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IB DP Biology Study Notes

11.1.2 Pathogens and Species Barriers

We delve into the remarkable world of microbiology, exploring the fascinating, albeit often dangerous, entities called pathogens. This discourse further encompasses species-specificity, a principle that defines the biological interactions between pathogens and hosts. Moreover, we unpack the mystery of cross-species barriers, natural fortifications that protect species from pathogens originating from other species.


Pathogens are microscopic entities causing disease within their hosts. They seize the host organism's biological machinery and resources to replicate, often leading to detrimental effects on the host. Pathogens are categorised into bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, each with distinct characteristics and modes of operation.

  • Bacteria: Single-celled prokaryotes, bacteria are responsible for an array of diseases. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, and cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae are examples of bacterial diseases. Bacteria inflict harm on hosts primarily through the production and release of toxins which can damage tissue and disrupt normal bodily functions.
  • Viruses: Viruses, entities smaller than bacteria, are obligate intracellular parasites, meaning they require host cells to reproduce. Viral diseases include influenza (Flu), HIV/AIDS, and COVID-19. They operate by invading host cells, integrating their genetic material into the host's DNA or RNA, and hijacking the host cell's machinery to reproduce.
  • Fungi: Fungi, ranging from single-celled yeast to multicellular moulds, can cause infections. Dermatophytes cause skin conditions like ringworm, whereas Candida species can cause internal infections like candidiasis.
  • Parasites: Parasites can be unicellular protozoans or multicellular organisms such as worms. They live in or on a host organism, deriving nutrients at the host's expense. Examples of parasitic diseases are malaria, caused by Plasmodium species, and schistosomiasis, caused by Schistosoma species.


Species-specificity is the tendency of a pathogen to infect specific species while being unable to affect others. This selectivity emerges from the complex interaction between the pathogen and the host's physiological and biochemical landscape. Factors affecting species-specificity are multi-faceted:

  • Receptor specificity: To initiate infection, pathogens must latch onto specific receptors on host cells. The presence and molecular architecture of these receptors are pivotal in defining the host's susceptibility to a specific pathogen.
  • Immune response: The host's immune response can significantly influence species-specificity. A pathogen adapted to circumvent the immune system of one species may not survive in another species where the immune response varies.
  • Physiological compatibility: The physiological environment within the host, including temperature, pH, and nutrient availability, must cater to the pathogen's survival and reproduction needs. A mismatch in physiological conditions can make a host species unsuitable for a particular pathogen.

Cross-Species Barriers

Cross-species barriers, or species barriers, are evolutionary adaptations that deter pathogens from crossing from one species to another. These barriers play a crucial role in preventing the transmission of diseases from animals to humans, known as zoonotic diseases.

  • Genetic differences: The distinct genetic makeup of different species often forms a significant barrier to cross-species pathogen transmission. Pathogens may need specific host genes for replication, and the absence or differential expression of these genes in another species can prevent infection.
  • Ecological barriers: The physical separation and minimal contact between humans and many wild animals act as a deterrent for pathogen transmission. This ecological segregation safeguards humans from a range of potentially harmful pathogens prevalent in wildlife.
  • Physiological and anatomical barriers: These encompass differences in body temperature, specific enzyme presence or absence, and variations in potential host cell structures. These differences can render a species impervious to a pathogen prevalent in another species.

However, these barriers are not always insurmountable. On rare occasions, pathogens adapt and overcome species barriers, leading to the emergence of new diseases. The HIV virus, which likely originated from chimpanzees, is an example of a pathogen that crossed species barriers. Similarly, the H1N1 influenza virus, which contains genetic material from bird, swine, and human flu viruses, successfully breached species barriers.

Interplay Between Pathogens, Species-Specificity, and Cross-Species Barriers

Understanding the dynamic relationships between pathogens, species-specificity, and cross-species barriers is instrumental in predicting disease outbreaks, especially those with pandemic potential. The knowledge gleaned from studying these interactions informs the development of preventive measures, treatments, and vaccines to counter biological threats.

The interplay between these factors also holds immense implications for public health and wildlife conservation. Effective public health measures must incorporate an understanding of human health in the context of the broader ecosystem, adopting a 'One Health' approach. This approach recognises the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health and advocates for integrated, cross-sectoral strategies to address potential or existing risks that originate at the interface of humans, animals, and their various environments.


Understanding species-specificity can help predict potential hosts for new diseases, aiding in disease prevention and control. If a pathogen is known to infect a certain species, measures can be put in place to reduce contact between that species and others, including humans. Also, knowing the specificities can aid in vaccine development and antiviral drug design.

Yes, pathogens can evolve to cross species barriers, although this is relatively rare. This process usually requires a series of mutations, each allowing the pathogen to overcome different aspects of the species barrier. Examples of pathogens that have crossed species barriers include the HIV virus and the H1N1 influenza virus. However, these events are exceptional and underline the potency of species barriers in preventing widespread cross-species transmissions.

While humans can suffer from irritations or allergic reactions due to contact with certain plants, they typically do not catch infectious diseases from plants. This is primarily because the physiological differences between plants and humans are so significant that most plant pathogens are unable to survive and reproduce in the human body.

Species' susceptibility to diseases is determined by their genetic makeup, immune response, and physiological conditions. For instance, the specific set of cell receptors in a species might be a perfect match for a pathogen, thereby making that species more susceptible. Similarly, a species might have a relatively weak immune response against certain pathogens, or the physiological environment in one species might be more conducive to pathogen growth and replication than in another.

Antibiotics target the growth and reproduction mechanisms specific to bacteria, such as cell wall synthesis, protein synthesis, and DNA replication. Viruses, however, lack these structures and functions. Instead, viruses replicate by integrating their genetic material into the host cell's DNA, a process antibiotics can't interfere with.

Practice Questions

Discuss the reasons behind the species-specificity of pathogens, and illustrate your answer with examples.

Species-specificity of pathogens is primarily determined by three factors: receptor specificity, immune response, and physiological compatibility. Receptor specificity refers to the ability of a pathogen to bind to specific receptors on the host cells to initiate an infection. For example, the HIV virus binds specifically to the CD4 receptor found in human T cells. The immune response also influences species-specificity. For instance, canine distemper virus (CDV) infects dogs but not humans due to differences in immune response. Lastly, physiological compatibility, such as the host's internal environment, affects species-specificity. For example, human body temperature prevents replication of the avian influenza virus, thus maintaining species-specificity.

Explain the role of cross-species barriers in preventing zoonotic diseases, using examples where these barriers have been breached.

Cross-species barriers play a vital role in preventing the transmission of zoonotic diseases, diseases that transfer from animals to humans. These barriers include genetic differences, ecological barriers, and physiological/anatomical barriers. Genetic differences mean that certain genes required for pathogen replication may not be present or correctly expressed in another species. Ecological barriers, such as the physical separation of humans and wildlife, prevent exposure to certain pathogens. Physiological and anatomical barriers, including body temperature and cell structure, can also limit cross-species transmission. However, these barriers can occasionally be breached. For example, HIV is believed to have crossed from chimpanzees to humans, and the H1N1 influenza virus is a combination of genetic material from bird, swine, and human flu viruses.

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