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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.2.1 Reflection of Light

Introduction to Reflection

Reflection occurs when light rays bounce off a surface. It's not just a key concept in physics but also a phenomenon that affects our daily lives, from seeing ourselves in a mirror to the way light illuminates rooms.

Definition of Key Terms

Understanding reflection requires familiarity with several core terms:


  • Definition: An imaginary line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of light incidence.

  • Importance: It serves as a reference for measuring the angles of incidence and reflection.

Angle of Incidence

  • Definition: The angle formed between the incident ray (incoming light ray) and the normal.

  • Measurement: Measured in degrees using a protractor.

Angle of Reflection

  • Definition: The angle between the reflected ray (outgoing light ray) and the normal.

  • Correlation with Angle of Incidence: According to the law of reflection, this angle is equal to the angle of incidence.

Law of Reflection


  • Law: The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

  • Surface Requirement: This law holds true for smooth, shiny surfaces like plane mirrors.


  • Everyday Use: Mirrors for personal grooming, reflective surfaces for safety (like road signs), and in architectural lighting design.

  • Scientific and Technological Applications: In optical instruments like telescopes and periscopes, and in the calibration of various scientific apparatus.

Formation of Images by Plane Mirrors

Image Characteristics

  • Same Size: The image and object are of equal size.

  • Equidistant: The distances of the image and the object from the mirror are equal.

  • Virtual and Upright: Images formed by plane mirrors cannot be projected on a screen; they are virtual and upright.

Understanding Image Formation

  • Process: Light rays from an object reflect off the mirror and appear to diverge from a point behind the mirror.

  • Perception: The brain interprets these diverging rays as converging from behind the mirror, forming a virtual image.

Techniques for Studying Reflection in Plane Mirrors

Ray Diagrams

  • Purpose: To visually represent the path of light.

  • Components: Include the object, mirror, incident rays, reflected rays, normal, and the angles of incidence and reflection.

  • Usage: Helpful in predicting the position and nature of the image formed.

Practical Measurements

  • Tools: Use of protractors to measure angles and rulers for distances.

  • Experiments: Setting up a plane mirror and a light source to trace and measure the angles of incidence and reflection.


  • Geometry Application: Use of basic geometry to calculate image position and mirror dimensions.

  • Example Problems: Determining the minimum size of a mirror to view the entire height of a person, calculating the position of an image given the object distance.

Practical Activities

  • Experiments: Using a plane mirror, a ray box or a laser pointer, and a protractor in a dark room to observe and measure reflection.

  • Activities: Drawing ray diagrams, conducting experiments to verify the law of reflection, and using mirrors to understand the concept of virtual images.

Reflection in Everyday Life and Technology

Everyday Observations

  • Seeing reflections in water, glass, and polished surfaces.

  • Understanding why we can see ourselves in a mirror.

Technological Applications

  • Optical Instruments: Telescopes, microscopes, and cameras use mirrors and the principle of reflection.

  • Architecture and Design: Use of mirrors for aesthetic purposes and to manipulate the perception of space.


Reflection of light is a fundamental principle in physics with extensive applications in daily life and technology. Understanding the behavior of light as it interacts with surfaces like mirrors not only enriches our knowledge of physics but also enhances our appreciation of the world around us.


Mirrors don't actually reverse left and right; they reverse front and back. When you look into a mirror, you're seeing an image of yourself with the front/back axis flipped. This creates the illusion of left-right reversal. For instance, raise your right hand, and your mirror image seems to raise its left hand. However, the mirror is doing nothing to your left-right orientation. It's your brain that interprets this flipping of depth as a left-right reversal because we are used to seeing things flip horizontally (like reading text or turning objects around). In contrast, up and down don't get reversed because the mirror doesn't alter our perception of the vertical axis. Our brain doesn't interpret the vertical orientation being flipped because we don't usually experience this in our natural environment, unlike the horizontal flipping.

The quality of a mirror significantly affects the reflection of light. A high-quality mirror has a smooth surface and an evenly reflective coating, leading to a clear, undistorted image. In such mirrors, the law of reflection is precisely followed, and the angles of incidence and reflection are equal for each ray of light. Conversely, a lower quality mirror might have imperfections on its surface, such as bumps or irregularities. These imperfections can cause the light rays to scatter or reflect at slightly different angles, leading to a distorted or blurry image. Additionally, if the reflective coating is uneven or deteriorates over time, it can lead to areas of the mirror that reflect less light, thereby affecting the brightness and clarity of the image. Thus, the smoothness of the mirror's surface and the quality of its reflective coating are crucial for accurate and clear reflections.

The law of reflection applies to all types of mirrors, including curved mirrors. However, the application of this law in curved mirrors (like concave or convex mirrors) is more complex than in plane mirrors. In curved mirrors, each small section of the mirror can be thought of as a tiny plane mirror. The law of reflection holds true at each point on the mirror's surface, where the normal at each point is perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence. As a result, in curved mirrors, light rays do not necessarily reflect in parallel paths, as they do with plane mirrors. Instead, they may converge (as in concave mirrors) or diverge (as in convex mirrors). This leads to different types of image formation, such as real or virtual images, which can be magnified or diminished depending on the mirror's curvature and the position of the object.

The virtual image formed by a plane mirror is always upright due to the way light rays are reflected off the mirror. When light rays from an object hit a plane mirror, they are reflected in such a way that they seem to diverge from a point behind the mirror. However, this reflection doesn't alter the orientation of the image. The top and bottom of the object remain the top and bottom of the image after reflection. Since the mirror only changes the direction of the light rays horizontally (not vertically), the vertical orientation of the image remains the same as that of the object. Thus, if the object is upright, the image appears upright as well. This characteristic of plane mirrors is fundamentally different from images formed by other optical devices like lenses, where the orientation of the image can be inverted.

Understanding the reflection of light has numerous practical applications in everyday life and various professions. In everyday life, it helps in understanding how mirrors work, which is essential for activities like driving, where rearview and side mirrors are crucial for safety. It also explains the principles behind shiny and reflective surfaces like windows and polished metals. Professionally, this knowledge is essential in fields like architecture and interior design, where the placement of mirrors and reflective surfaces can influence the perception of space and lighting. In photography and film-making, understanding reflection is vital for controlling lighting and creating visual effects. In science and technology, principles of reflection are fundamental in designing optical instruments like telescopes, microscopes, and lasers. Even in art, understanding how light reflects off different surfaces can aid in creating more realistic and dynamically lit artworks. Thus, the reflection of light is a cornerstone concept that finds relevance in a wide array of practical and professional contexts.

Practice Questions

A light ray strikes a plane mirror at an angle of incidence of 30 degrees. What is the angle of reflection, and how far behind the mirror will the image of an object placed 10 cm in front of the mirror appear to be?

The angle of reflection will be 30 degrees, as per the law of reflection which states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. In a plane mirror, the image appears as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. Therefore, if the object is placed 10 cm in front of the mirror, the image will appear 10 cm behind the mirror. This phenomenon occurs because the light rays reflecting from the mirror seem to diverge from a point behind the mirror, creating a virtual image that is the same size and distance as the object but reversed left to right.

Describe an experiment to demonstrate the law of reflection using a plane mirror, a ray box, and a protractor. Include the steps you would take and the observations you would expect.

To demonstrate the law of reflection, set up a plane mirror on a flat surface. Place the ray box so that a single ray of light strikes the mirror at a known angle of incidence, using the protractor to measure this angle. Mark the incident ray and the point where it hits the mirror. After reflection, use the protractor again to measure the angle of the reflected ray relative to the normal. The observation should show that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This experiment confirms the law of reflection, as the measured angles on either side of the normal should be identical.

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