal antibody production, other organisms like rats, hamsters, and even humans have been used to generate hybridomas. The choice of organism often depends on the intended application of the antibody, as some antibodies produced in mice might trigger immune reactions if used therapeutically in humans.

B cells alone, though producing specific antibodies, have a limited lifespan and do not proliferate indefinitely. This means that if B cells were directly used, they would soon die, leading to a cessation in antibody production. Hybridomas, being a fusion of B cells and immortal myeloma cells, combine the antibody specificity of the former with the longevity and proliferative capabilities of the latter. This ensures continuous and large-scale production of monoclonal antibodies.

After monoclonal antibodies are secreted by hybridoma cells, they are collected from the cell culture medium. They're then typically purified using protein A or protein G affinity chromatography, exploiting the binding of these proteins to the Fc region of the antibody. This ensures a high-purity antibody product, which is crucial for therapeutic and diagnostic applications.

Practice Questions

Describe the process by which hybridoma cells are created and their significance in producing monoclonal antibodies.

Hybridoma cells are the fusion product of a B cell, which produces a specific antibody, and a myeloma cell, which has the ability to proliferate indefinitely. The process begins with an animal being injected with a specific antigen, stimulating its immune system. Post-immune response, B cells from the animal's spleen are extracted and fused with cultured myeloma cells, typically using polyethylene glycol (PEG). This fusion forms hybridoma cells, which are then selectively cultured in HAT medium. Hybridoma cells are vital for producing monoclonal antibodies as they secrete large quantities of specific, uniform antibodies due to their unique cell lineage.

Discuss the applications and importance of monoclonal antibodies in the biomedical field.

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have revolutionised the biomedical field due to their unparalleled specificity and uniformity. In therapeutics, mAbs are employed in treating diseases such as cancers and autoimmune disorders. Their precision ensures treatments with high efficacy and reduced side effects. Beyond therapeutics, mAbs are crucial in research, being used in techniques like ELISA, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescence for protein detection or quantification. Furthermore, in diagnostics, mAbs are utilised to detect and quantify disease markers, especially in fields like oncology. Their consistent structure and targeted binding capabilities make them invaluable tools in both research and treatment paradigms.

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