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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.1.6 Exploring Diffraction

Understanding Diffraction

Diffraction occurs when waves bend around corners or spread out after passing through gaps. This wave behaviour is distinct from reflection (where waves bounce off surfaces) and refraction (where waves change direction due to a change in speed).

Key Concepts

  • Wavefront: A wavefront is an imaginary line or surface where the wave has the same phase. In diffraction, wavefronts help us understand how the wave bends or spreads.

  • Wavelength (λ): This is the distance between successive crests or troughs in a wave. Wavelength determines how a wave will diffract.

  • Gap Size: The size of the opening or obstacle a wave encounters significantly affects the wave's diffraction pattern.

Influence of Wavelength and Gap Size

Relationship Between Wavelength and Gap Size

  • The amount of diffraction a wave undergoes is highly dependent on the relationship between its wavelength and the size of the gap or obstacle.

  • Small Gap Relative to Wavelength: If the gap size is considerably smaller than the wavelength, we observe significant diffraction, leading to wide spreading of the wave.

  • Large Gap Relative to Wavelength: Conversely, if the gap size is larger compared to the wavelength, the wave undergoes less diffraction, resulting in a more narrow spread.

Practical Examples

  • Sound Waves: Consider sound waves, which have relatively long wavelengths. These waves can diffract around buildings, allowing us to hear sounds even when the source is obstructed from view.

  • Light Waves: Light waves have much shorter wavelengths. This is why light does not significantly diffract around obstacles, resulting in sharp shadows.

Wavelength and Diffraction through Gaps

Impact of Wavelength on Diffraction

  • Longer Wavelengths: These tend to produce more pronounced diffraction patterns, spreading out significantly after passing through a gap.

  • Shorter Wavelengths: These waves are more likely to remain collimated, leading to narrower diffraction patterns.

Experimentation and Observation

  • Conducting experiments with different wavelengths, such as using light of various colours or sound waves with different pitches, can help demonstrate the effect of wavelength on diffraction.

  • Observing the diffraction patterns produced in a ripple tank or using a diffraction grating with various light wavelengths provides a tangible way to understand these concepts.

Investigating Diffraction at Edges

Diffraction at Edges Explained

  • When waves encounter the edges of an obstacle, they tend to bend around these edges. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable when the wave's wavelength is comparable to the size of the obstacle.

  • Influence of Edge Sharpness: The sharpness of an edge also impacts the diffraction pattern. Sharper edges tend to produce more defined diffraction patterns.

Observational Techniques

  • Using laser lights (which represent visible light) and sharp edges in a controlled environment, such as a dark room, can make these diffraction patterns more visible and easier to analyse.

Practical Applications of Diffraction

Real-World Applications

  • Understanding diffraction is crucial in fields like acoustics, where it explains how sound propagates in various environments, and in optics, where it helps in the design of lenses and understanding the limits of resolution.

  • In telecommunications, diffraction principles guide antenna design, influencing how signals propagate.

Educational Importance

  • For students, studying diffraction is not just about understanding a physical phenomenon; it's about applying this knowledge to real-world situations and preparing for more advanced topics in physics.

Laboratory Experiments and Demonstrations

Using Ripple Tanks

  • Ripple tanks are invaluable for visualising wave diffraction, especially in educational settings.

  • By altering the gap size in a ripple tank setup and observing the wave patterns, students can directly observe the effects of gap size on wave diffraction.

Laser and Slit Experiments

  • Experiments using lasers and slits of varying sizes can demonstrate the principles of light diffraction.

  • Such experiments are crucial for illustrating the wave nature of light and can be instrumental in explaining phenomena like the formation of fringes in Young's double-slit experiment.

Summary and Key Takeaways

Fundamental Principles

  • Diffraction is a universal wave phenomenon where waves bend around obstacles or spread out after passing through gaps.

  • The degree of diffraction a wave undergoes depends on the relationship between its wavelength and the size of the gap or obstacle.

  • Longer wavelengths result in more significant diffraction compared to shorter wavelengths.

Conceptual Mastery

  • Understanding diffraction requires a grasp of wave properties and an appreciation of how these properties manifest in different situations.

  • The study of diffraction bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical observation, helping students to visualise and comprehend abstract concepts.

Importance of Observation and Experimentation

  • Experiments and practical observations are key to understanding diffraction. Whether using ripple tanks, laser setups, or real-world observations, these activities cement the principles of wave behaviour in the student's mind.

By exploring diffraction in depth, students of IGCSE Physics gain a comprehensive understanding of wave properties and behaviours. This knowledge is not only crucial for their academic success but also lays the foundation for future studies in various scientific fields. The study of diffraction goes beyond the classroom, providing insights into the nature of waves that permeate our daily lives.


Diffraction occurs more significantly with sound waves compared to light waves primarily due to the difference in their wavelengths. Sound waves typically have longer wavelengths, often ranging from a few millimetres to several metres. This longer wavelength makes them more prone to bending around obstacles and spreading through gaps, a characteristic behaviour of diffraction. On the other hand, light waves have much shorter wavelengths, usually within the range of 400 nm to 700 nm. Due to these shorter wavelengths, light waves do not diffract as noticeably as sound waves. When light encounters small openings or edges, the extent of spreading is minimal, resulting in sharper shadows and less noticeable diffraction patterns. The fundamental principle here is that the more comparable the size of the obstacle or gap is to the wavelength of the wave, the more pronounced the diffraction. Since most everyday objects and openings are much larger than the wavelength of visible light, diffraction of light is less apparent in our daily observations compared to the diffraction of sound.

Diffraction can and does occur in all types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves. In fact, diffraction is more pronounced in radio waves due to their considerably longer wavelengths compared to visible light. Radio waves can have wavelengths ranging from a few millimetres (millimetre waves) to hundreds of meters (long waves). This wide range of wavelengths allows for significant diffraction, especially when the waves encounter obstacles that are comparable in size to their wavelength. For instance, radio waves can bend around hills, buildings, and other large structures, a phenomenon that is crucial for the transmission of radio signals over long distances and around obstacles. The ability of radio waves to diffract around such obstacles is a key factor in the design and placement of radio transmitters and receivers. The degree of diffraction also varies with the frequency of the radio waves; lower frequencies (which correspond to longer wavelengths) experience more pronounced diffraction. This characteristic is exploited in various applications, such as in long-wave radio broadcasting, where the ability to diffract over and around the Earth's curvature allows signals to be received over much greater distances.

Diffraction imposes a fundamental limit on the resolution of optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes. This limitation arises because light waves diffract when they pass through the small apertures or around the edges of the lenses and mirrors used in these instruments. The extent of diffraction is dependent on the wavelength of light and the size of the aperture. In optical systems, diffraction causes light waves to spread out, which results in the blurring of the image. This blurring sets a limit on the smallest detail that can be resolved. The resolution limit is typically described by the Rayleigh criterion, which states that two point sources of light are just resolvable when the principal maximum of the diffraction pattern of one image coincides with the first minimum of the other. The smaller the aperture (or the larger the wavelength), the greater the diffraction and the lower the resolution of the image. In telescopes, this limit is often addressed by using larger mirrors or lenses to collect light, thereby reducing the effect of diffraction. In microscopes, using light of shorter wavelengths, such as ultraviolet, can improve resolution, although this is often limited by the transparency of the materials used in lenses.

Diffraction does not noticeably affect our daily perception of objects in visible light due to the relatively small wavelengths of visible light. The wavelengths of visible light range from about 400 nm (violet) to 700 nm (red). These wavelengths are much smaller than most objects and openings we encounter in our daily lives. For diffraction to be noticeable, the size of the obstacles or openings that light encounters should be comparable to its wavelength. Since the everyday objects and apertures we see are much larger than the wavelength of visible light, the light does not diffract significantly. As a result, the light mostly travels in straight lines, and the shadows we see are sharp with well-defined edges. This lack of noticeable diffraction contributes to the clarity and sharpness of the images formed by our eyes. In contrast, waves with longer wavelengths, like sound waves or radio waves, experience more noticeable diffraction in everyday scenarios due to their larger wavelengths relative to common objects and structures.

The principle of diffraction is crucial in the design of sound systems for large venues such as stadiums and concert halls. In these settings, it is important to ensure that sound is evenly distributed throughout the space, reaching all areas clearly and without significant loss of quality. The longer wavelengths of lower frequency sounds (bass) make them more prone to diffraction, allowing them to bend around obstacles and spread out more evenly in a large space. However, higher frequency sounds (treble) with shorter wavelengths diffract less, leading to more directional propagation. To address this, sound engineers use various techniques to enhance the diffusion of higher frequencies. These include strategically placing speakers and sound diffusers to manipulate the direction and spread of sound waves. The shape and materials of the venue are also designed to enhance the natural diffraction and diffusion of sound. For example, curved walls and ceilings can help in evenly dispersing sound waves throughout the venue. Additionally, sound systems may be calibrated to compensate for the differences in how various frequencies diffract, ensuring a balanced and uniform sound experience for the audience. Understanding and applying the principles of diffraction enables sound engineers to create acoustically optimal environments for large-scale audio experiences.

Practice Questions

A light source emits light with a wavelength of 600 nm. This light is shone through a single slit of width 0.5 mm. Describe the diffraction pattern observed on a screen placed behind the slit and explain how the pattern changes if the slit width is decreased.

When light with a wavelength of 600 nm passes through a 0.5 mm wide slit, a diffraction pattern will be formed on the screen. The pattern will consist of a central bright fringe flanked by several dimmer fringes on either side. The central fringe is the brightest and widest because it is the result of constructive interference. As the slit width is decreased, the amount of diffraction increases. This leads to a broadening of the central fringe and the side fringes. The light spreads out more, and the intensity of the side fringes diminishes compared to the central fringe. This effect occurs because a narrower slit size compared to the wavelength causes the light waves to spread out more after passing through the slit.

Describe an experiment to show how the wavelength of sound affects its diffraction through a gap. Include details of the apparatus used, the procedure, and the expected results.

To demonstrate how the wavelength of sound affects its diffraction, one can set up an experiment using a sound source, a barrier with a gap, and a sound detector. The sound source should emit sound at varying frequencies (and thus different wavelengths). Place the barrier with a gap in front of the sound source and the sound detector on the other side of the gap. Start with a low-frequency sound and gradually increase the frequency. As the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases. The expected result is that lower frequencies (longer wavelengths) will show more diffraction, with sound being detected more easily at different angles around the barrier. As the frequency increases (wavelength decreases), the sound will diffract less, making it harder to detect at wider angles. This experiment demonstrates the inverse relationship between frequency and diffraction.

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