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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.1.4 Plasma Cells and Memory Cells

The immune response relies on the intricate dance of various cell types, and amongst the most pivotal are plasma and memory cells. Originating from activated B cells, these two specialised cells have distinct yet complementary roles, ensuring immediate protection and long-lasting immunity.

Detailed Anatomy of Plasma and Memory Cells

Plasma Cells:

  • Physical Appearance: Plasma cells are large, with an eccentrically placed nucleus. Their cytoplasm is abundant and basophilic, filled with extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, essential for antibody production.
  • Location: Primarily found in the bone marrow, but during an immune response, they can be located in the spleen, lymph nodes, and other lymphatic tissues.
  • Antibody Production: The impressive ability of plasma cells to produce around 2000 antibodies per second during their lifespan is due to their abundant endoplasmic reticulum and extensive Golgi apparatus. These organelles enable rapid protein synthesis and secretion.

Memory B Cells:

  • Physical Appearance: Morphologically, memory B cells closely resemble naive B cells but often have more cytoplasm and a larger number of cytoplasmic processes.
  • Location: These cells are mainly located in the lymph nodes, spleen, and peripheral circulation.
  • Receptors: Memory B cells retain B-cell receptors (BCR) on their surface, which are essentially the specific antibodies they will produce upon activation. This receptor is crucial for recognising and binding to the antigen upon re-exposure.

Role of Helper T Cells in B Cell Activation

Both plasma and memory cell formation are heavily influenced by interactions with helper T cells:

  • Activation: When a B cell recognises an antigen through its BCR, it engulfs and processes it. Fragments of this antigen are then presented on the B cell's surface using MHC II molecules. Helper T cells recognise these antigen fragments and subsequently release cytokines that further stimulate the B cell.
  • Differentiation: The interaction with helper T cells, alongside other signals, prompts the B cell to differentiate. While most become antibody-producing plasma cells, some transform into memory B cells.

Immune Response Dynamics

When the immune system encounters an antigen for the first time, it elicits a primary immune response:

  • Lag Phase: There's an initial delay, typically several days, before any significant antibody production. This phase involves B cell activation and differentiation.
  • Peak Production: Plasma cells hit their stride, producing antibodies at a maximal rate.
  • Decline: As the antigen gets neutralised, fewer plasma cells are required, and their numbers decrease.

Should the same pathogen invade again, the secondary immune response takes charge:

  • Rapid Initiation: Thanks to memory B cells, the response is swift, often within hours.
  • Higher Antibody Levels: The quantity of antibodies produced is much more significant than during the primary response.
  • Sustained Response: The heightened antibody level can persist for weeks to months, ensuring thorough pathogen elimination.

Importance of Clonal Selection

Clonal selection is a theory explaining how a single activated B cell can give rise to a clone of cells, some differentiating into plasma cells, while others become memory cells. This selection ensures:

  • Specificity: Only B cells with receptors specific to the invading antigen are stimulated to proliferate, ensuring a targeted response.
  • Diversity: By producing both plasma and memory cells, the immune system mounts an immediate response and readies itself for future invasions.


Once plasma cells have secreted their antibodies and the antigen has been neutralised, many of them undergo apoptosis, a programmed cell death. This process ensures that the immune system doesn't remain hyperactive, which could be harmful. A few plasma cells might survive longer and become long-lived plasma cells, residing in the bone marrow and continuing to produce low levels of antibodies for extended periods.

Memory cells can last for several years, and in some cases, even a lifetime. Their longevity is one of the reasons why certain vaccines provide lifelong protection against diseases. The persistence of memory cells ensures that the immune system can mount a rapid and efficient response upon subsequent exposures to the same antigen.

Plasma cells are highly specialised cells focused on producing large quantities of antibodies during an active immune response. Due to their intense metabolic activity and the high demand for resources, they don't live long. Memory cells, on the other hand, are designed for longevity. They remain in a resting state, preserving their energy, and only activate upon antigen re-exposure, making them last much longer.

Memory cells primarily serve as a rapid-response team for subsequent encounters with a specific antigen. Instead of producing antibodies straightaway, they remain in a quiescent state after their formation. When re-exposed to the same antigen, memory cells quickly differentiate into plasma cells to produce antibodies. Their speed and efficiency are due to their previous exposure to the antigen, making the secondary immune response faster and more robust than the primary response.

No, memory cells, like all B cells, are specific to a particular antigen. This specificity is due to the unique B-cell receptor they possess. While the body has a vast repertoire of B cells, each capable of recognising a different antigen, individual memory cells are specific to the antigen they were first exposed to and cannot respond to other unrelated antigens.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of clonal selection in the formation and function of plasma and memory cells during an immune response.

Plonal selection is crucial in ensuring specificity and efficiency in an immune response. When a B cell's receptors bind to a specific antigen, that particular B cell gets activated and proliferates. This proliferation results in a clone of cells, all with the same specificity for the antigen. From this clone, some cells differentiate into plasma cells, producing antibodies to neutralise the current threat. Others become memory B cells, providing long-term immunity. Thus, clonal selection ensures that the immune response is tailored to the specific antigen, offering immediate protection through plasma cells and future protection via memory cells.

Compare and contrast the primary and secondary immune responses in terms of initiation time, antibody levels, and duration.

The primary immune response is initiated upon the first exposure to an antigen. It has a lag phase, where B cells undergo activation and differentiation, leading to delayed antibody production. Once the antibodies are produced, their levels peak and then decline as the antigen is neutralised. In contrast, the secondary immune response, triggered by subsequent exposures to the same antigen, begins rapidly due to the presence of memory B cells. This response results in higher antibody levels than the primary response, and these elevated levels persist for a longer duration, ensuring efficient neutralisation of the pathogen.

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