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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.1 Organismal Variation

Organismal variation forms the bedrock of biological studies, offering insights into the richness and dynamism of life. It's the variations among organisms that enable adaptability, evolution, and the vast biodiversity we observe. Variation in organisms can be seen everywhere, from the different breeds of a domesticated animal to the myriad of plant forms in a rainforest. Recognising and understanding this variation is crucial for many fields of biology, from conservation to medicine.

The Individuality of Organisms

No Two Organisms Are Identical

  • Genetic makeup: Every organism has its unique DNA sequence, even those that are closely related. The reshuffling of genes during sexual reproduction ensures a unique combination for each individual.
  • Environmental factors: Organisms, although genetically similar, might manifest differences based on the conditions they encounter. Two plants of the same species might look different if one gets more sunlight than the other.
  • Life experiences: Two animals of the same species might react differently to the same stimulus if they've had different past experiences.

The Twin Paradox

Identical twins offer a unique perspective into organismal variation:

  • Subtle genetic differences: Despite having nearly identical genomes, mutations can introduce minute differences.
  • Epigenetics: Twins can have differences in gene expression due to environmental factors, which can affect traits like susceptibility to certain diseases.
  • Divergence over time: As twins grow and have different experiences, their preferences, health, and even some physical attributes might diverge.

Patterns of Variation

Continuous Variation

  • This variation doesn't have strict categories but rather exists on a continuum.
  • Height in humans, for example, doesn't fit into discrete categories but is spread over a range.
  • Controlled by multiple genes and greatly influenced by environmental factors.

Discontinuous Variation

  • Results in distinct, clear-cut categories.
  • Human blood groups (A, B, AB, O) are an example. You're either one type or another, without intermediates.
  • Typically influenced by a single gene.
Patterns of Continuous Variation and Discontinuous Variation

Image courtesy of the science hive

Sources of Variation

Genetic Sources

  • Mutations: Random changes in DNA can introduce new traits.
  • Genetic recombination: During sexual reproduction, the mixing of genes from two parents produces unique combinations.
  • Random assortment: The way chromosomes line up during cell division can change which traits are passed on.

Environmental Sources

  • Diet: Nutrition can influence height, weight, and many other traits.
  • Climate: Organisms in colder climates might develop thicker fur or a layer of blubber.
  • Personal experiences: Events in an organism's life can affect its behaviour and sometimes even physical attributes.

Complexity in Patterns of Variation

Patterns of variation aren't always clear-cut. Many traits are influenced by a combination of genetic factors and environmental conditions.

Polygenic Traits

  • Controlled by multiple genes, leading to a range of phenotypes.
  • Height in humans is polygenic; there isn't a single 'height gene', but many genes that collectively influence stature.
Hypothetical polygenic variation in skin colour. A graph showing variation in human skin colour, controlled by multiple genes.

Image courtesy of CKRobinson

Environment and Genetics Interplay

  • Nature vs nurture: It's challenging to untangle the effects of genetics from those of the environment. For instance, while intelligence has a genetic component, upbringing and education play a massive role.
  • Phenotypic plasticity: Some organisms can change their appearance or behaviour in response to environmental conditions. This isn't a change in their genes, just in how they're expressed.


  • Changes in gene expression that don't involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence.
  • Environmental factors can cause genes to be turned on or off. For example, trauma can lead to epigenetic changes that might increase the risk of mental health disorders.
Image courtesy of National Institutes of Health

Image courtesy of National Institutes of Health

Genetic Drift and Variation

In small populations, allele frequencies can change purely by chance. This can increase variation within a population over a short period but decrease it over the long term.

  • Bottleneck effect: A significant reduction in population size can lead to a loss of genetic variation.
Image courtesy of Tsaneda

Image courtesy of Tsaneda

  • Founder effect: When a few individuals start a new population, the genes of those founders disproportionately influence the genetic makeup of future generations.
Image courtesy of Tsaneda

Image courtesy of Tsaneda

Importance of Variation in Evolution

Variation is the cornerstone of evolution. It provides the raw material upon which natural selection acts.

  • Natural selection: In a changing environment, certain traits might confer an advantage. Organisms with these advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  • Adaptability: Populations with more variation are better equipped to adapt to changing conditions. If a disease were to wipe out all individuals with a particular trait, having varied traits ensures some will survive.

Variation in Conservation

Understanding variation is crucial in conservation biology.

  • Conserving genetic diversity: Protecting varied habitats and large population sizes ensures the maintenance of genetic diversity.
  • Reintroduction programmes: When reintroducing species to the wild, it's essential to ensure a broad genetic base to give the population the best chance of survival and adaptability.


Genetic drift and natural selection are both mechanisms of evolution, but they operate differently. Genetic drift refers to random changes in allele frequencies in a population, especially pronounced in small populations. It doesn't necessarily lead to adaptations that improve fitness; changes occur by chance. Natural selection, on the other hand, is a process where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. Traits that confer an advantage increase in frequency over generations. While genetic drift is a random process, natural selection is directed and acts on beneficial traits, leading to adaptation and increased organismal variation tailored to specific environments.

Two organisms with identical genetic makeup, such as identical twins, might still express different traits due to environmental influences and epigenetics. Environmental factors like diet, climate, and individual experiences can lead to different physical and behavioural outcomes. Moreover, epigenetic changes, which don't alter the DNA sequence but change gene expression patterns, can also play a role. These changes can be triggered by external factors, leading to differences in how genes are 'read' and 'translated' into traits. So, while genetics lays the foundation for traits, the environment and epigenetics can modulate their expression.

Phenotypic plasticity refers to the ability of an organism to change its phenotype (observable traits) in response to varying environmental conditions without alterations in its genotype (genetic makeup). For instance, certain plants might produce different leaf shapes when exposed to varying sunlight levels. This adaptability allows an organism to better fit changing environments without waiting for genetic changes through evolution. Phenotypic plasticity contributes to organismal variation as it means that the same genetic makeup can result in diverse phenotypes under different conditions, enriching the range of observable traits in a population.

Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence and can arise due to various factors like errors in DNA replication, exposure to radiation, or certain chemicals. They are the primary source of new genetic material in populations. While many mutations may be neutral (having no effect on the phenotype) or deleterious (harmful), some can be beneficial. Beneficial mutations can provide an advantage in certain environments, leading to increased survival and reproduction rates. Over time, these mutations can spread through populations, contributing to organismal variation and, in the long term, evolutionary changes.

Sexual reproduction significantly contributes to organismal variation because it involves the fusion of gametes from two parents, leading to the combination of their genetic material. During meiosis, chromosomes undergo recombination, where segments of chromatids are exchanged. This, along with the random assortment of chromosomes, ensures a unique genetic makeup for every offspring. In contrast, asexual reproduction typically produces genetically identical offspring, as they arise from a single parent. While mutations can introduce variation in asexually reproducing populations, sexual reproduction inherently introduces a higher degree of genetic variability with every generation.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation using appropriate examples.

Continuous variation is observed when the trait in question doesn't fall into distinct categories but rather shows a range or a spectrum. An example of this is human height, which doesn't have strict boundaries but varies continuously from short to tall. In contrast, discontinuous variation results in distinct categories, with individuals easily classified into one of these categories. A classic example is blood types in humans, where an individual can be type A, B, AB, or O, without any intermediate categories between these types.

Describe the concept of epigenetics and its significance in understanding organismal variation.

Epigenetics pertains to changes in gene expression that don't involve alterations to the actual DNA sequence. Instead, external factors and life experiences can turn genes on or off, influencing how they're expressed. This can have significant implications for an organism's traits, health, and behaviour. For instance, certain environmental exposures, like trauma or stress, can lead to epigenetic changes that might impact an individual's susceptibility to certain diseases or conditions. Understanding epigenetics broadens our perspective on organismal variation, highlighting how both genetic and environmental factors interplay in shaping an organism's traits.

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