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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.2 Species Definition

Defining species is crucial in biological studies, providing a framework for understanding biodiversity. Delving into species classification, we encounter the morphological and biological concepts, each with its own merits and challenges.

Morphological Concept of Species

The morphological species concept, historically known as the typological species concept, categorises organisms based on their physical and structural characteristics.

Characteristics Employed:

  • Observable Traits: This includes aspects such as size, colour, shape, and structural features. For example, birds might be categorised based on beak shape or feather colouration.
  • Anatomical Features: Internal structures, like skeletal features or organ systems, also play a role. For instance, the arrangement of teeth in mammals can be a key differentiator.
  • Microscopic Differences: At times, differences only visible under a microscope, such as cellular or tissue structures, are utilised for differentiation.

The Role of Type Specimens:

  • Definition: A 'type specimen' is a single representative individual or sample used as the reference for a species.
  • Practical Implication: When new specimens are found, they're compared to the type specimen for identification.

Limitations of Morphological Concept:

  • Subjectivity: Different scientists might focus on different morphological traits, leading to inconsistent classifications.
  • Convergent Evolution: Distinct species might evolve similar traits due to shared environmental pressures, which can mislead classifications.
  • Polymorphism: Many species exhibit variation in appearance within the same species, complicating clear-cut categorisation.

Biological Species Concept

Introduced by Ernst Mayr in 1942, this concept is rooted in reproductive capabilities and barriers.

Defining Characteristics:

  • Interbreeding and Offspring: The hallmark of this concept is that members of the same species can mate and produce viable, fertile offspring in natural conditions.
  • Natural Reproductive Barriers: There are mechanisms in place that prevent different species from producing viable offspring.

Types of Reproductive Isolation:

  • Prezygotic Barriers: These act before the fertilisation of an egg:
    • Temporal Isolation: Species breed during different seasons or times of day.
    • Behavioural Isolation: Differences in mating rituals or calls.
    • Mechanical Isolation: Reproductive organs or pollinators are incompatible.
    • Habitat Isolation: Species live in different habitats within the same area.
    • Gametic Isolation: Sperm cannot fertilise the egg.
  • Postzygotic Barriers: These act after fertilisation:
    • Reduced Hybrid Viability: Hybrids die early in development or have reduced lifespan.
    • Reduced Hybrid Fertility: Hybrids survive but cannot reproduce.
    • Hybrid Breakdown: First generation hybrids are viable and fertile, but when they mate, the next generation is inviable or sterile.

Challenges with Biological Concept:

  • Hybridisation: While the concept argues that different species cannot produce viable offspring, there are numerous examples where they can, blurring the lines of classification.
  • Applicability: Organisms that reproduce asexually, such as bacteria, cannot be categorised effectively using this concept.
  • Ring Species and Hybrid Zones: These are complex scenarios that challenge the neat separation proposed by reproductive barriers. In the case of ring species, populations can interbreed with neighbouring populations but not with populations separated by greater distances. Hybrid zones, on the other hand, are regions where members of different species meet and mate, producing hybrid offspring.
Schematic representation of ring species.

Schematic representation of ring species. Populations can interbreed with neighbouring populations but fail to breed with populations at a distance.

Image courtesy of Andrew Z. Colvin

Ambiguities in Real-World Scenarios:

  • Evolutionary Gaps: Speciation doesn't happen overnight. There's a transitional period where populations are diverging, and it's challenging to pinpoint when they've become separate species.
  • Fossil Limitations: The biological species concept is hard to apply to extinct species where reproductive abilities aren't discernible.
  • Genetic Exchange: Some organisms exchange genes without interbreeding. For instance, bacteria exchange plasmids containing genetic information, complicating the idea of clear species boundaries.


Organisms that have both sexual and asexual reproductive modes, like certain plants or fungi, pose unique challenges to species concepts. The biological species concept, with its emphasis on reproductive isolation, can be applied to the sexually reproducing component of these organisms. However, when considering the asexual aspect, this concept falls short as there's no interbreeding to assess. The morphological concept might be more applicable in such cases, focusing on structural characteristics. Yet, this approach can also be problematic if there's significant morphological overlap or plasticity. Often, a combined approach, factoring in genetic data, ecological niches, and other criteria, might be more appropriate for such diverse reproductive organisms.

Hybrid zones and hybrid speciation present challenges to the traditional species concepts. Hybrid zones are areas where two species come into contact and interbreed. The offspring, or hybrids, might have a combination of traits from both parent species. While the biological species concept suggests that different species cannot produce viable, fertile offspring, hybrid zones often challenge this notion. In some cases, these hybrids can backcross with parent species or even produce a new lineage, leading to hybrid speciation. The existence of successful hybrid species and hybrid zones indicates that reproductive barriers aren't always absolute and that nature can be more fluid than rigid species definitions might suggest.

The concept of species is foundational in conservation biology. Recognising distinct species is crucial for prioritising conservation efforts, especially when resources are limited. If two populations are considered separate species, they might both be prioritised for protection, whereas if they're seen as a single species, only one might receive attention. Additionally, understanding species boundaries can help in assessing the health and genetic diversity of populations, which is vital for their resilience and long-term survival. Misidentifying species or overlooking cryptic species can lead to inaccurate assessments of biodiversity, potentially jeopardising conservation initiatives. Furthermore, laws and regulations often hinge on species definitions, making the accurate classification of organisms critical for legal protections.

Sexual selection is a vital factor in the biological species concept as it can drive reproductive isolation. It refers to the preference of certain traits by one gender, leading to the enhancement of these traits in successive generations. Over time, populations that are geographically isolated might develop different mating preferences due to differing environmental conditions, genetic drift, or other factors. As these preferences become more pronounced, they can act as prezygotic barriers. For instance, if females in one population prefer a specific song or colouration not found in another population, over time, these populations can become reproductively isolated, leading to speciation. Hence, sexual selection can be a powerful force in shaping reproductive barriers and defining species.

Modern technology, especially advancements in genetics, has profoundly influenced our understanding of species concepts. DNA sequencing allows scientists to compare the genetic material of organisms directly, offering a more detailed and objective measure than morphological or reproductive criteria alone. For instance, the discovery of cryptic species, which are species that appear identical morphologically but are genetically distinct, has been made possible through genetic analysis. Moreover, understanding genetic similarities and differences helps clarify relationships among species and can provide insights into evolutionary histories, hybridisation events, and speciation processes. However, this also brings about complexities, as some organisms might show genetic differences but still interbreed, challenging traditional species definitions.

Practice Questions

Compare and contrast the morphological and biological species concepts, highlighting at least two strengths and two limitations of each.

The morphological species concept classifies organisms based on their physical and structural features, such as size, shape, and internal anatomical differences. One strength is its applicability to both living and extinct species, including those in the fossil record. Furthermore, it's straightforward and often easily observable. However, it has limitations, including the potential for misclassification due to convergent evolution where unrelated species evolve similar traits. Additionally, significant intra-species variability can lead to confusion or over-splitting of species.

Conversely, the biological species concept centres on reproductive isolation. A primary strength is its clear-cut definition: species are groups that can interbreed to produce viable, fertile offspring and are reproductively isolated from other groups. This provides insight into the evolutionary processes driving speciation. Yet, it's not applicable to asexually reproducing organisms, and there are challenges with hybrid zones and ring species where reproductive barriers aren't absolute. Moreover, it's difficult to apply to the fossil record, given that reproductive capabilities are rarely discernible from fossils.

Explain the significance of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers in the biological species concept and provide an example of each.

Prezygotic and postzygotic barriers are mechanisms that prevent interbreeding between different species, reinforcing the biological species concept's emphasis on reproductive isolation. Prezygotic barriers act before fertilisation, ensuring that zygotes aren't formed between members of different species. An example is behavioural isolation, where species might have different mating calls or rituals preventing them from mating. Postzygotic barriers come into play after fertilisation, ensuring that any hybrid offspring formed are either inviable or sterile. An example is reduced hybrid viability, where the hybrid offspring die early in development or shortly after birth due to genetic incompatibilities. Both types of barriers maintain the genetic distinctness of species, preventing gene flow between them.

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