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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.1.6 Histamine and Allergies

Histamines, central to the body's immune response, notably feature in allergic reactions. Comprehending their action and interaction with allergens unravels the multifaceted landscape of allergies.

The Origin and Nature of Histamines

Histamines, primarily derivatives of the amino acid histidine, exert influence in various physiological contexts. Stored in mast cells and basophils, they come into the spotlight during immune responses. Understanding the structure and function of the immune system provides deeper insights into how histamines play a role in body defence mechanisms.

  • Mast Cells: Strategically stationed in tissues like the skin, lungs, and digestive system, mast cells are vital to wound healing and pathogenic defence. They harbour granules rich in histamine and other inflammatory agents. This is closely related to the structure and function of the digestive system, highlighting how different systems interact in the body's response mechanisms.
  • Basophils: A subset of white blood cells, basophils circulate in the bloodstream. Upon allergen detection, they promptly release histamine, elevating the allergic response. The action of basophils complements the processes observed in the structure and function of the respiratory system, especially during allergic reactions affecting breathing.

Allergic Responses: A Detailed Examination

Allergies represent the immune system's exaggerated response to usually innocuous substances or allergens. Pollen, certain foods, and pet dander are classic allergens.

  • Sensitisation Phase: Initial exposure to an allergen doesn't trigger an allergic reaction. Instead, the immune system preps by producing a specific antibody known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). This is the sensitisation phase. Produced IgE binds to mast cells and basophils, priming them for subsequent exposures. The role of proteins in this process can be further explored by understanding protein structure.
  • Subsequent Exposure and Histamine Release: When the same allergen is reintroduced, it links up with the mast cell or basophil-bound IgE. This liaison instigates these cells to discharge an array of chemicals, with histamine taking centre stage. This process is influenced by mechanisms such as osmosis, which is critical in the movement of fluids and reactions in the body.

Histamine's Modus Operandi in Allergic Reactions

Histamine, upon release, modifies the capillary dynamics, facilitating white blood cell and protein transit to target pathogens in the compromised tissues.

  • Vasodilation: A hallmark histamine effect, vasodilation pertains to blood vessel expansion, giving rise to warmth and redness in the allergic zone. This physiological change manifests as facial flushing during allergic episodes.
  • Increased Permeability and Resultant Symptoms: Augmented permeability infers potential fluid leakage from vessels into adjoining tissues, spawning swelling or oedema. In allergies like hay fever, this underpins symptoms like a runny nose and tearful eyes.
  • Bronchoconstriction: Histamine's effect on the lung bronchi's smooth muscles is profound. Their constriction can set off symptoms typical to asthma, such as breathlessness or wheezing.
  • Neural Stimulation: Histamine can prod nerve endings, eliciting sensations of itchiness or pain. Skin-related allergic reactions, like hives or insect bites, often exhibit this.

The Advent of Anti-Histamines

Counterbalancing histamine's effects, antihistamines have emerged as medicinal mainstays. By obstructing histamine receptors on cells, they preclude histamine binding, thereby thwarting symptomatic manifestation.

  • H1 Receptor Antagonists: Predominantly prescribed for allergic reactions, these diminish symptoms like itchiness, nasal discharge, and sneezing. Prominent members of this category include cetirizine and loratadine.
  • H2 Receptor Antagonists: Their relevance is more gastronomic. They find use in conditions like acid reflux since H2 receptors are chiefly situated in the stomach lining's parietal cells. Ranitidine and famotidine are representative examples.

Histamine in Inflammation

Histamine isn't just about allergies. Its role in inflammation is noteworthy. Inflamed tissues often have higher histamine levels. The dilation and increased permeability of blood vessels, hallmarks of histamine's action, are instrumental in delivering immune cells to the site of infection or injury. This makes histamine a double-edged sword, crucial for immediate defence but also responsible for allergic discomfort.


Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, arises from inhaling allergens like pollen. Histamine release causes vasodilation and increased vessel permeability in nasal passages, leading to symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and itching.

Yes, beyond allergic reactions, histamine plays roles in gastric acid secretion in the stomach, acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain affecting the sleep-wake cycle, and assisting in the dilation of blood vessels, which can influence blood pressure and overall circulation.

Hives are caused by the release of histamine in the dermis. When histamine is released, it increases the permeability of blood vessels, leading to fluid leakage into the surrounding skin. This fluid accumulation manifests as swollen, itchy patches known as hives or urticaria.

Absolutely. In severe cases, excessive histamine release during allergic reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition. Symptoms might include breathing difficulties due to bronchoconstriction, a sharp drop in blood pressure from extensive vasodilation, and potential loss of consciousness. Immediate medical attention and treatment with epinephrine are crucial.

Histamine is primarily stored in mast cells and basophils. In the event of an allergic reaction, when the body encounters an allergen subsequent times, this allergen binds to immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies on the mast cells and basophils. This binding triggers the rapid release or degranulation of histamine and other mediators, leading to allergic symptoms.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of histamine in the body's allergic response and its subsequent effects on physiological symptoms.

Histamine, stored in mast cells and basophils, plays a pivotal role in allergic responses. Upon subsequent exposure to an allergen, the allergen binds to immunoglobulin E (IgE) on mast cells and basophils, inducing the release of histamine. This release leads to vasodilation, causing warmth and redness and an increased permeability of blood vessels, which results in symptoms like swelling or oedema. Histamine also prompts bronchoconstriction, leading to asthma-like symptoms, and stimulates nerve endings producing sensations like itchiness. Essentially, histamine amplifies the immune response, but when it's an allergic reaction, this amplification translates into the various symptoms experienced.

Explain the mechanism of action of antihistamines and how they alleviate symptoms of allergies.

Antihistamines counteract histamine's effects by blocking its receptors on cells, preventing histamine from eliciting its typical responses. Specifically, H1 receptor antagonists target allergic reactions by reducing symptoms such as itchiness, nasal congestion, and sneezing. By obstructing the H1 receptors, antihistamines hinder histamine binding, thereby averting the downstream effects that cause allergic symptoms. On the other hand, H2 receptor antagonists act mainly on the stomach lining's parietal cells, which are used for conditions like acid reflux. By understanding and targeting histamine pathways and receptors, antihistamines mitigate the physiological manifestations of allergies.

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