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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.1.3 Types of Waves

Characteristics of Transverse Waves

Transverse waves are characterised by particle motion that is perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. These waves are easily visualised and commonly observed in various settings.

Key Features

  • Direction of Particle Motion: Particles move at right angles to the wave's direction, creating peaks and troughs.

  • Examples:

    • Electromagnetic Radiation: Includes light, microwaves, and radio waves, demonstrating transverse nature in electric and magnetic field oscillations.

    • Water Waves: Particles move up and down while the wave travels horizontally.

    • Seismic S-Waves: Part of the seismic activities, moving the Earth's surface side to side or up and down.

Wave Properties

  • Crests and Troughs: The crest is the highest point of the wave, while the trough is the lowest.

  • Amplitude: The height from the rest position to the crest, indicating the wave's energy.

  • Wavelength (λ): The distance between consecutive crests or troughs.

  • Frequency (f): The number of wave cycles passing a point per unit time, typically measured in Hertz (Hz).

  • Wave Speed (v): The speed at which the wave travels through a medium. It can be calculated using v = f × λ.

Characteristics of Longitudinal Waves

In contrast to transverse waves, longitudinal waves exhibit particle oscillations parallel to the wave's direction of travel, commonly observed in sound waves.

Key Features

  • Direction of Particle Motion: The particles oscillate along the same line as the wave's propagation.

  • Examples:

    • Sound Waves: Produced by vibrating objects and travelling through mediums by compressing and rarefying particles.

    • Seismic P-Waves: The primary waves in earthquakes, compressing and stretching the Earth in the direction of the wave.

Wave Properties

  • Compressions and Rarefactions: Regions of high and low pressure, respectively, caused by particle motion.

  • Amplitude: Determined by the maximum displacement of a particle from its rest position.

  • Wavelength: The distance between successive compressions or rarefactions.

  • Frequency: The number of compressions or rarefactions that pass a point in one second.

  • Wave Speed: Influenced by the medium, with a general trend of higher speeds in denser media.

Direction of Vibration Relative to Propagation

The core difference between transverse and longitudinal waves lies in the direction of particle vibration relative to wave propagation.

Transverse Waves

  • Perpendicular Motion: Particles move perpendicular to the wave direction. For example, in water waves, while the wave propagates horizontally, the water molecules oscillate vertically.

Longitudinal Waves

  • Parallel Motion: Here, the particles oscillate parallel to the direction of the wave. In sound waves, this is evidenced by the back-and-forth motion of air particles in the direction the sound is travelling.

Comparing Wave Types

Understanding the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves is crucial for applications in various fields like seismology, acoustics, and telecommunications.


  • Seismology: Differentiating between S-waves and P-waves helps in understanding the Earth's internal structure and earthquake mechanics.

  • Acoustics: Sound waves being longitudinal, are central in the study of sound, hearing, and related technologies.

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum: Transverse electromagnetic waves encompass a wide range of phenomena, from radio waves used in communication to X-rays in medical imaging.

Practical Observations

  • Ripple Tanks: These are often used to visually demonstrate transverse wave motion in educational settings.

  • Tuning Forks and Speakers: Common tools to illustrate longitudinal sound waves, showing how vibration translates into sound.


The study of transverse and longitudinal waves forms a fundamental aspect of physics, bridging theoretical concepts with real-world phenomena. These concepts are not just academic, but they resonate through various aspects of everyday life, from the music we hear to the technologies we rely on. Understanding these wave types enhances our comprehension of the natural and technological world, underlining the importance of physics in our daily lives.


Polarisation is a phenomenon that allows us to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves. It involves the orientation of oscillations in a transverse wave in a particular direction. Since transverse waves have vibrations perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, they can be polarised. For example, light waves, which are transverse, can be polarised to oscillate in a single plane. This is not possible with longitudinal waves, like sound waves, where the vibrations occur in the same direction as the wave's travel. Polarisation therefore serves as a key distinguishing feature, showcasing the inherent differences in the oscillation directions of these wave types. This concept is crucial in many technologies, such as polarised sunglasses that reduce glare by blocking specific orientations of light waves.

Electromagnetic waves are considered transverse because of the nature of their oscillations, which occur perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, even in a vacuum. These waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. The electric field oscillates in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the wave's travel, and the magnetic field oscillates in a plane perpendicular to both the electric field and the wave's direction. This right-angled configuration of fields holds true irrespective of the presence of a medium. The ability of electromagnetic waves to travel through a vacuum is a unique characteristic that distinguishes them from other wave types, like sound, which require a medium. This transverse oscillation underlies many of the properties and behaviours of electromagnetic waves, including their ability to transport energy and information across vast distances in space.

Yes, longitudinal waves can exhibit interference and form standing wave patterns, just like transverse waves. Interference occurs when two waves meet and overlap, leading to the combination of their amplitudes. This can result in constructive interference, where wave amplitudes add together, or destructive interference, where they cancel each other out. For longitudinal waves, such as sound waves, interference patterns can be observed as variations in sound intensity or pitch. Standing wave patterns in longitudinal waves are formed when waves of the same frequency and amplitude travelling in opposite directions superimpose. This results in a pattern of nodes, where there is no movement, and antinodes, where the amplitude is maximised. These phenomena are fundamental in acoustics, for example, in understanding how musical instruments like organ pipes and string instruments produce sound.

The density of the medium through which a wave travels significantly affects the speed of both transverse and longitudinal waves. Generally, in denser media, particles are more closely packed, which can affect wave propagation in different ways. For longitudinal waves, such as sound, denser media usually allow faster wave speed because the closely packed particles more effectively transmit the compressions and rarefactions of the wave. However, for transverse waves like light, a denser medium often slows the wave down. This is because the denser medium provides more resistance to the wave's motion. This concept is crucial in understanding phenomena like the refraction of light, where light changes speed and direction upon entering a medium of different density, and in seismology, where the speed of seismic waves helps in determining the Earth's internal structure.

Seismic S-waves, or secondary waves, are transverse in nature and cannot travel through liquids, including the Earth's liquid outer core. This is because transverse waves require a medium that can support shear stress and sustain perpendicular motion. In solids, the strong intermolecular forces allow particles to move back and forth at right angles to the direction of wave propagation, which is necessary for the transmission of S-waves. However, in liquids, these forces are weaker, and the fluid nature of the medium does not support shear stress effectively. As a result, when S-waves reach the liquid outer core, they are unable to propagate further. This inability of S-waves to travel through the Earth's liquid outer core is a crucial piece of evidence used in seismology to infer the Earth's internal structure, including the distinction between its solid and liquid layers.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference in the direction of particle movement between transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Provide one example for each type of wave to illustrate your explanation.

In transverse waves, particles oscillate perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation. A prime example of this is water waves, where water particles move up and down while the wave travels horizontally across the water surface. On the other hand, in longitudinal waves, particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave travels. Sound waves are a classic example of this type; as the sound wave propagates through a medium, such as air, the air particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave's travel. This parallel motion creates regions of compression and rarefaction, characteristic of longitudinal waves.

A student uses a ripple tank to create waves. They notice that as the wave passes through a medium, the wave's speed changes, but its frequency remains constant. Explain why the wave's speed changes and why the frequency remains constant.

The wave's speed changes due to the properties of the medium through which it is travelling. Different media have varying densities and elastic properties, which affect how quickly the wave can move through them. For instance, a wave will generally travel faster through a denser medium, like water, than through a less dense medium, like air. However, the frequency of the wave, which is the number of wave cycles per second, remains constant because it is determined by the source of the wave, such as a vibrating object. Once the wave is generated, its frequency doesn't change, regardless of the medium it travels through, as the source's vibrating frequency remains the same.

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