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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.2 Evidence for Evolution from Sequences

Evolution encompasses the genetic changes observed in populations over successive generations. One of the potent evidences supporting the concept of evolution emanates from sequences within DNA, RNA, and proteins.

DNA/RNA Sequencing

DNA and RNA are vital molecules comprising sequences of bases. These sequences, when compared across various species, offer profound insights regarding evolutionary lineages.

Understanding Base Sequences

  • Bases in DNA/RNA: DNA comprises four bases - adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). RNA, while similar, replaces thymine with uracil (U). These bases pair up to form the DNA and RNA structures, and the sequence in which they appear is crucial for genetic information.

Analysing Sequence Similarities

  • Shared Sequences: A fascinating fact is that all living entities share some sequences of DNA, reflecting a shared ancestry. The evolutionary closeness between two species can often be gauged by the DNA sequences they have in common.
    • For instance, humans and chimpanzees, being closely related, share roughly 98% of their DNA. In contrast, the similarity drops to about 50% when comparing humans with bananas.

Mutations as Indicators of Evolution

  • Accumulation of Changes: Divergence from a shared ancestor leads to the accumulation of mutations in DNA. These differences, when examined, can hint at the time since two species branched off from their last common ancestor.
  • Neutral Mutations: These mutations neither benefit nor harm the organism. Due to their neutral nature, they accumulate steadily over time, acting as a molecular timestamp, indicating divergence times between species.

Amino Acid Sequences in Proteins

Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, follow a sequence that's directly influenced by the underlying DNA instructions.

A diagram showing the translation of amino acid sequences into proteins.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Protein Sequences and Their Importance

  • Comparative Analysis: Comparing the sequence of amino acids in specific proteins across species can reveal evolutionary lineages.
    • An example is haemoglobin, a protein responsible for oxygen transport in blood. Its amino acid sequence retains remarkable similarity across all vertebrate species.

Functional Relevance in Evolution

  • Conserved Sequences: Essential sequences critical to a protein's function tend to be conserved across a multitude of species, alluding to a shared evolutionary origin.
  • Variability in Non-Essential Sequences: Segments of a protein that aren't pivotal for its function might display variations. These differences, over time, can chronicle the evolutionary trajectory of an organism.

Delving Deeper: Implications of Sequence Data

Sequence data, apart from being an intriguing field of study, has reshaped our understanding of evolution.

Constructing Phylogenetic Trees

  • Sequence data serves as the foundation for constructing phylogenetic trees. These graphical representations visually capture the evolutionary relationships amongst different organisms, making evolutionary distances palpable.

Corroborating Other Evolutionary Evidence

  • Often, sequence data bolsters evidence obtained from fossils or anatomy. A classic instance is the similarity in a specific gene sequence in both bats and dolphins, related to hearing. This confirms the hypothesis that both species independently evolved to use echolocation.

Superseding Morphological Similarities

  • Occasionally, organisms bearing no morphological resemblance might showcase startlingly similar DNA sequences, suggesting a close evolutionary kinship. Conversely, morphologically similar species (due to convergent evolution) might possess starkly different DNA sequences.

The Caveats: Challenges in Using Sequence Data

Sequence data, while invaluable, does come with its set of complexities:

The Enigma of Convergent Evolution

  • At times, two distinct species might evolve similar solutions to analogous challenges independently of each other. This can render their DNA or protein sequences deceivingly similar, not due to shared ancestry, but parallel evolution.

Variable Evolutionary Rates

  • Evolution isn't uniform. While some DNA segments, especially those integral to core cellular functions, evolve slowly, others can undergo rapid changes.

The Complexity of Horizontal Gene Transfer

  • In some microorganisms, genes can traverse directly between individuals, bypassing the conventional parent-to-offspring route. Such phenomena can blur the clarity of evolutionary relationships, making them more intricate to decipher.

To encapsulate, sequence data serves as a formidable tool in evolutionary biology. However, as with any scientific tool, it demands a judicious interpretation, especially when combined with other evidential forms.


Yes, certain organisms, particularly some microorganisms like bacteria, engage in horizontal gene transfer, where they directly share genes with each other. This can muddle evolutionary signals. For instance, two bacteria might have similar genes not because they share a recent common ancestor but because one passed the gene to the other. In such cases, traditional tree-like evolutionary models might not adequately represent relationships, and network models might be more fitting. Additionally, some ancient divergences or rapid radiation events might be challenging to resolve purely based on sequence data, requiring a multifaceted approach incorporating other data types.

Beyond tracing evolutionary histories, sequence comparison has myriad applications. In medicine, understanding genetic mutations can help pinpoint disease-causing genes, paving the way for personalised medicine. In ecology, sequence data can identify species in complex communities, like the gut microbiome, helping scientists discern roles different microbes play in ecosystems. In agriculture, sequencing crop varieties can identify genes linked to beneficial traits, guiding selective breeding programmes. Moreover, sequence comparison plays a role in biotechnology, where knowing genetic details can facilitate the engineering of organisms for specific tasks, from biofuel production to waste breakdown.

Molecular clocks are a conceptual method to determine the time in prehistory when two species diverged, based on the mutations in their DNA sequences. The principle relies on the assumption that mutations accumulate at a relatively consistent rate over time in specific gene sequences. By comparing the number of sequence differences between species and calibrating with fossil or other known data, scientists can estimate the divergence time. It's crucial to note, however, that not all genes mutate at the same rate, and environmental factors can influence mutation rates, necessitating careful selection of genes for such analyses.

The advent of modern sequencing techniques, such as next-generation sequencing, has revolutionised our comprehension of evolution. These methods allow scientists to rapidly and cost-effectively sequence vast stretches of DNA from numerous organisms. With the ever-growing genomic databases, we can carry out intricate comparisons at a granularity previously unimaginable. Furthermore, computational tools and algorithms have emerged to handle and interpret this colossal data, aiding in discerning subtle evolutionary patterns, constructing more accurate phylogenetic trees, and uncovering genes of significance in evolutionary processes.

The choice of genes or protein sequences for evolutionary studies often depends on the research question and the organisms in question. Generally, genes that are ubiquitous across species and have conserved functions, like ribosomal RNA genes, are preferred because they provide a broad evolutionary perspective. For deeper insights into specific evolutionary events or shorter time scales, genes with faster mutation rates might be chosen. Furthermore, genes associated with specific adaptations or phenotypic traits might be selected to explore the genetics behind those traits. It's a balance between choosing sequences that are conserved enough to infer deep evolutionary relationships and those variable enough to discern recent divergences.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of DNA/RNA and protein sequences in supporting the theory of evolution. Use examples in your answer.

DNA/RNA and protein sequences provide pivotal evidence for the theory of evolution. The sequences of bases in DNA/RNA and amino acids in proteins can be compared across different species, offering insights into their evolutionary relationships. For instance, humans share about 98% of their DNA with chimpanzees, highlighting our close evolutionary relationship. Furthermore, the haemoglobin protein, responsible for transporting oxygen in blood, maintains a similar amino acid sequence across all vertebrate species. Such sequence similarities underscore a shared ancestry and provide robust molecular evidence that corroborates the evolutionary connections among diverse organisms.

Describe some of the challenges faced by scientists when using sequence data to determine evolutionary relationships.

While sequence data is a potent tool in determining evolutionary relationships, it presents certain challenges. One issue is convergent evolution, where distinct species evolve similar features independently, making their sequences appear deceptively similar. For instance, bats and dolphins evolving echolocation independently might have similar sequences, but this doesn't necessarily indicate close evolutionary kinship. Additionally, not all DNA regions evolve at the same rate; some might evolve slowly while others rapidly, posing difficulties in pinpointing exact divergence times. Lastly, horizontal gene transfer in microorganisms, where genes are directly shared between individuals, complicates the clear mapping of evolutionary relationships.

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