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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.1.2 General Properties of Waves: Wave Features and Terminology


  • Definition and Explanation: A wavefront is an imaginary surface or line that connects points on a wave oscillating in unison. These points are said to be in phase with each other, meaning they reach the crest, trough, or any identical position on the wave simultaneously.

  • Types of Wavefronts:

    • Spherical Wavefronts: Commonly seen in waves that emanate from a point source, like ripples in water.

    • Planar Wavefronts: Found in waves that travel in parallel lines, often seen in light waves from a distant source.

  • Significance in Wave Studies: Wavefronts are crucial in understanding wave phenomena such as interference and diffraction.

Wavelength (λ)

  • In-depth Explanation: Wavelength, symbolised by the Greek letter lambda (λ), is the linear distance between two successive points in phase on a wave, such as crest to crest or trough to trough.

  • Measurement Considerations:

    • Measured in metres (m), it's a key determinant of a wave's properties.

    • Short wavelengths correspond to high-frequency waves, and long wavelengths correspond to low-frequency waves.

  • Practical Examples:

    • In visible light, the wavelength determines the colour.

    • In sound waves, it influences the pitch of the sound.

Frequency (f)

  • Thorough Definition: Frequency quantifies how often a wave oscillates or completes a cycle in a given time period, typically a second. It's an indicator of how 'fast' a wave vibrates.

  • Units and Measurement: Measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz equals one cycle per second.

  • Real-world Implications:

    • High-frequency waves, like X-rays, have more energy and can penetrate materials that visible light cannot.

    • In sound, higher frequencies are perceived as higher pitches.

Crest and Trough

  • Crest: The peak or highest point of a wave cycle.

  • Trough: The lowest point or valley of a wave cycle.

  • Understanding Wave Amplitude: The amplitude of a wave is measured from the rest position (midpoint) to the crest or from the rest position to the trough. Therefore, these points are critical in determining the wave's energy and intensity.


  • Detailed Explanation: Amplitude represents the maximum extent of a wave's displacement from its rest position. It's a measure of the wave's strength or intensity.

  • Measurement and Implications:

    • Amplitude is typically measured in metres (m) for mechanical waves.

    • The larger the amplitude, the more energy a wave carries. For example, loud sounds have high amplitude.

Wave Speed (v)

  • Comprehensive Definition: Wave speed is the rate at which a wave propagates through a medium. It's a fundamental property that varies depending on the type of wave and the medium through which it travels.

  • Factors Affecting Wave Speed:

    • In a given medium, wave speed is influenced by the medium's properties like density and elasticity.

    • For instance, sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases because particles in solids are closer together.

Application of the Wave Speed Equation: v = f * λ

  • Equation Analysis: The wave speed equation v = f * λ is a pivotal formula in physics, relating the wave speed (v) to its frequency (f) and wavelength (λ).

  • Calculations and Examples:

    • For a wave with a frequency of 100 Hz and a wavelength of 3 m, the speed is v = 100 Hz * 3 m = 300 m/s.

    • This equation is fundamental in various applications, from calculating the speed of sound in air to determining the wavelengths of radio waves for communication technologies.

Practical Applications

  • In Sound Engineering: Understanding these wave properties is vital in designing audio equipment, where frequency and amplitude significantly affect sound quality.

  • In Optical Technologies: Knowledge of wavelength and wave speed is crucial in designing lenses and understanding light propagation.

Significance in Physics

  • Foundational Concepts: These properties are not just limited to sound or water waves but extend to electromagnetic waves, seismic waves, and more, forming a universal language in physics.

  • Preparation for Advanced Topics: A thorough grasp of these concepts is essential for students progressing to more complex areas like quantum physics, where wave-particle duality plays a significant role.

In conclusion, the study of wave features and terminology is not just a segment of physics but a gateway to understanding the broader concepts of energy and motion in the universe. Mastery of these topics empowers students to delve into more complex and fascinating areas of physics, laying a solid foundation for future scientific explorations.


The medium through which a wave travels significantly affects its speed due to the medium's physical properties such as density and elasticity. In general, waves travel faster in denser mediums, as the particles are closer together and can transfer energy more efficiently. For instance, sound waves travel faster in solids than in air because the particles in solids are more tightly packed, allowing quicker energy transfer. However, for light waves, the opposite is true; they travel slower in denser mediums due to increased refraction, which changes their speed and direction. This variance in speed due to the medium's nature is crucial in understanding phenomena like seismic wave propagation in different layers of Earth or the behaviour of light in lenses and prisms.

Waves typically require a medium to propagate because they transfer energy by causing particles in the medium to oscillate. For mechanical waves like sound or water waves, the medium's particles vibrate and pass the energy from one particle to the next, creating the wave motion. However, there are exceptions to this rule, most notably electromagnetic waves (e.g., light, radio waves, X-rays). These waves do not need a medium and can travel through a vacuum. This is because electromagnetic waves are created by oscillating electric and magnetic fields, which can propagate energy in space without a material medium. This fundamental distinction is key to understanding different wave behaviours in various contexts, such as why we can see light from distant stars or why we can receive radio signals from satellites in space.

Theoretical calculation of wave speed in a medium often involves understanding the medium's properties, such as its density and elasticity. For mechanical waves like sound, the formula is usually derived from the medium's modulus of elasticity (in solids) or bulk modulus (in fluids) and its density. For instance, the speed of sound in air can be calculated using the formula v = sqrt(B/ρ), where 'B' is the bulk modulus (related to how compressible a medium is) and 'ρ' is the density of the medium. These calculations show that the speed of a wave is not just a property of the wave itself but also depends on the characteristics of the medium through which it is travelling. This understanding is crucial in fields like materials science and engineering, where wave propagation characteristics can determine material suitability for specific applications.

Yes, the properties of a wave can change when it moves from one medium to another. This change is most commonly observed in terms of speed and direction. When a wave enters a new medium, its speed changes according to the new medium's properties. This change in speed can lead to refraction, where the wave bends at the interface between the two mediums. Additionally, the wavelength of the wave may change while the frequency remains constant. For example, when light enters water from air, it slows down and bends towards the normal line, causing refraction. This principle is the basis for lenses in optics, where light is refracted to focus images. Understanding these changes is crucial in explaining phenomena like the bending of a straw in water or the focusing effect of a lens.

The Doppler Effect refers to the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. It occurs when either the source, the observer, or both are moving towards or away from each other. When the source and observer are moving closer, the waves are compressed, leading to a higher frequency or shorter wavelength (e.g., the sound of an approaching ambulance is higher-pitched). Conversely, if they are moving apart, the waves are stretched, resulting in a lower frequency or longer wavelength. This effect is not only observed in sound waves but also in electromagnetic waves. For example, the redshift observed in astronomy, where light from distant galaxies shifts towards the red end of the spectrum, is a manifestation of the Doppler Effect and indicates that these galaxies are moving away from us. This concept has profound implications in various fields, including astrophysics, radar technology, and even medical imaging techniques like ultrasound.

Practice Questions

A wave on a string has a wavelength of 0.2 meters and a frequency of 25 Hz. Calculate the speed of the wave.

To find the speed of the wave, we apply the wave speed equation: v = f λ. Here, f (frequency) is 25 Hz, and λ (wavelength) is 0.2 meters. Substituting these values into the equation, we get v = 25 Hz 0.2 m = 5 meters per second. Therefore, the speed of the wave is 5 m/s. This calculation demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between frequency, wavelength, and wave speed in determining the characteristics of wave motion.

Describe how the amplitude and frequency of a wave relate to its energy and give an example in the context of sound waves.

The amplitude of a wave is directly proportional to its energy; the greater the amplitude, the more energy the wave has. This is because larger amplitudes mean the particles in the medium are moving more, which requires more energy. Frequency also affects energy; higher frequency waves have more energy. In the context of sound waves, a loud sound has a high amplitude and carries more energy, which is why it can be heard over a greater distance. Similarly, a high-pitched sound has a high frequency and therefore more energy, which is why high-frequency sounds like a whistle are very piercing.

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