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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.8 Differences and Similarities between Sympatric and Allopatric Speciation

The process of speciation, wherein one species gives rise to multiple species, is central to understanding the complex web of life on Earth. Two pivotal models in this context are sympatric and allopatric speciation. While they share the foundational principle of species divergence, the mechanisms and circumstances surrounding their occurrence are distinct.

Sympatric Speciation


  • Sympatric speciation is characterised by the emergence of new species within the same geographical area, without the imposition of physical barriers, leading to reproductive isolation and evolutionary divergence.


Genetic Polymorphism

  • Genetic polymorphism arises when multiple forms or phenotypes of individuals coexist in a single population.
  • If certain forms show a preference for mating within their phenotype, this can intensify over generations, eventually contributing to speciation.

Behavioural Differences

  • Variations in behaviours like mating rituals, feeding habits, or times of activity can lead to reproductive isolation within the same region.
  • For instance, if one group becomes nocturnal while the other remains diurnal, the chances of interbreeding diminish.

Ecological Niches

  • Even within a shared habitat, myriad micro-environments or niches are present.
  • Sub-populations adapting to specific niches may develop unique adaptations, making them genetically distinct over time.
A diagrammatic representation of speciation.

Image courtesy of Andrew Z. Colvin


Apple Maggot Fly

  • Apple maggot flies initially used hawthorn trees for laying eggs. However, with the introduction of apple trees, a subset shifted to this new host.
  • Over time, the two groups showed a mating preference for flies from the same tree type, leading to reproductive isolation and ongoing speciation.

Allopatric Speciation


  • Allopatric speciation involves the division of a population into separate groups due to a physical barrier. Over time, these isolated groups evolve into distinct species.


Geographical Barriers

  • Natural barriers like mountains, rivers, or vast stretches of uninhabitable land can segregate a population.
  • This geographical isolation restricts interbreeding between the divided groups.

Genetic Divergence

  • As populations remain isolated, mutations emerge. Combined with factors like genetic drift and distinct selective pressures, the populations evolve differently.
  • This genetic divergence means that even if the geographical barrier disappears, the populations might have become too genetically distinct to interbreed.

Reproductive Isolation

  • Post-segregation, populations might develop reproductive barriers such as mismatched mating seasons or incompatible reproductive anatomy.
  • These mechanisms further prevent interbreeding if the populations come into contact again.
A diagram showing different types of isolations during speciation.

Image courtesy of Andrew Z. Colvin


Isthmus of Panama

  • The rise of the Isthmus of Panama separated marine populations on either side.
  • With no gene flow between them, species on the Atlantic and Pacific sides evolved distinctively, resulting in numerous species that can be found only on one side or the other.

Comparing Sympatric and Allopatric Speciation

Key Differences

  • Geographical Context: Sympatric speciation happens within overlapping geographical regions, while allopatric speciation requires distinct locales due to a physical barrier.
  • Barrier Nature: In sympatric speciation, barriers are genetic, behavioural, or ecological, not physical. In contrast, allopatric speciation fundamentally relies on physical barriers.
  • Gene Flow: Sympatric speciation reduces gene flow through internal mechanisms, whereas in allopatric speciation, it's the geographical barrier that restricts gene flow.

Key Similarities

  • Formation of New Species: Both pathways culminate in the emergence of new, distinct species.
  • Reproductive Isolation: Both forms of speciation require mechanisms that prevent interbreeding between divergent populations, ensuring genetic distinctiveness.
  • Natural Selection's Role: Both models can involve natural selection sculpting species based on environmental pressures.

Factors Influencing Speciation Rate

Population Size

  • In smaller populations, genetic drift can have pronounced effects, potentially accelerating speciation.

Migration Rate

  • High migration between populations can inhibit speciation, as it maintains genetic homogeneity.

Environmental Variability

  • The more diverse the environmental challenges faced by separated populations, the quicker they might adapt and diverge, promoting speciation.


Yes, sympatric speciation can indeed arise from sudden genetic changes, and polyploidy in plants is a prime example. Polyploidy refers to the occurrence of more than two sets of chromosomes in an organism. This sudden genetic change can happen due to errors in cell division, resulting in offspring with a different number of chromosome sets than their parents. In plants, polyploid individuals often cannot mate with their diploid counterparts due to this genetic disparity. This reproductive isolation, even within the same area, can lead to speciation as the polyploid plants evolve independently of the diploid population.

Yes, when populations that have undergone allopatric speciation come back into contact, it's referred to as "secondary contact". Several outcomes are possible in such scenarios:

  • Reinforcement: If hybrids have reduced fitness, natural selection may favour traits that enhance reproductive isolation, solidifying the distinction between the species.
  • Fusion: If there's no substantial reproductive isolation or if hybrid offspring are just as or more fit than parents, the populations might merge back into a single species.
  • Stable hybrid zone formation: In some cases, a region might emerge where hybrids are common, but pure populations exist on either side.
  • Creation of new species: Sometimes, hybrids can give rise to entirely new species if they possess unique adaptations and can reproduce among themselves.

The duration required for allopatric speciation to produce distinct species varies widely and is influenced by numerous factors. These include the degree of isolation, the size of the populations, their generation times, and the environmental pressures they face. For instance, smaller populations might evolve faster due to more pronounced effects of genetic drift. Additionally, populations exposed to drastically different environments might diverge more quickly due to different selective pressures. While it can take thousands to millions of years in many cases, there's no fixed timescale. Every speciation event is unique and contingent on its specific set of circumstances.

Gene flow refers to the transfer of genetic information between populations through interbreeding. When gene flow is unrestricted, it tends to homogenise populations, making them genetically similar and preventing speciation. In the context of speciation, gene flow's suppression is crucial. In sympatric speciation, barriers are non-physical, such as behavioural or ecological differences, which reduce gene flow within a shared geographical area. In allopatric speciation, physical barriers like mountains or rivers naturally limit gene flow. The reduction or cessation of gene flow allows populations to evolve separately, accumulating enough genetic differences to eventually become distinct species.

Reproductive isolation is pivotal because speciation fundamentally revolves around the idea of populations evolving to become distinct entities. Without reproductive isolation, gene flow between populations continues unhindered, maintaining genetic similarities and preventing them from becoming different species. In sympatric speciation, even without physical barriers, factors like behavioural differences or ecological niche preferences can lead to reproductive isolation. In allopatric speciation, while initial isolation is due to geographical barriers, the subsequent development of reproductive barriers ensures that even if the separated populations come back into contact, they remain distinct and don't merge back into a single species.

Practice Questions

Define sympatric and allopatric speciation. Using examples, explain a primary mechanism by which each type of speciation occurs.

Sympatric speciation refers to the formation of new species within the same geographical area, without any physical barriers leading to reproductive isolation and evolutionary divergence. A primary mechanism for sympatric speciation is behavioural differences. For instance, apple maggot flies have shown a mating preference based on their host trees, either apples or hawthorns, leading towards speciation. On the other hand, allopatric speciation involves the splitting of a population into distinct groups by a physical barrier, which then evolve into separate species. A classic example of this is the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, which separated marine populations, leading them to evolve differently on either side.

While both sympatric and allopatric speciation result in the formation of distinct species, they differ in several key aspects. Elaborate on one key difference and one key similarity between these two types of speciation.

A fundamental difference between sympatric and allopatric speciation lies in the geographical context. Sympatric speciation occurs within overlapping or shared geographical regions without the presence of a physical barrier. In contrast, allopatric speciation requires distinct geographical areas separated by a physical barrier such as a mountain or river. However, a significant similarity between the two is that both pathways necessitate some form of reproductive isolation. This isolation ensures that gene flow between diverging populations is restricted, allowing each population to evolve its distinct genetic and phenotypic characteristics, ultimately leading to the emergence of new species.

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