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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.6.4 Speciation Process

The process of speciation is at the heart of evolutionary biology, providing a comprehensive understanding of how a single species can diversify into multiple ones. As species undergo this transformative phase, distinguishing between them can be quite challenging.

What is Speciation?

Speciation is the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species. It's the mechanism behind the vast biodiversity we observe today.

  • Anagenesis: Also termed "phyletic evolution," it involves the transformation of an entire population without branching. Over time, the entire population transforms, such that the older and newer forms don't coexist.
Illustration of anagensis

Image courtesy of This is bio.miami.edu

  • Cladogenesis: This process leads to branching evolution. Here, a species diverges into two or more descendant species, resulting in a tree-like pattern of evolution.
Illustration of cladogenesis.

Image courtesy of This is bio.miami.edu

Mechanisms of Speciation

Evolutionary mechanisms driving speciation can be varied:

1. Allopatric Speciation

  • Geographical Isolation: When populations of a species become separated by physical barriers like mountains, rivers, or vast distances, they're isolated from each other.
  • Different Evolutionary Pressures: In their distinct habitats, each population experiences unique selection pressures. This can be due to factors like different predators, climate conditions, or available resources.
  • Genetic Divergence: Over generations, these populations accumulate genetic changes that might prevent them from interbreeding if they were to come into contact again.

2. Sympatric Speciation

  • Single Habitat: This speciation happens when populations evolve into separate species while living in the same geographic location.
  • Ecological Niche Differentiation: Within the same habitat, different populations might exploit different niches or resources. Over time, these microenvironments exert different selection pressures on the populations, driving them to evolve distinct adaptations.
  • Reproductive Isolation: Genetic changes or behaviours might lead to populations breeding at different times or preferring different mating rituals, eventually preventing interbreeding.

3. Parapatric Speciation

  • Adjacent Habitats: Here, populations occupy adjacent areas. While they share a boundary and might even mingle, they don't mate randomly across the entire region.
  • Edge Effect: Those on the boundary between these populations might experience unique selection pressures, leading them to evolve differently from those in the centre of their populations.

4. Peripatric Speciation

  • Peripheral Isolation: A small group on the edge of a larger population becomes isolated. They experience different evolutionary pressures.
  • Rapid Divergence: Due to the smaller population size, genetic drift can have a more pronounced effect, leading to rapid genetic changes and divergence from the parent population.
Image courtesy of Ilmari Karonen

Image courtesy of Ilmari Karonen

Challenges in Distinguishing Species during Speciation

As populations undergo the process of speciation, distinguishing them can present a myriad of challenges:

Morphological Similarities

  • Ancestral Traits: Early in speciation, populations retain many ancestral characteristics, making them look similar.
  • Convergent Evolution: In some instances, different species evolve similar traits not due to shared ancestry, but because they face similar environmental challenges.

Incomplete Reproductive Barriers

  • Hybridisation: Even if two populations have started diverging, they might still produce viable hybrids, especially in regions where their habitats overlap. These hybrids further blur the lines between the two populations.

Genetic Ambiguities

  • Shared Genetic Markers: Even as they diverge, populations in the early stages of speciation might still share a significant portion of their genetic markers.
  • Incomplete Lineage Sorting: Sometimes, the genetic differences between populations haven't sorted themselves out completely, leading to shared genetic traits among diverging species.

Overlapping Ecological Roles

  • Shared Behavioural Traits: Populations on the path to becoming distinct species might still share many behavioural characteristics and play similar roles in the ecosystem, further complicating differentiation.

Time Factor in Speciation

  • Evolutionary Timescale: Speciation is a lengthy process, often taking thousands to millions of years. The rate can vary based on environmental conditions, genetic factors, and the life cycle of the organisms.
  • Growing Distinctions: As time progresses, the distinguishing factors between species become more evident, making it easier to classify them as separate entities.


Hybrid zones are regions where populations of two diverging species overlap and produce hybrids. These zones are essential for understanding speciation because they provide real-world evidence of how species boundaries can be fluid and how reproductive barriers develop. In some hybrid zones, the hybrids are less fit than the parent species, reinforcing the divergence of the parent species. In other cases, if the hybrids are as fit or even more fit than the parents, it can lead to a blending of the two species. Observing these zones helps biologists understand the complexities of species differentiation and the factors that strengthen or weaken reproductive barriers.

Yes, there are instances where speciation has been directly observed, especially in organisms with short generation times. One of the most cited examples is the "London Underground mosquito" (Culex pipiens molestus). This mosquito species diverged from its above-ground counterpart, adapting to the unique environment of the London Underground railway system. The two populations—above ground and underground—show significant genetic differences and breeding preferences, suggesting they're on the path to becoming separate species. Another example is the finches of the Galápagos Islands, where variations in beak size and shape, adapted to different food sources, have led to the emergence of distinct species.

Absolutely, human activities can significantly influence, and in some cases, accelerate speciation. Habitat fragmentation, often resulting from urban development or agriculture, can create isolated populations, providing conditions ripe for allopatric speciation. Pollution or introduction of new species can alter ecological niches, potentially driving sympatric speciation as species adapt to new challenges or resources. Overfishing in specific zones can lead to fish populations evolving smaller body sizes or reproducing at younger ages. While these might not always lead to new species, they're clear examples of how human actions can drive evolutionary change, which, over longer periods, might culminate in speciation.

Peripatric speciation involves a small group on the periphery of a larger population becoming isolated. Because of the small size of this peripheral group, genetic drift can play a significant role. Genetic drift refers to random changes in allele frequencies, which can be more pronounced in smaller populations. This is because in small populations, chance events can lead to certain alleles becoming more common or even disappearing altogether. Over time, this can lead to rapid genetic changes in the peripheral population, diverging it from the larger parent population. The cumulative effect of genetic drift, alongside distinct selection pressures the group might face, can drive this rapid speciation.

Sympatric speciation, despite occurring in populations that live in the same geographic area, can be strongly driven by ecological factors. Within a shared habitat, microenvironments or niches might exist that present distinct ecological challenges. If subsets of a population begin exploiting different resources or microhabitats, they may experience distinct selection pressures. Over time, these differential pressures can lead to unique adaptations. Additionally, behavioural changes, such as shifts in mating preferences or breeding times tied to these ecological niches, can result in reproductive isolation, even within the same environment. This isolation, combined with divergent selection pressures, can lead to the evolution of distinct species without geographical barriers.

Practice Questions

Define speciation and differentiate between anagenesis and cladogenesis. Provide one key feature for each.

Speciation refers to the evolutionary process by which populations evolve to become distinct species. It's the mechanism that facilitates the emergence of new species over time. Anagenesis, or phyletic evolution, is a form of speciation where an entire population transforms into a new form without branching. This means that the original and new forms don't coexist. A key feature is the transformation of an entire lineage without diversification. Cladogenesis, on the other hand, results in branching evolution. Here, a species diverges into two or more descendant species. A primary characteristic of cladogenesis is the emergence of a tree-like pattern of evolution, where new species arise and coexist with the ancestral form.

What challenges do biologists face in distinguishing species during the early stages of speciation? Name two major challenges and briefly explain each.

During the early stages of speciation, distinguishing between species can be particularly challenging due to several factors. Firstly, morphological similarities pose a challenge. As populations begin to diverge, they still retain many ancestral traits, which can make them appear deceptively similar. This is further complicated by convergent evolution, where different species evolve similar traits due to analogous environmental pressures rather than shared ancestry. Secondly, incomplete reproductive barriers can confuse distinctions. Even if two populations are on divergent paths, they might still produce viable hybrids, especially in regions where their habitats overlap. This hybridisation can blur the defining lines between two emerging species.

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