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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.1 Evolution as Change in Heritable Characteristics

Evolution remains one of the cornerstones of biological science, offering explanations for the vast biodiversity observed today. This topic highlights the nuances of heritable changes and how they differ from mere acquired traits, contrasting the fundamental theories of Darwinian evolution and Lamarckism.

What is Evolution?

  • Definition: Evolution is the changes in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.
    • Heritable characteristics: These are traits encoded by genes and passed from one generation to the next. They are embedded in an organism's DNA and play a decisive role in determining physical, biochemical, and behavioural attributes.
    • Driving Factors: Evolutionary changes can be driven by various mechanisms, such as:
      • Genetic mutations: Random changes in DNA sequences that can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful.
      • Gene flow: The transfer of genetic material from one population to another.
      • Genetic drift: Random fluctuations in allele frequencies.
      • Natural selection: The differential survival and reproduction of individuals based on their inherited traits.
    • Clarification: For a change to be evolutionary, it must be heritable. Traits or characteristics that an organism acquires during its lifetime without any genetic alteration are not considered evolutionary.
Theory of Human Evolution.

Image courtesy of Olena

Darwinian Evolution versus Lamarckism

While both Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck have significantly contributed to the evolution discourse, their theories are distinct and even contradictory in certain aspects.

Darwinian Evolution

  • Natural Selection: Charles Darwin proposed this mechanism as the primary driver of evolution.
    • Overproduction: Most species produce more offspring than can possibly survive, given limited resources.
    • Variation: Individuals within a population differ from one another in terms of heritable traits.
    • Selection: Offspring with traits that give them an edge in survival and reproduction will likely pass on these beneficial traits to the next generation.
    • Adaptation: Over time, the population evolves to possess more of these beneficial traits.
  • Evidence for Darwin's Theory:
    • Fossil Records: Show gradual changes over time, offering snapshots of evolutionary history.
    • Biogeography: The distribution of species on Earth supports the idea of common ancestry.
    • Embryology: Similarities in the early developmental stages of many animals hint at a common ancestor.
  • Modern Validation: Contemporary genetics, molecular biology, and palaeontology have further validated and refined Darwin's initial hypotheses, making Darwinian evolution a fundamental pillar of modern biology.
A picture showing Darwinian evolution- Darwin's finches.

Darwin's finches

Image courtesy of Charles Darwin, Journal of Researches


  • Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics: Lamarck's central idea was that organisms can pass on traits they acquire during their lifetime.
    • For instance, he hypothesised that if a giraffe continually stretched its neck for leaves, the offspring would inherit longer necks.
  • Use and Disuse Principle: Lamarck proposed that frequent use of a certain body part enhances its development, while disuse leads to atrophy or disappearance.
  • Modern Perspective:
    • Challenges: While Lamarckism was groundbreaking in its time, many of its ideas are not supported by modern genetics. Acquired traits (not based on DNA changes) aren't passed onto offspring.
    • Epigenetics: Some recent studies in the realm of epigenetics hint at possible mechanisms where the environment can influence gene expression, which can, in rare cases, be passed down. This, however, is not a validation of Lamarckism but showcases the intricacy of genetics.
A diagram showing Lamarckism.

Image courtesy of Solarist

A picture of Lamark and Charles Darwin.

Image courtesy of Alejandro Porto

Acquired Changes versus Evolutionary Changes

Distinguishing between acquired changes and evolutionary changes is pivotal in understanding the true nature of evolution.

  • Acquired Changes:
    • Result from interactions with the environment.
    • Examples: Building muscle due to regular exercise or getting scars from injuries.
    • These changes, while they might be significant for the individual, cannot be passed on to the next generation and thus, don't contribute to evolution.
  • Evolutionary Changes:
    • These changes stem from modifications in an organism's genetic makeup.
    • They can be passed on to the next generation, influencing the genetic makeup of populations over time.
  • Implication: It's essential to understand that not all changes observed in organisms across generations are evolutionary. True evolutionary changes are deeply rooted in genetics and are the result of one or a combination of the mechanisms previously mentioned.


The principle of 'use and disuse' posited by Lamarck suggests that body parts used extensively by an organism would develop more, while unused parts would atrophy. Although intuitively appealing, this principle doesn't hold up under the scrutiny of modern biology. For instance, the human appendix, largely considered vestigial, hasn't disappeared due to 'disuse'. Also, using a muscle extensively might develop it during an individual's lifetime, but this development isn't encoded genetically and thus isn't passed on. Modern genetics clearly outlines that only changes in the genetic code, not acquired traits, are inheritable and can influence future generations.

Epigenetics involves changes in gene expression without alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can result from environmental influences and can sometimes be passed on to the next generation. Although this may sound Lamarckian, it's essential to differentiate between epigenetic changes and true genetic changes. Epigenetic modifications are reversible and may not persist over many generations, whereas genetic mutations are permanent and drive long-term evolutionary change. While epigenetics adds a layer of complexity to our understanding of heredity and adaptation, it still fundamentally adheres to the concept that only changes with a genetic basis can lead to lasting evolutionary shifts.

Genetic mutations introduce random changes in the DNA sequence of organisms. These mutations result in variations among individuals within a population. Darwin recognised the importance of variation for natural selection: for selection to act, individuals must differ in their heritable traits. Those with beneficial variations are more likely to survive and reproduce. Genetic mutations provide a continual source of this variation. Over time, if a mutation proves advantageous in a given environment, it can become more prevalent within the population, driving evolutionary change. Thus, the random nature of genetic mutations, paired with the non-random process of natural selection, aligns closely with Darwin's understanding of evolution.

Modern genetics, with its profound understanding of DNA, inheritance, and mutation, aligns more closely with Darwin's theory of evolution. According to Darwinian evolution, genetic variations among individuals, subjected to natural selection, lead to evolutionary changes. This fits seamlessly with our contemporary understanding of how genes mutate and how beneficial mutations can increase in frequency. On the other hand, Lamarckism posits the inheritance of acquired traits, which is largely refuted by genetics. While organisms can change due to environmental influences, these changes aren't encoded into their DNA and thus aren't passed on, contradicting Lamarck's primary theory.

Heritability is central to understanding evolution because it determines which traits can be passed on to successive generations. For a characteristic to play a role in evolution, it must be heritable, meaning it has a genetic basis. If a trait is highly heritable, it implies that genes substantially influence it, and thus it can be subject to natural selection. For instance, if a specific genetic mutation offers a survival advantage, this mutation can become more common in subsequent generations. In contrast, non-heritable traits, no matter how beneficial, cannot drive evolutionary change since they aren't passed on genetically.

Practice Questions

Explain the primary differences between Darwinian evolution and Lamarckism, highlighting key principles of each theory.

Darwinian evolution is primarily based on the principle of natural selection. It posits that species produce more offspring than can survive, leading to competition. Those with beneficial heritable traits have a higher likelihood of survival and reproducing. Over generations, these advantageous traits become more common in the population. In contrast, Lamarckism is centred around the inheritance of acquired characteristics. It suggests that organisms can pass on traits they acquire during their lifetime to their offspring. Additionally, Lamarck proposed the principle of use and disuse, which posits that frequent use of a body part enhances its development, while disuse leads to its atrophy. Modern genetics supports Darwinian evolution while largely dismissing Lamarckism, as acquired traits not rooted in DNA changes aren't inherited.

Discuss the significance of distinguishing between acquired changes and evolutionary changes. Why is this distinction crucial in understanding the process of evolution?

The distinction between acquired and evolutionary changes is fundamental to the accurate understanding of evolution. Acquired changes are those that an organism undergoes during its lifetime due to environmental interactions, like building muscles from exercise. Importantly, these changes are not genetically-based and therefore cannot be passed on to the next generation. Evolutionary changes, on the other hand, result from alterations in the genetic code and influence the genetic makeup of populations over time, as they can be inherited. Misunderstanding or conflating these two types of changes can lead to misconceptions about the mechanisms and implications of evolution. Recognising the genetic basis of evolutionary change ensures a clear comprehension of how species adapt and evolve over generations.

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