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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.5.2 Diversity in Viruses

Viruses are fascinating biological entities, neither truly alive nor inanimate, possessing a remarkable range of diversity in their structures and genetic material. This extensive variety ensures they can infiltrate and exploit a wide spectrum of host organisms.

Macro shot of Different types of viruses.

Image courtesy of Joint Genome Institute

Genetic Material in Viruses

All living organisms use genetic material to encode their functions, ensuring continuity and evolution. Viruses, though not considered living in the traditional sense, are no exception.

DNA Viruses

  • Type: These are viruses with Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) as their genetic blueprint.
    • Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA):
      • Nature: They possess two complementary DNA strands, wound together in the familiar double helix.
      • Examples: Herpesviruses, causing cold sores and genital herpes; Adenoviruses, responsible for a range of illnesses from mild respiratory infections to gastrointestinal issues.
      • Replication: Typically, they replicate in the host's nucleus where the cellular DNA is also located.
    • Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA):
      • Nature: Containing just one strand of DNA, these viruses are relatively less common.
      • Example: Parvovirus B19, which can cause a mild rash illness called fifth disease.
      • Replication: They require a host cell to form a complementary strand, which then serves as a template for replication.

RNA Viruses

  • Type: These viruses have Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) as their genetic material.
    • Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA):
      • Nature: Like dsDNA, they contain complementary RNA strands but are rarer among RNA viruses.
      • Example: Rotavirus, a significant cause of diarrhoeal disease in infants and young children.
      • Replication: These replicate primarily in the cytoplasm of the host cell.
    • Single-stranded RNA (ssRNA):
      • Nature: More commonly found among RNA viruses, these can be further categorised based on the polarity of RNA.
      • Positive-sense ssRNA (+ssRNA):
        • Nature: Their RNA can directly serve as a template for protein synthesis.
        • Example: Coronaviruses, including the infamous SARS-CoV-2.
      • Negative-sense ssRNA (-ssRNA):
        • Nature: Before translation into proteins, their RNA must first be transcribed into a complementary positive-sense RNA by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme.
        • Examples: Influenza virus, which causes seasonal flu; Rabies virus, resulting in a deadly neurological disease.
Examples of DNA and RNA viruses.

Image courtesy of National Human Genome Research Institute

Structural Diversity

While the genetic material of viruses forms the basis of their functionality, their structural components are crucial for protection, host recognition, and entry.

Capsid Composition

A capsid, composed of protein subunits known as capsomers, envelopes the virus's genetic material.

  • Helical:
    • Nature: Resembling rods or threads, these capsids are cylindrical.
    • Examples: Tobacco Mosaic Virus, which affects tobacco plants; Rabies virus.
    • Function: The helical arrangement provides a protective shield for the nucleic acid.
  • Icosahedral:
    • Nature: Resembling 20-sided dice, these capsids are nearly spherical but polygonal.
    • Examples: Polioviruses; Adenoviruses.
    • Function: This compact shape offers a stable environment for the viral genetic material.
  • Complex:
    • Nature: These capsids exhibit both helical and icosahedral properties or might have additional components.
    • Example: Bacteriophages.
    • Function: Tail fibres in bacteriophages, for instance, aid in attaching to specific bacterial cells.
A diagram showing the structure of different types of viruses.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

The presence or absence of an outer envelope further distinguishes viruses.

  • Enveloped Viruses:
    • Nature: They possess an outer lipid bilayer membrane, typically derived from the host cell's own membrane during viral replication or budding.
    • Function: The envelope may contain viral proteins or glycoproteins essential for binding to host cells, facilitating viral entry.
    • Examples: HIV, Influenza viruses.
    • Vulnerability: They are more susceptible to environmental factors and detergents.
  • Non-enveloped Viruses:
    • Nature: Lacking the lipid bilayer, they're more robust structurally.
    • Function: They rely on their capsid alone for protection and interaction with host cells.
    • Examples: Norovirus, responsible for stomach flu; Rhinovirus, causing the common cold.
    • Resilience: Typically more resistant to environmental challenges.
Examples and structure of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.

Image courtesy of BioProcess International

Implications of Viral Diversity

Diversity among viruses is not just a biological marvel but has significant repercussions in medicine and public health.

  • Disease Transmission: The mode of transmission, be it respiratory, faecal-oral, or vector-borne, can be influenced by structural components.
  • Vaccine Development: A continually evolving virus, like the flu virus, necessitates frequent updates in vaccine formulations to cater to the most predominant circulating strains.
  • Treatment: Antiviral treatments can be more effective if tailored to a virus's specific genetic makeup and structural properties. For example, drugs designed to target the replication mechanism of RNA viruses wouldn't work against DNA viruses.


The replication site of a virus within a host cell has implications for its lifecycle and interactions. Viruses that replicate in the nucleus, like most DNA viruses, often interact directly with the host's genetic material and machinery, sometimes integrating into the host genome or hijacking the replication machinery. This can lead to mutations or even cellular transformation, which can be oncogenic. Viruses replicating in the cytoplasm, like many RNA viruses, might form replication complexes within the cell's cytoplasmic region. Here, they can affect cellular processes, cause cytopathic effects, and may evade the host's nuclear defence mechanisms, leading to rapid replication and spread.

Yes, all viruses require host cells for replication. Viruses are considered obligate intracellular parasites because they lack the necessary machinery and components to carry out life processes independently. They don't have ribosomes for protein synthesis, enzymes for energy production, or structures for nutrient intake. Instead, viruses rely on the host cell's machinery and metabolic processes. Once inside a suitable host cell, the virus can commandeer the cellular equipment to replicate its genetic material, synthesise viral proteins, and assemble new viral particles. This parasitic nature is one reason why viruses are not classified as living organisms in the traditional sense.

Enveloped viruses possess a lipid bilayer membrane, which is delicate and vulnerable to perturbations. Detergents, by their nature, disrupt lipid bilayers. They can break down and solubilise the lipids in the viral envelope, rendering the virus non-infectious. This is why soap and detergents are often effective against many enveloped viruses, including coronaviruses. On the other hand, non-enveloped viruses lack this lipid bilayer. Instead, they have a protein coat that provides a higher degree of protection against environmental challenges, including exposure to detergents, making them more resilient in comparison.

The nature of single-stranded RNA viruses as either positive-sense (+ssRNA) or negative-sense (-ssRNA) is determined by the orientation and function of their RNA. Positive-sense RNA viruses have their RNA in a format directly usable for protein synthesis by the host's ribosomes, akin to the mRNA of cells. Conversely, negative-sense RNA viruses carry RNA in an orientation opposite to mRNA. Before any protein synthesis can occur, this RNA must first be transcribed into a complementary positive-sense RNA by the virus's specific enzyme. The initial genetic makeup and evolutionary pressures on the virus dictate which type of RNA orientation it adopts.

Complex capsids are a combination of helical and icosahedral properties or might include additional structures. This mixed structure gives such viruses added advantages. For instance, the helical portion can provide length, allowing the genetic material to be densely packed, while the icosahedral part might offer stability and symmetry. The combination essentially offers the best of both worlds: efficient packaging and protective robustness. Moreover, additional structures, such as tail fibres in bacteriophages, can aid in specific attachments to host cells, ensuring successful infections. This unique structural blend allows complex viruses to optimally exploit their host environments for survival and replication.

Practice Questions

Briefly explain the structural differences between DNA and RNA viruses, citing their implications for vaccine development.

DNA viruses contain either double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) as their genetic material, typically replicating in the host's nucleus. In contrast, RNA viruses possess either double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), with replication commonly occurring in the host's cytoplasm. For vaccine development, RNA viruses often mutate at a faster rate due to the lack of proofreading mechanisms during replication. This rapid evolution, especially in ssRNA viruses, makes it challenging to develop long-lasting vaccines, requiring frequent updates, as seen with the influenza vaccine.

Distinguish between enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, highlighting their modes of transmission and vulnerabilities.

Enveloped viruses are characterised by an outer lipid bilayer membrane, usually derived from the host cell's membrane. This envelope might contain glycoproteins vital for attaching to and entering host cells. Examples include HIV and influenza viruses. Their enveloped nature makes them more vulnerable to environmental factors and detergents. Non-enveloped viruses, lacking this lipid bilayer, rely solely on their protein capsid for protection and interaction with hosts. Notable examples are norovirus and rhinovirus. Being more structurally robust, they're generally more resistant to environmental challenges. Their mode of transmission often varies based on their structural resilience, with non-enveloped viruses typically being more stable in external environments.

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