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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.1.7 Vaccines and Immunity

Vaccines have been instrumental in reducing the impact of infectious diseases worldwide. By priming the immune system without causing the disease, vaccines provide a protective shield against potential future infections. This deeper exploration will provide a comprehensive understanding of vaccines and their role in immunity.

Understanding Immunity

Immunity is the body's ability to resist or combat infections. Two main branches facilitate this:

  • Innate immunity: Our body's initial, non-specific defence mechanism. It includes barriers such as skin, mucous membranes, and certain immune cells like macrophages. Innate immunity responds in the same way to all pathogens.
  • Adaptive immunity: A specialised and targeted response to specific pathogens. Central players here are B and T lymphocytes. Adaptive immunity has a unique feature: memory. Upon re-exposure to the same pathogen, it can act swiftly and robustly, often preventing illness.

Mechanism of Vaccines: Immunity without Disease

Vaccines cleverly leverage our adaptive immune system:

  • Introduction of antigens: An antigen is a molecule or molecular structure, often a protein found on the surface of a pathogen. Vaccines introduce these antigens to the body without causing the disease.
  • Immune response: The body recognises these antigens as foreign, leading to the production of antibodies. These are proteins designed to neutralise the specific pathogen associated with the antigens.

Memory Cells: Nature's Own Data Storage

Vaccination, besides offering immediate protection, also prepares the body for future exposures:

  • Creation of memory cells: When exposed to an antigen, the adaptive immune system produces memory B and T cells.
  • Rapid future response: If the person encounters the real pathogen later, these memory cells remember how to combat it, leading to a quicker, more robust immune response.

Dive into Vaccine Types

Depending on the pathogen and the intended immune response, different types of vaccines are developed:

  • Live attenuated vaccines: Utilise a living but weakened version of the pathogen. While highly effective and often provide lifelong immunity, they might not be suitable for those with compromised immune systems. Examples: MMR and yellow fever vaccines.
  • Inactivated vaccines: These contain viruses whose functionalities are destroyed, usually by heat or chemicals, ensuring they can't cause disease. They often require booster shots. Example: hepatitis A vaccine.
  • Subunit, recombinant or conjugate vaccines: Only parts of the pathogen, often a single protein, are used. Since these vaccines use only essential pieces of the germ, there's no risk of the vaccine causing the disease. Example: shingles vaccine.
  • mRNA vaccines: These contain pieces of the pathogen's mRNA. Once inside the body, cells use these pieces to produce a protein unique to the virus, triggering an immune response. Examples: Some COVID-19 vaccines.

The Phenomenon of Herd Immunity

Beyond individual protection, there's a community aspect to vaccination:

  • Herd immunity concept: When a large percentage of a community gets vaccinated, the spread of a disease slows down or stops. Even those who cannot be vaccinated gain some protection, as there's little to no chance of the disease spreading within the community.
  • Benefits: Vulnerable groups, such as infants, elderly, or immunocompromised individuals, are indirectly protected.

Vaccine Safety: Debunking Myths

Vaccines undergo rigorous testing before reaching the public:

  • Multiple phases of clinical trials: These ensure vaccines are safe and effective. They are tested on tens of thousands of participants.
  • Continued monitoring: Authorities continually monitor and research vaccines even after approval. Adverse effects are rare and are far outweighed by the benefits.


Adjuvants are substances added to vaccines to enhance the body's immune response to the vaccine. They allow for lesser quantities of the vaccine antigen to be used and can also improve the efficacy of the vaccine, especially in populations like the elderly, where the immune response might be weaker.

Vaccinations are generally safe, undergoing rigorous testing before approval. Side effects, if any, are mostly mild and temporary, like a sore arm or mild fever. Serious side effects are exceedingly rare. The benefits of vaccinations in preventing severe diseases and complications vastly outweigh the potential risks.

Vaccines might not always provide complete immunity due to various factors. Individual variations in immune response, mutations in the pathogen, or the method the vaccine uses to prompt the immune response can affect efficacy. However, even if not 100% effective, vaccines can reduce the severity of illness.

New vaccines undergo a multi-stage testing process, beginning with pre-clinical trials in laboratories and on animals. If deemed safe, they proceed to phased human clinical trials. Phase I tests safety on a small group, Phase II evaluates dosing and short-term side effects on a larger group, and Phase III assesses efficacy and safety on thousands of people. Once proven safe and effective, they're reviewed by regulatory bodies before public distribution.

Some vaccines, like inactivated vaccines, provide immunity that might decrease over time. A booster shot re-exposes the immune system to the antigen, thereby reinforcing the body's memory of the pathogen and ensuring prolonged immunity. On the other hand, live attenuated vaccines often stimulate a stronger and longer-lasting immune response, sometimes negating the need for booster shots.

Practice Questions

Describe the difference between live attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines. How does each type elicit an immune response?

Live attenuated vaccines use a living but weakened form of the pathogen, which can replicate and produce a strong immune response, often leading to lifelong immunity. However, they might not be suitable for immunocompromised individuals. In contrast, inactivated vaccines contain pathogens that have been rendered non-functional, usually by heat or chemicals. They cannot replicate but can trigger an immune response. As they offer a weaker stimulus to the immune system, they often require booster shots to maintain immunity.

Explain the concept and significance of herd immunity in the context of community vaccination.

Herd immunity occurs when a significant proportion of a community is immunised against a contagious disease, either through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the overall spread of the disease. It provides a protective shield, preventing the pathogen from being transmitted efficiently. This protection ensures that even those who cannot be vaccinated, like infants or immunocompromised individuals, gain some protection against the disease. Herd immunity is vital as it helps to control, and in some cases, eradicate diseases, safeguarding entire communities and ensuring that vulnerable populations are not exposed to potentially life-threatening illnesses.

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