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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.3 Evidence for Evolution from Selective Breed

Selective breeding, commonly termed artificial selection, represents the proactive intervention of humans in the evolutionary process. Through this strategy, we have painstakingly identified and propagated desirable traits within domesticated animals and crop plants across many generations.

Process of selective breeding.

Image courtesy of YourGenome

Domesticated Animals

History of Selective Breeding in Animals

The tale of domestication and selective breeding is as old as human civilization. Over millennia, humans have harnessed the evolutionary potential of various organisms, channelling their trajectories to better fit human needs.

  • Dogs: The diversity among dog breeds is a striking testament to the power of selective breeding. From the ancestors of wolves, we've sculpted breeds as varied as the diminutive Chihuahua to the towering St. Bernard. Each was fashioned for purposes ranging from hunting to herding to mere companionship.
  • Cattle: Different breeds have emerged through careful selection based on specific criteria. While some cattle breeds like the Holstein have been optimized for prodigious milk production, others like the Angus are preferred for their meat quality.
  • Poultry: Chicken breeds differ vastly in size, colour, and purpose. Some are bred for meat, some for egg-laying efficiency, and others for ornamental reasons.
Selective breeding or artificial selection of dogs producing domesticated animals.

Image courtesy of EduRev

Evidence from Breeding Records

Methodical documentation across generations provides a clear evolutionary roadmap, underscoring the human role in shaping lineage trajectories.

  • Horse racing: Thoroughbred racehorses' pedigrees are painstakingly maintained. Such documentation traces back lineage and is pivotal in predicting performance, thereby guiding breeding decisions.
  • Sheep: Selective breeding in sheep has produced breeds optimised for wool, meat, or even resistance to certain illnesses.

Physical Changes Over Generations

A historical lens, whether through old photographs or even paintings, offers stark contrasts, illuminating the profound shifts achieved through selective breeding.

  • English bulldogs: Comparing images from a century ago to today reveals distinct shifts in their facial structure, leg proportions, and overall physique, shaped predominantly by aesthetic preferences.

Crop Plants

Ancient Beginnings

Agriculture's genesis is inextricably tied to our nascent understanding of selective breeding, harnessing nature to sustain burgeoning human settlements.

  • Teosinte to Maize: A remarkable transformation tale is the journey from the wild grass teosinte to modern maize. Meticulous selection over generations refined its features, making it a staple food crop.
A picture of the transformation of wild grass teosinte to modern maize.

Image courtesy of John Doebley

  • Wild mustard plant: This unassuming plant is the progenitor of diverse cultivars like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. Each variant was crafted by emphasising growth in specific plant parts.
A picture of the wild mustard plant.

Image courtesy of Phil Sellens

Evidence from Archaeological Finds

Delving into the annals of history through archaeological excavations offers tangible proof of our ancestors' agricultural acumen.

  • Ancient grains: Seed fossils from archaeological sites often showcase grains that are significantly smaller than their contemporary counterparts. Over generations, selection for larger, more bounteous seeds led to the cultivation of today's more generous yields.
  • Ancient legumes: Similar to grains, ancient legume seeds like lentils and chickpeas were much smaller, hinting at the evolutionary journey steered by our forebears.

Modifications for Modern Needs

Today, with advanced knowledge, our criteria for selective breeding in plants are more sophisticated, aligned with modern-day challenges and needs.

  • Disease resistance: With the perpetual threat of crop diseases, newer varieties are specifically engineered to fend off particular pathogens, ensuring better yields and food security.
  • Shelf-life and transportability: Crops like tomatoes have been selectively bred not only for taste but also for traits like robustness, ensuring they endure the rigours of transportation without compromising appearance.
  • Nutrient content: In some cases, selective breeding is employed to bolster the nutritional content of crops, making them richer in vitamins, minerals, or even certain macronutrients.

Implications and Significance

Selective breeding, while offering a powerful testament to evolution's malleability, also serves as a lens into broader evolutionary principles.

  • Speed of Change: Selective breeding underscores how rapid evolutionary shifts can be, given the right pressures. In mere decades, pronounced changes can emerge, a microcosm of natural evolution's eons-long sagas.
  • Directional Selection: Emulating nature's own mechanisms, selective breeding epitomises directional selection. Just as environmental pressures mould natural populations, human preferences shape domesticated species.
  • Genetic Diversity Concerns: However, it's pivotal to understand selective breeding's potential pitfalls. As certain traits become predominant, there's an inherent risk of diminishing genetic diversity, rendering populations more vulnerable to diseases or environmental shifts.


Selective breeding has been instrumental in increasing global food production and ensuring food security. By selecting crops that have higher yields, resistance to pests and diseases, and improved nutritional profiles, food production has significantly increased over the years. Crops like wheat, rice, and maize have undergone generations of selective breeding to enhance their productivity. Similarly, livestock have been bred for faster growth rates and better meat, milk, or egg production. This has allowed farmers to produce more food with the same or even fewer resources, playing a crucial role in feeding the ever-growing global population.

Yes, there are ethical concerns associated with selective breeding. Some argue that manipulating animals or plants solely for human benefit, especially without considering the well-being of the organisms, can be ethically questionable. For animals, the health issues that arise from intense selective breeding, such as in certain dog breeds, raise animal welfare concerns. Additionally, some believe that reducing the genetic diversity of plants and animals makes them more vulnerable to diseases, potentially compromising food security. The ethical debate revolves around the balance between human desires or needs and the welfare and sustainability of the organisms being bred.

Yes, selective breeding, especially when taken to extremes or done without comprehensive understanding, can inadvertently introduce or amplify health issues in animals. Breeding animals for very specific traits can sometimes lead to inbreeding, where close relatives mate. This reduces genetic diversity and can make certain harmful genetic conditions more prevalent. For instance, certain dog breeds are predisposed to hip dysplasia, breathing difficulties, or heart diseases due to intense selective breeding for specific physical characteristics. It's vital to ensure that breeding practices prioritise the health and well-being of animals and maintain genetic diversity to avoid such complications.

Selective breeding can impact biodiversity in several ways. On one hand, by repeatedly breeding for specific traits, the genetic diversity within a particular breed or cultivar might diminish, making it more susceptible to diseases or environmental changes. On a larger scale, if farmers globally opt to grow only a few selectively bred crops or raise specific breeds of livestock, it could lead to reduced agricultural biodiversity, with many indigenous varieties or breeds getting sidelined or even extinct. This can be detrimental in the long run, as these native varieties might contain genes vital for future breeding efforts, especially in the face of changing environmental conditions or new disease threats.

Selective breeding involves choosing specific plants or animals to breed together based on desired traits, and this process is repeated over generations until a consistent result is achieved. This method employs natural processes of reproduction, ensuring that only the traits present within the breeding population emerge in the offspring. On the other hand, genetic engineering involves directly modifying an organism's DNA using biotechnological techniques, often introducing genes from one species into another. This can result in organisms with traits that might not naturally arise within a species. While both methods aim to produce organisms with specific traits, their mechanisms and scope are fundamentally different.

Practice Questions

Define selective breeding and illustrate its significance in understanding evolutionary principles, using domesticated animals as an example.

Selective breeding, also known as artificial selection, refers to the human intervention in the breeding of organisms to produce desired characteristics over generations. It provides a tangible demonstration of evolutionary principles in a shorter time frame compared to natural evolution. For instance, dogs, which have a common ancestor in the wild wolf, have been selectively bred for various purposes. This has led to a myriad of breeds ranging from hunting dogs like Retrievers to companion animals like Poodles. These vast differences in traits, sculpted in a relatively short span, mirror the broader principles of natural evolution but on a compressed timescale.

Describe how archaeological finds can offer insights into the history of selective breeding in crop plants. Use an example in your answer.

Archaeological finds, particularly ancient seeds and plant remnants, provide a window into past agricultural practices and the early stages of crop domestication. By comparing these ancient specimens with modern varieties, we can trace the evolutionary journey steered by selective breeding. An example is the transformation from the wild grass teosinte to contemporary maize. Fossilised teosinte seeds are much smaller and differ in structure compared to today’s maize kernels. Over generations, early farmers selected for plants yielding larger and more abundant seeds, gradually refining teosinte into the maize we recognise today, showcasing the power of human-directed evolutionary change.

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