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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.1.4 Wave Behavior and Interactions

Reflection at Plane Surfaces

Concept of Reflection

  • Reflection occurs when a wave strikes a surface and bounces back into its original medium.

  • The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence (the angle between the incident wave and the normal to the surface) is equal to the angle of reflection (the angle between the reflected wave and the normal).

  • In plane surfaces, which are flat and smooth, reflected waves maintain their shape and energy, but their direction changes.

Characteristics of Reflected Waves

  • Incident and reflected waves have identical wavelengths and frequencies, indicating that reflection does not alter these properties.

  • The reflection process does not change the medium of the wave; only its direction is altered.

  • The smoothness of the reflecting surface affects the quality of reflection. Smooth surfaces like mirrors produce clear reflections, whereas rough surfaces scatter the waves, leading to diffuse reflection.

Real-World Applications

  • Echoes are a prime example of sound waves reflecting off surfaces and returning to the listener.

  • Mirrors and shiny metal surfaces use reflection to create clear images.

  • Periscopes in submarines use mirrors to allow viewing over the surface while remaining submerged.

Refraction due to Speed Changes

Understanding Refraction

  • Refraction is the bending of waves when they enter a medium at an angle, where their speed changes.

  • The change in wave speed as it moves from one medium to another leads to a change in direction, or bending, of the wave.

Factors Influencing Refraction

  • The extent of refraction depends on the angle of incidence and the relative speeds of the wave in different mediums.

  • When waves move from a less dense to a more dense medium (e.g., air to water), they slow down and bend towards the normal line. Conversely, moving from a denser to a less dense medium, they speed up and bend away from the normal.

Practical Examples of Refraction

  • Optical lenses use refraction to bend light, focusing or dispersing beams to form images.

  • Mirage effects, seen in deserts or on hot roads, are caused by the refraction of light in layers of varying temperature and density.

Diffraction Through Gaps and Edges

Explaining Diffraction

  • Diffraction occurs when waves encounter obstacles or pass through gaps, causing them to bend and spread out.

  • The degree of diffraction depends on the wavelength of the wave relative to the size of the gap or obstacle. The closer the size of the gap is to the wavelength, the greater the diffraction.

Diffraction at Different Scales

  • Longer wavelengths, such as radio waves, can easily diffract around large obstacles like buildings, making radio communication possible even without a direct line of sight.

  • Visible light, with much shorter wavelengths, exhibits less noticeable diffraction effects, observable mainly in finely slit experiments.

Observing Diffraction

  • Diffraction can be seen when waves, like water waves, pass through narrow openings or travel around sharp edges. The waves spread out in a semi-circular pattern after the gap.

  • Diffraction grating experiments with light demonstrate how light waves bend and interfere, producing patterns of constructive and destructive interference.

Wave Interactions Summary


  • Occurs when waves hit plane surfaces and bounce back.

  • Governed by the law of reflection.

  • Vital in technologies like mirrors, periscopes, and echo-location devices.


  • Happens due to speed changes when waves enter a different medium.

  • Influenced by the medium's properties and the wave's angle of incidence.

  • Essential in the functioning of lenses, optical instruments, and explaining natural phenomena like mirages.


  • Arises when waves encounter obstacles or pass through gaps.

  • The amount of diffraction is influenced by the wavelength and the size of the gap or obstacle.

  • Important in understanding wave propagation in various scenarios, from radio waves to light patterns in diffraction experiments.

In conclusion, wave interactions such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction are pivotal in understanding a vast array of physical phenomena. From everyday experiences like seeing our reflection in a mirror to understanding the principles behind optical devices, these concepts form the bedrock of our understanding of wave physics. Mastery of these interactions aids not only in grasping fundamental physics concepts but also in appreciating the myriad of ways they manifest in both natural and technological contexts.


The refraction of light through a prism varies with the colour or wavelength of the light. This phenomenon, known as dispersion, occurs because different colours of light travel at different speeds in a medium other than vacuum. In a prism, shorter wavelengths (blue and violet light) slow down more than longer wavelengths (red and orange light) due to their higher frequency. This difference in speed causes each colour to bend at a slightly different angle as they pass through the prism, resulting in the separation of white light into its constituent colours. Thus, blue light bends more than red light when passing through a prism. This effect is not only responsible for the formation of rainbows but is also a fundamental principle in spectroscopy, the study of how light interacts with matter.

Sound waves and light waves behave differently around obstacles primarily due to their wavelengths. Sound waves typically have longer wavelengths, often comparable to or larger than everyday objects. This large wavelength allows sound waves to bend around obstacles, a phenomenon known as diffraction. Therefore, sound can be heard even when the source is blocked by an object. In contrast, light waves have much shorter wavelengths, much smaller than most everyday objects. This small wavelength limits the amount of diffraction that light can undergo, making it less likely for light to bend around obstacles. This is why we cannot see around corners or through small gaps in the same way we can hear sounds from around a corner or through a small opening.

Waves can indeed undergo both reflection and refraction simultaneously when they encounter a boundary between two different mediums. This dual interaction occurs because part of the wave energy is reflected back into the original medium, while the rest is transmitted into the new medium and undergoes refraction. For example, when light falls on a glass surface, some of the light is reflected off the surface, and the remaining light passes through the glass, bending as it enters due to refraction. The proportion of energy reflected and refracted depends on the properties of the mediums and the angle of incidence. This simultaneous occurrence of reflection and refraction is a common phenomenon in optics and is critical in various applications, including lenses, mirrors, and fibre optics.

The depth of water significantly influences the behaviour of water waves, particularly their speed and type. In deep water, where the depth is greater than half the wavelength of the waves, the waves are known as deep-water waves. These waves are not influenced by the ocean or sea bed and their speed depends mainly on their wavelength. Conversely, in shallow water, where the depth is less than one-twentieth of the wavelength, the waves feel the bottom of the water body. These are called shallow-water waves, and their speed is influenced by the water depth - they slow down as the depth decreases. In intermediate depths, waves are affected by both wavelength and depth. This relationship between water depth and wave behaviour is crucial in understanding phenomena like tsunamis, which travel as deep-water waves in the open ocean and transform into shallow-water waves as they approach land, increasing in height and decreasing in speed.

The principle of superposition is a fundamental concept in wave physics that describes how waves interact when they meet. According to this principle, when two or more waves overlap, the resultant wave displacement at any point is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that point. This interaction can lead to constructive interference, where waves in phase amplify each other, or destructive interference, where out-of-phase waves cancel each other out. This principle applies to all types of waves, including sound, light, and water waves. For example, in a ripple tank experiment, when two sets of waves intersect, patterns of constructive and destructive interference are observed, forming regions of calm water (destructive interference) and heightened waves (constructive interference). The principle of superposition is crucial in understanding phenomena like the formation of standing waves, sound interference patterns, and the behaviour of light in diffraction and interference experiments.

Practice Questions

A laser beam is shone at an angle into a glass block. Describe what happens to the beam as it enters and exits the block, and explain why this occurs.

As the laser beam enters the glass block, it slows down due to the denser medium of the glass compared to air. This change in speed causes the beam to bend towards the normal line - a process known as refraction. Inside the block, the beam travels in a straight line but at a slower speed. Upon exiting the block, the beam speeds up as it re-enters the air, a less dense medium. This results in the beam bending away from the normal line as it leaves the glass. The bending of the beam at both the entrance and exit points is due to the change in speed as the beam moves between mediums of different densities.

Explain how diffraction would differ if a water wave passes through a wide gap and then a narrow gap. Use the concept of wavelength in your explanation.

When a water wave passes through a wide gap, the amount of diffraction - which is the bending and spreading of waves - is relatively small. This is because the gap is much larger than the wavelength of the water wave. As a result, the wavefronts remain relatively unchanged and spread out only slightly. However, when the same wave passes through a narrow gap, closer to the size of its wavelength, the diffraction is more pronounced. The waves spread out more significantly, forming a semi-circular wave pattern beyond the gap. This difference in diffraction patterns is due to the relationship between the size of the gap and the wavelength of the wave; narrower gaps relative to the wavelength result in more noticeable diffraction.

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