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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.8.11 Abrupt Speciation in Plants by Hybridization and Polyploidy

Speciation, or the formation of new species, in plants can often be a gradual process. However, certain mechanisms such as hybridisation and polyploidy can cause abrupt speciation. Let’s delve deeper into these fascinating evolutionary strategies.

Hybridisation in Plants

Hybridisation refers to the process where two distinct species or subspecies interbreed. This crossing often results in a hybrid offspring, inheriting a combination of traits from both parent species.

Hybridisation in plants.

Image courtesy of DoorstepTutor

Key Points:

  • Hybrids: These are offspring resulting from the interbreeding of two genetically distinct parent species or subspecies.
  • Mechanism:
    • Barrier Breakdown: Hybridisation generally starts when barriers, either geographical or biological, preventing interbreeding between two species break down.
    • Cross-Fertilisation: The species then cross-fertilise, either through natural means or human intervention.
    • Formation of Hybrid Offspring: The resultant hybrid possesses a mix of traits from its parent species, possibly allowing it to adapt to unique ecological niches or challenges.
  • Outcomes:
    • Viable Hybrids: These hybrids can reproduce and potentially form a new species, especially if they consistently interbreed among themselves, leading to a stable population.
    • Sterile Hybrids: Due to mismatched chromosome numbers, some hybrids are sterile and cannot reproduce. However, processes like polyploidy can sometimes restore their fertility.

Polyploidy: A Deep Dive

Polyploidy is the condition where an organism possesses more than two sets of chromosomes, a situation relatively common in plants. This surplus of chromosomes can arise due to errors during cell division or as a consequence of hybridisation events.

Types of Polyploidy:

  • Autopolyploidy: This arises from the duplication of chromosomes within a single species.
    • For instance, a plant that's diploid (2x) might undergo a chromosomal duplication event, leading to a tetraploid (4x) state.
  • Allopolyploidy: This is a consequence of the union of chromosomes from two distinct species, typically following a hybridisation event.
    • When two different diploid species (2x each) hybridise, the hybrid might initially be a sterile diploid. However, if this hybrid undergoes chromosome duplication, it evolves into a fertile tetraploid (4x) with equal chromosome contributions from each progenitor.
A diagram of haploid, diploid, triploid and tetraploid chromosomes.

Triploid and tetraploid chromosomes are examples of polyploidy.

Image courtesy of Ehamberg

Implications of Polyploidy:

  • Enhanced Genetic Diversity: With increased genetic material, polyploid plants offer a higher degree of genetic variation, a potential advantage in changing environments.
  • Adaptability: Owing to their distinct genetic makeup, polyploids might have the capability to exploit environments or niches distinct from their progenitor species.
  • Reproductive Isolation: Due to disparities in chromosome numbers, polyploids typically cannot interbreed with their diploid progenitors. Over time, this reproductive barrier can affirm the polyploid's status as a distinct species.

Role of Polyploidy in Abrupt Speciation

Unlike the drawn-out evolutionary changes that often guide speciation, polyploidy can result in immediate shifts. A sudden rise in chromosome count can instantaneously isolate a polyploid entity from its parent population, fostering rapid speciation.


  • Formation of Initial Hybrid: Two closely related species interbreed, leading to a hybrid offspring.
  • Chromosome Duplication Event: This hybrid undergoes a spontaneous chromosomal duplication event, resulting in polyploidy.
  • Reproductive Isolation: With a different chromosome count, the polyploid hybrid cannot breed with either of its parent species, leading to reproductive isolation.
  • Evolution into Distinct Species: Over numerous generations, combined with other ecological and genetic changes, the polyploid hybrid evolves into a distinct species.

Illustrative Examples:

  • Wheat: The journey of modern bread wheat is intriguing. It's a hexaploid (6x) and has evolved from multiple rounds of hybridisation and polyploidy involving different grass species over thousands of years.
A picture of wheat- an example of a hexaploid (6x) species.

Image courtesy of kallerna

  • Cotton: Certain species of cotton are allopolyploids. They have evolved from hybridisation events between two diploid cotton species, followed by chromosome duplication, granting them a unique combination of characteristics.
 A picture of cotton- an example of allopolyploids.

Image courtesy of Mamichaelraj

Brassica: The Brassica genus, housing vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, offers classical instances of speciation via hybridisation and polyploidy. Some species in this group arose from the fusion and subsequent duplication of genomes from different ancestral species, leading to the diverse vegetable forms we recognise today.


Yes, while polyploidy offers several evolutionary advantages to plants, it is also associated with certain challenges. One primary concern is complications during meiosis. Due to the increased number of chromosomes, polyploid plants might experience irregularities during the formation of gametes, leading to reduced fertility or the production of genetically imbalanced gametes. Additionally, managing a larger genome can be energy-intensive, potentially affecting the plant's metabolic efficiency. Lastly, polyploid plants might face competition from their diploid progenitors, especially if both are vying for similar ecological niches.

Hybrid vigour, also known as heterosis, refers to the phenomenon where hybrid offspring exhibit superior traits compared to either of their parent species. This often results from the mixing of genes during hybridisation, leading to a combination of beneficial alleles from both parents. Such hybrids can display enhanced growth rates, increased resistance to diseases, or better reproductive success. In the context of plant hybridisation, this vigour can be a driving force behind the success of certain hybrids, allowing them to outcompete both their parent species and other plants in their environment. This is one reason why many crops used in agriculture are hybrids, as they often yield better and are more robust.

Polyploidy is relatively common in the plant kingdom, with estimates suggesting that up to 70% of flowering plants have experienced polyploidy in their evolutionary history. The frequency of polyploidy varies among different plant groups. For instance, it's especially prevalent among ferns, grasses, and angiosperms. The adaptability and flexibility provided by polyploidy, combined with the ability to exploit novel ecological niches, have made it a significant evolutionary strategy for many plants. This widespread occurrence underscores its importance in the diversification and success of various plant lineages.

Humans have had a profound impact on plant hybridisation and polyploidy, especially in the realm of agriculture. Deliberate cross-breeding of plants to obtain desired traits has led to the creation of numerous hybrid crops. Furthermore, techniques like colchicine treatment can induce polyploidy artificially, allowing breeders to generate polyploid plants with desired characteristics, such as larger fruit or flower sizes. These interventions have fast-tracked the development of many of the crop varieties we rely on today. However, it's essential to exercise caution, as inducing hybridisation and polyploidy can also lead to unintended consequences, affecting ecosystem dynamics or introducing vulnerabilities in crop species.

Polyploidy equips plants with enhanced resilience against various environmental challenges due to the increased genetic redundancy. With multiple sets of chromosomes, polyploid plants possess extra copies of genes, allowing for greater genetic variation and adaptability. This genetic backup can facilitate better responses to environmental stressors such as drought, salinity, or pest attacks. Moreover, if a mutation negatively affects one gene, having multiple copies ensures that essential functions are not disrupted. This genetic versatility often results in polyploid plants exhibiting improved growth, increased biomass, and higher tolerance to adverse conditions compared to their diploid counterparts.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of polyploidy in causing abrupt speciation in plants, giving an example.

Polyploidy plays a crucial role in causing abrupt speciation in plants. It refers to the condition where an organism possesses more than two sets of chromosomes. Such an increase in chromosome number can lead to immediate reproductive isolation from its parent population, as the polyploid individuals might not be able to breed with diploid counterparts. Over time, this reproductive barrier, combined with other ecological and genetic factors, can lead to the formation of a distinct species. A classic example of this is modern bread wheat, which is a hexaploid. It evolved from multiple rounds of hybridisation and polyploidy involving different grass species over thousands of years.

Explain the difference between autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy, mentioning their impact on hybridisation in plants.

Autopolyploidy arises due to the duplication of chromosomes within a single species. For instance, a diploid plant might undergo a chromosomal duplication event, resulting in a tetraploid state. In contrast, allopolyploidy is the consequence of the union of chromosomes from two different species, typically after a hybridisation event. For example, when two different diploid species hybridise, the resultant hybrid might initially be sterile. However, if this hybrid undergoes chromosome duplication, it can become a fertile tetraploid. Allopolyploidy, therefore, plays a direct role in hybrid speciation, where two species interbreed, and the resultant hybrid evolves into a new species due to subsequent polyploidy events.

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