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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.7 Roles of Reproductive Isolation and Differential Selection in Speciation

The intricacies of speciation – the formation of new and distinct species – are underpinned by two primary mechanisms: reproductive isolation and differential selection. Together, they provide a framework for understanding how life diversifies. To truly appreciate the evolution of life on Earth, it's essential to grasp the specifics of these mechanisms.

Reproductive Isolation

Reproductive isolation is the set of circumstances that prevent two populations from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring. Various barriers, either before or after mating, facilitate this.

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Image courtesy of Microbe Notes

Prezygotic Barriers

These barriers prevent mating or fertilisation between populations:

  • Temporal Isolation: Populations may be active or reproduce at different times. For instance, nocturnal animals might not encounter diurnal ones, or different plant species might flower in different months.
  • Habitat Isolation: Species can occupy the same region but different habitats. For example, one species might live in water, while another might dwell on land nearby.
  • Behavioural Isolation: Mating rituals, calls, or specific behaviours can act as barriers. A classic example is the unique courtship dances of certain bird species which are not recognised by others.
  • Mechanical Isolation: Physical differences can prevent mating. For instance, flowers might be adapted to specific pollinators, or anatomical differences might prevent mating in animals.
  • Gametic Isolation: Sometimes, gametes (sperm and egg) are not compatible. They might not meet or, if they do, might not fuse.

Postzygotic Barriers

These barriers act once fertilisation has occurred:

  • Hybrid Inviability: The formed hybrid may not be viable. For example, it might not undergo proper development in the womb or may fail to reach maturity.
  • Hybrid Sterility: Some hybrids, like the mule (a horse-donkey hybrid), reach adulthood but cannot reproduce.
  • Hybrid Breakdown: Initial hybrid generations might be viable and fertile. However, when they mate, their offspring might face decreased fitness or increased sterility.

Differential Selection

Differential or natural selection is the process where certain traits confer survival advantages to individuals, causing them to have better reproductive success than others.

Factors Driving Differential Selection:

  • Environmental Conditions: A changing environment can favour or hinder specific traits. For instance, during the industrial revolution, dark-winged moths had an advantage over light-winged ones due to pollution darkening tree barks.
  • Predation: Predators exert significant pressure on prey populations. Traits that decrease an individual's likelihood of being eaten – like speed, camouflage, or defensive mechanisms – can become prevalent over generations.
  • Resource Availability: Efficient resource utilisation can be a critical factor. For instance, birds with beak shapes suited to available food sources might fare better during food shortages.
  • Mate Choice: Sexual selection can drive certain traits. Peacocks with more elaborate tails might attract more mates, ensuring their genes are passed onto the next generation.
Differential selection or natural selection- evolution.

Image courtesy of Jack Westin

How Differential Selection Contributes to Speciation:

  • Adaptation to Different Niches: Over time, populations adapting to unique niches may diverge significantly. For instance, Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands evolved different beak shapes based on available food sources.
  • Formation of Subpopulations: When a species is spread over a vast area or across varied environments, subpopulations might experience distinct selection pressures. Over time, these pressures can lead to marked genetic differences between the subpopulations.
  • Survival of the Fittest: This well-known concept indicates that only the individuals best suited to their environment survive and reproduce. Over generations, this can shift the genetic makeup of entire populations.
  • Reproductive Advantages: Traits that increase mating success – from physical attributes to behaviours – become more prevalent. Over time, this can lead to such significant changes that populations no longer interbreed, becoming distinct species.


While reproductive isolation is a crucial step towards speciation, it doesn't guarantee it. Speciation is a multi-faceted process influenced by various factors like genetic drift, mutation rates, and selection pressures. Reproductive isolation simply ensures that two populations don't exchange genes. However, if the populations do not accumulate significant genetic differences over time, they might remain as subspecies or ecotypes rather than diverging into distinct species. Furthermore, some reproductive barriers can be incomplete or leaky, allowing occasional gene flow, which might slow down or prevent the speciation process.

Differential selection, or natural selection, is foundational to the theory of evolution. It postulates that individuals with traits that confer an advantage in their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over generations, these advantageous traits become more prevalent in the population. This constant, selective pressure refines species, moulding them to fit their environment more precisely. It's a continuous process of adaptation, with traits either being favoured or weeded out based on their contribution to an individual's reproductive success. Over time, populations exposed to different selection pressures can diverge so much that they become distinct species.

Differential selection can indeed operate within a single population and doesn't always lead to speciation. Within a given population, different traits can be favoured based on microenvironments or specific conditions. Over a few generations, this can lead to a higher frequency of certain traits. However, unless there's a mechanism, like reproductive isolation, that prevents gene flow within the population, they remain as one species. For speciation to occur, subpopulations must face distinct selection pressures and have barriers to gene flow, leading to sufficient genetic divergence.

Postzygotic barriers act after the formation of a zygote. They can lead to non-viable offspring or offspring that, though viable, are sterile. Such barriers ensure that even if interbreeding occurs between populations, the hybrids do not contribute to the gene pool of either population. For instance, when a mule is produced by mating a horse with a donkey, it's sterile and cannot reproduce. Over time, these barriers solidify the genetic differences between populations. As these hybrids don't pass on their genes, the two populations remain genetically distinct, aiding in the speciation process.

Reproductive isolation refers to the set of mechanisms, either prezygotic or postzygotic, that prevent two populations from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring. It focuses on the barriers that prevent gene flow, irrespective of the populations' physical locations. On the other hand, geographic isolation refers specifically to when populations are separated by physical barriers, such as mountains, rivers, or vast distances. Geographic isolation can lead to reproductive isolation over time. As separated populations adapt to their respective environments and face unique selection pressures, genetic differences accumulate. Eventually, even if they come into contact again, they might not interbreed due to the evolved reproductive barriers.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of prezygotic barriers in reproductive isolation and provide two detailed examples.

Prezygotic barriers are mechanisms that prevent mating or fertilisation between species before the formation of a zygote. These barriers ensure that two different species don't produce offspring, preserving the genetic integrity of each species. One example is temporal isolation where different species reproduce at distinct times. For instance, two flower species in the same region may flower in separate months, preventing cross-pollination. Another example is behavioural isolation, where specific mating rituals are unique to particular species. Birds might perform particular dances or songs that aren't recognised by other species, ensuring only conspecific individuals mate.

Describe how differential selection contributes to speciation, providing an example to support your answer.

Differential selection, commonly known as natural selection, is the process where certain traits provide individuals with a survival advantage in specific environments, leading them to reproduce more successfully. Over time, these advantageous traits become prevalent in the population, causing a shift in its genetic makeup. As populations adapt to distinct niches or face varied selection pressures, they can diverge genetically, leading to speciation. An illustrative example is Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands. These birds evolved different beak shapes in response to the available food sources on each island, resulting in multiple distinct species, each adapted to its unique environmental niche.

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