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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.5.6 Rapid Evolution in Viruses

Viruses, due to their unique biological nature, are adept at evolving at a swift pace. This capacity for rapid evolution often challenges our medical interventions and disease treatment protocols. Two predominant examples of such viruses are the influenza viruses and HIV.

Why Do Some Viruses Evolve Rapidly?

The rapid evolution of viruses can be attributed to several factors, each of which plays a pivotal role in the ability of a virus to adapt and change.

  • High Mutation Rates: Mutation is a change in the DNA or RNA sequence of an organism. For viruses, especially RNA viruses, mutation rates are exceptionally high.
    • RNA Replication Errors: Unlike DNA, RNA replication often lacks a proofreading mechanism. Without this check in place, errors, or mutations, accumulate at a much higher rate in RNA viruses compared to DNA viruses.
  • Short Generation Time: Viruses can reproduce in vast numbers within host cells in a relatively short time. Such a high reproductive rate means many more opportunities for mutations to occur and become prevalent.
  • Selective Pressure from the Host: Host immune responses exert selective pressures on the invading viruses.
    • Antigenic Drift: Over time, small mutations accumulate in the virus genes leading to minor changes. While they might seem inconsequential, these changes can make the virus unrecognisable to previously produced antibodies, rendering them ineffective.
  • Recombination and Reassortment: Genetic material exchange in viruses can be through recombination (where gene segments are swapped) or reassortment (entire gene segments get shuffled). Influenza, for instance, can swap gene segments when two different strains infect the same cell.
Antigenic shift vs antigenic drift in the virus.

Image courtesy of Microbe Notes

Influenza Viruses: An Evolving Threat

The ability of influenza viruses to adapt and evolve makes them a perennial health challenge.

  • Types and Subtypes: Influenza viruses are categorised into three primary types: A, B, and C. The influenza A viruses are further split into subtypes based on two key surface proteins: haemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N).
    • Antigenic Drift in Influenza: Small, incremental changes in the influenza genes are termed as antigenic drift. It's due to these changes that individuals can get the flu multiple times in their lifetime.
    • Antigenic Shift in Influenza: This is a more drastic, abrupt change leading to new subtypes of influenza A viruses. The emergence of a new subtype can lead to a pandemic since the global population would generally have no immunity against this new variant.
A picture showing a 3D print of the Influenza virus.

3D print of Influenza virus.

Image courtesy of NIAID

HIV: Adaptability at its Best

HIV showcases the repercussions of rapid viral evolution on treatment protocols.

  • Mutations and HIV: The error-prone replication of HIV results in the production of numerous mutant strains within a single host, creating a reservoir of diverse virus forms.
  • Drug Resistance in HIV: As with any treatment, there's a selective pressure exerted by antiretroviral drugs on HIV. Strains harbouring mutations that confer survival advantages in the presence of these drugs become dominant, leading to drug-resistant variants.
    • Combination Therapy: To circumvent the challenge of drug resistance, a multi-drug regimen is administered. This approach, termed combination therapy, reduces the chances of the virus developing resistance as it would need to simultaneously develop resistance against multiple drugs.
A picture showing a 3D print of HIV.

3D print of HIV

Image courtesy of NIAID

Implications for Disease Treatment

The speed at which viruses evolve has a direct bearing on how we approach disease treatment.

  • Vaccine Development: The changing genetic landscape of viruses, especially influenza, requires constant monitoring. Every year, vaccines need updates to counter the most likely strains to be prevalent.
  • Antiviral Drugs: Developing new drugs is a continuous process, especially for diseases like HIV where resistance can emerge rapidly.
  • Public Health Measures: The emergence of a new or highly mutated virus strain can lead to outbreaks. Here, public health initiatives, such as surveillance, early detection, quarantine, and global collaboration, play a crucial role in disease containment.
  • Global Collaboration and Research: Keeping a step ahead of these rapidly evolving pathogens requires continuous research. Global collaboration aids in the sharing of knowledge, resources, and strategies to counter the threats posed by these viruses.
  • Education and Awareness: Informing the public about the risks, transmission methods, and prevention strategies can help in reducing the spread. Understanding the importance of vaccinations and the reasons for annual flu shots, for instance, can drive better compliance and coverage.


Recombination and reassortment are both mechanisms that lead to genetic diversity in viruses, but they operate differently. Recombination occurs when two different strains of a virus infect the same cell and exchange fragments of their genetic material, creating a hybrid virus. This mechanism is common in many DNA and RNA viruses. Reassortment, on the other hand, specifically pertains to viruses with segmented genomes, like the influenza virus. When two different strains of a segmented virus co-infect a single cell, they can swap whole segments of their genetic material. This shuffling produces new combinations of genes, leading to a potentially new viral strain.

Antiviral drugs target specific stages or components of the viral life cycle. When an HIV patient is administered antiretroviral drugs, these drugs exert selective pressure on the virus. Any HIV strains that happen to possess mutations allowing them to withstand or bypass the drug's mechanism of action will have a survival advantage. These drug-resistant strains can then proliferate in the presence of the drug, while strains susceptible to the drug get suppressed. Over time, if drug administration isn't properly managed, there's a risk that drug-resistant strains become dominant, making the treatment less effective.

The need for annual flu shots arises from the rapid evolution of influenza viruses, primarily through mechanisms like antigenic drift and shift. Antigenic drift involves small, incremental genetic changes over time, leading to minor modifications in viral proteins. Antigenic shift is a more abrupt change producing new influenza A subtypes. Due to these changes, the immunity developed from the previous year's vaccine or natural infection might not be effective against the current year's prevalent strains. Each year, global health organisations monitor flu strains circulating worldwide. Using this data, they predict which strains are most likely to be widespread in the upcoming flu season and formulate the vaccine accordingly.

The human immune response exerts selective pressure on viruses. When the immune system encounters a virus, it produces antibodies specific to that viral strain. Over time, as viruses replicate and accumulate mutations, some of these mutations might enable the virus to evade recognition by previously produced antibodies. This means that the mutated virus strains have a survival and reproductive advantage, as they can avoid immune detection and elimination. Over time, these immune-evasive strains become more prevalent in the viral population. Thus, the immune system indirectly drives the evolution of the virus by favouring the survival of mutant strains that can evade immune detection.

RNA viruses inherently possess a higher mutation rate compared to DNA viruses due to the nature of their replication process. When RNA replicates, the enzymes responsible, called RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, lack the robust proofreading capabilities that DNA polymerases possess. This lack of proofreading means that errors introduced during replication often remain uncorrected, leading to a higher incidence of mutations. Furthermore, the absence of repair mechanisms in RNA means that any mutations that occur are likely to be retained. Consequently, these accumulated mutations contribute to the rapid evolution and adaptability of RNA viruses.

Practice Questions

Explain the reasons for the rapid evolution of RNA viruses, using influenza and HIV as examples.

RNA viruses, like influenza and HIV, evolve rapidly due to several factors. First, they have inherently high mutation rates, primarily because RNA replication lacks the proofreading mechanisms found in DNA replication. This results in more frequent replication errors or mutations. Influenza, for instance, undergoes both antigenic drift, with small genetic changes over time, and antigenic shift, where a sudden major change produces a new subtype. HIV, on the other hand, due to its error-prone replication, produces numerous mutant strains within an individual, creating a diverse viral population. Both these examples highlight the adaptive nature of RNA viruses in response to environmental pressures.

Describe the implications of the rapid evolution of viruses on disease treatment and prevention, especially in the context of influenza and HIV.

The rapid evolution of viruses greatly affects disease treatment and prevention. For influenza, its ability to undergo both antigenic drift and shift means that vaccines need annual updates to match the most likely prevalent strains. Thus, predicting these strains becomes crucial for effective vaccination. Regarding HIV, its rapid mutation rate leads to the emergence of drug-resistant strains. This necessitates the use of combination therapies, where multiple antiretroviral drugs are administered simultaneously. The idea is to reduce the chances of the virus developing resistance against all the drugs at once. In both cases, continuous research, monitoring, and global collaboration become essential to stay ahead of the evolving viral threats.

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