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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.5.4 Lysogenic Cycle

The viral world is a tapestry of diverse strategies employed by these entities to propagate and survive. Among these, the lysogenic cycle is a mechanism where viruses and hosts form an intriguing, silent partnership. The bacteriophage lambda, with its interactions with the bacterium Escherichia coli, serves as a representative model to delve deeper into this cycle.

In contrast to the aggressive takeover seen in the lytic cycle, the lysogenic cycle offers a more patient approach. Here, the viral genome becomes a silent tenant within the host's DNA, lying in wait for the right conditions to act. This strategy allows the virus to survive and spread without causing direct harm to the host.

Macro shot of bacteriophage lambda virus.

Macro shot of bacteriophage lambda virus.

Image courtesy of  UC San Diego Today

Phases of the Lysogenic Cycle

1. Viral Genome Integration

  • Prophage Formation: The viral DNA that integrates into the host cell's genome is termed a prophage. This integrated form allows the virus to essentially hide within the host, avoiding detection and immediate destruction.
  • Site-Specific Integration: This integration is not random. Viruses like the lambda phage have specific sites where they prefer to integrate, ensuring stability and minimal disruption to the host genome.

2. Dormancy and Propagation

  • Silent Operation: Once the prophage is in place, the viral genes remain largely inactive. However, the host cell operates normally, going about its regular functions.
  • Cell Division and Viral Spread: As the host cell divides, it also replicates the viral DNA, passing the prophage to each of its progeny. This method allows the virus to spread silently within a population.

3. Induction and Lytic Entry

  • Stress Activation: Certain environmental or cellular stressors can awaken the dormant prophage. Once activated, it can initiate the lytic cycle, producing more viruses and ultimately leading to the host cell's destruction.
A diagram showing phases of the Lysogenic Cycle.

Image courtesy of Ivan Pchelin

Bacteriophage Lambda: A Detailed Look

Lambda Phage Lifecycle

  • Attachment and Entry: The lambda phage recognises and binds to specific receptors on the E. coli cell surface, and then it injects its DNA into the bacterium.
  • Decision-making: Post-entry, the phage must choose between the lytic and lysogenic paths. Environmental factors and the health of the host cell influence this decision.
  • Integration in the Lysogenic Pathway: Opting for lysogeny, the lambda DNA integrates into a specific site in the E. coli chromosome. With this, the bacterium becomes a lysogen, bearing the viral DNA silently within.
  • Propagation: As the lysogen divides, the viral DNA propagates, spreading to new generations.
A diagram showing the structure of lambda phage.

Image courtesy of Lizanne Koch

Factors Affecting Lysogenic Cycle Entry

  • Cellular Conditions: A thriving, healthy E. coli cell might prompt the lambda phage to choose lysogeny over immediate destruction.
  • Repressor Proteins: These proteins play a pivotal role. Their presence in high amounts prevents the viral genes from turning to the lytic pathway. They essentially 'repress' a hostile takeover.
  • Environmental Triggers: Factors like UV radiation or specific chemicals can induce the prophage to exit the lysogenic state and enter its lytic phase.

Impacts and Implications

Genetic Repercussions

  • Horizontal Gene Transfer: Prophages can occasionally exit the host genome and then integrate into another bacterium's DNA. This movement allows for the transfer of genes between bacteria, a phenomenon crucial for bacterial evolution.
  • Phage Conversion: Prophages might bear genes that can alter the host bacterium's properties. For instance, the ability to produce certain toxins can be conferred by prophage genes, changing the bacterium's pathogenicity.
Horizontal gene transfer in bacteria.

Image courtesy of esignua

Protective Mechanisms

  • Superinfection Immunity: Lysogens often develop resistance to infections by similar phages. This protective mechanism can provide an advantage in environments teeming with phages, ensuring longer survival.

Broader Relevance and Applications

  • Pathogenicity of Bacteria: Prophages can transform harmless bacteria into pathogens. For example, the toxin responsible for diphtheria is encoded not by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae itself, but by a prophage it harbours.
  • Biotechnological Potential: The principles of the lysogenic cycle, particularly controlled gene expression, have been harnessed in various biotechnological applications. They offer tools for genetic engineering and therapy.


While it's tempting to anthropomorphise viruses, they don't "predict" in the way humans do. Instead, viruses have evolved responses to specific cues from their environment. The switch from the lysogenic to the lytic cycle in response to stress is an evolved strategy. When a host bacterium faces stress, it might be a signal that the bacterium's health or longevity is at risk. In response to such cues, it would be advantageous for the virus to switch to the lytic cycle, produce many progeny, and then find new hosts, rather than staying in a potentially dying bacterium. This response is more about reacting to current conditions than predicting future ones.

Yes, bacteria can occasionally benefit from harbouring prophages. One well-documented benefit is superinfection immunity. Once a bacterium becomes lysogenised by a particular phage, it often becomes resistant to subsequent infections by similar phages. This immunity can offer a significant advantage in environments where phages are abundant. Additionally, some prophages can carry genes that grant the bacterium new capabilities, like producing toxins or metabolising new substrates. These new features can enhance the fitness and competitive advantage of the bacterium in its environment.

Site-specific integrations are crucial for both the bacterium and the virus. By integrating at specific locations in the bacterial genome, the prophage ensures that essential bacterial genes aren't disrupted. Disruption could lead to bacterial cell death, which would not be favourable for a virus aiming for a harmonious relationship with its host. Moreover, site-specific integration ensures that the prophage remains stable within the bacterial genome, reducing the risk of it being excised or lost during DNA replication or repair. This specificity, hence, ensures the survival and propagation of the virus alongside its bacterial host.

Prophages, by integrating into bacterial genomes, can confer new abilities to their bacterial hosts through a process called phage conversion. This can include resistance to certain harmful conditions, production of toxins, or metabolic advantages. For instance, some bacteria gain the ability to produce specific toxins only when they have certain prophages within their DNA. Additionally, lysogenic bacteria gain resistance to superinfection by similar phages, providing them with a competitive edge in environments teeming with viruses. Thus, prophages can significantly enhance the adaptability and survival of bacteria in various ecological niches.

The lysogenic cycle doesn't always lead to the lytic cycle because it serves as a survival strategy for viruses, allowing them to remain dormant within a host without causing immediate harm. By integrating its DNA into the host's genome, the virus can silently propagate as the host divides and grows. This provides an advantage when conditions are unfavourable for viral replication or when there is a high risk of detection and destruction by the host's immune system. Only when specific environmental or cellular stressors are present might the virus decide that it's more beneficial to switch to the lytic cycle, produce new virions, and spread to other hosts.

Practice Questions

Explain the primary difference between the lytic and lysogenic cycles, using the bacteriophage lambda as an example.

The primary difference between the lytic and lysogenic cycles lies in the interaction of the virus with its host cell. In the lytic cycle, the virus infects the host cell and uses its machinery to replicate rapidly, eventually leading to the host cell's lysis or destruction. Contrarily, in the lysogenic cycle, as seen with the bacteriophage lambda infecting an E. coli cell, the viral DNA integrates into the host's genome, becoming a prophage. This allows the virus to remain dormant and propagate alongside the host's replication without causing immediate harm. It's a harmonious relationship compared to the aggressive nature of the lytic cycle.

Elaborate on how environmental factors can influence the transition of bacteriophage lambda from the lysogenic to the lytic cycle.

Environmental factors play a crucial role in determining the life cycle path of bacteriophage lambda. While in the lysogenic cycle, the prophage remains dormant within the host's genome. However, certain environmental stressors, such as UV radiation or exposure to specific chemicals, can induce the prophage to exit its dormant state. This induction leads the lambda phage to initiate the lytic cycle. The presence of these stressors might signal to the virus that the host's environment is becoming less favourable or stable. Switching to the lytic phase, in this case, allows the phage to produce many progeny quickly and ensure its survival before the host cell conditions deteriorate further.

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