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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.2.2 Refraction of Light

Introduction to Refraction

Refraction is a phenomenon that occurs when light waves change their direction as they pass from one medium into another, resulting from a change in their speed. This section explains the basic terminology and principles associated with light refraction.

Key Terms

  • Normal: An imaginary line that is perpendicular to the boundary surface at the point of incidence.

  • Angle of Incidence: The angle between the incoming ray of light and the normal.

  • Angle of Refraction: The angle formed between the refracted ray and the normal.

Experimental Demonstration of Refraction

Conducting experiments with transparent blocks of various shapes, like rectangular and triangular prisms, can vividly demonstrate the process of refraction. These practical activities are essential for visualising how light bends and changes direction.

Activities and Observations

  • Rectangular Blocks: Observing light as it passes through rectangular glass blocks helps illustrate the bending or refraction of the light ray.

  • Triangular Prisms: When white light is passed through a triangular prism, it disperses into its constituent colours, demonstrating refraction and dispersion.

Passage of Light Through Transparent Materials

Light, when it travels through different transparent materials like glass, water, or air, undergoes a change in speed, leading to its refraction. The amount of bending, or the angle of refraction, depends on the optical density of the material.

Understanding the Concept of Critical Angle

  • The critical angle is defined as the angle of incidence which provides an angle of refraction of 90 degrees.

  • Beyond this angle, light does not exit the medium but is instead totally internally reflected within the material, a phenomenon crucial in optical fibres and certain natural occurrences like mirages.

Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

Total Internal Reflection is a unique case of refraction that occurs when light tries to pass from a denser to a less dense medium at an angle exceeding the critical angle, causing the light to be completely reflected back into the denser medium.

Examples Demonstrating TIR

  • Optical Fibres: Utilise TIR to transmit light signals over long distances with minimal loss, crucial in telecommunications.

  • Sparkling Diamonds: The brilliance of diamonds is partly due to TIR, which traps light within the gem, causing it to sparkle intensely.

Refractive Index and Its Calculation

The refractive index is a dimensionless number that describes how light, or any other radiation, propagates through that medium. It indicates how much the speed of light is reduced in the medium compared to its speed in a vacuum.

Calculating the Refractive Index

  • The basic formula for refractive index (n) is: n = speed of light in vacuum (c)speed of light in the medium (v).

  • Snell's Law also provides a means to calculate refractive index: n1 sinθ1 =n2 sinθ2 , where θ1 and θ2 are the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively, and n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the two media.

Applications in Telecommunications

The application of refraction, particularly in the form of optical fibres, is revolutionary in the field of telecommunications, enabling the transmission of data at the speed of light with minimal loss.

The Role of Optical Fibres

  • These fibres, designed with high refractive index materials, are structured to utilise the principle of TIR, ensuring that light signals are guided along the fibre with minimal loss.

  • They are instrumental in internet and telephone communications, medical endoscopy, and even in advanced technologies like fibre-optic sensors.

Refraction in Everyday Life

Refraction is a phenomenon that we encounter frequently in our daily lives, often without realising it.

Everyday Examples

  • Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses: Corrective lenses use refraction to alter the focus of light onto the retina, correcting vision impairments like myopia and hyperopia.

  • Apparent Depth of Water Bodies: Swimming pools or ponds often appear shallower than they are because light bends as it moves from water to air, an illusion created by refraction.

Deeper Insight into Refraction

Understanding refraction goes beyond the classroom, offering insights into the fundamental properties of light and its interaction with various media. It provides a foundation for exploring the vast applications of light, from simple optical instruments to complex technological systems.

In summary, the study of refraction is not only pivotal in understanding basic optical phenomena but also in comprehending advanced applications in modern technology. The concepts of the refractive index, total internal reflection, and critical angle form the backbone of this understanding, allowing us to explore the various ways in which light interacts with different mediums, opening a world of scientific and practical applications.


The thickness of a glass block does not directly affect the angle of refraction but influences the lateral displacement of the light ray. When a light ray enters a glass block, it bends towards the normal due to the increased optical density of glass compared to air. This bending is quantified by the angle of refraction. However, the thickness of the block determines how far the light ray shifts laterally (sideways) within the block. The thicker the block, the greater the lateral displacement, because the light ray travels a longer distance inside the denser medium. It's important to note that while the path inside the block changes with thickness, the entry (angle of incidence) and exit (emerging angle) angles remain consistent for a given refractive index. This aspect is crucial in understanding optical devices like lenses where thickness plays a role in focusing light.

The bending of a straw's appearance when partially submerged in water is a classic demonstration of refraction. This phenomenon occurs due to the difference in the refractive index of air and water. When light rays travel from water to air, they speed up and bend away from the normal (line perpendicular to the surface). The part of the straw in water appears at a different position relative to the part in the air because of this change in direction of light rays. To an observer, the light rays appear to come from a higher position than they actually are, making the straw look bent at the water’s surface. This example illustrates how refraction can distort the apparent position of an object when viewed through a medium with a different refractive index than the surrounding medium.

The refractive index of a medium is typically greater than 1, signifying that light travels slower in the medium than in a vacuum. However, in certain extreme conditions, materials can have a refractive index less than 1. This occurs in some specially engineered materials and under certain electromagnetic conditions where the phase velocity of light exceeds the speed of light in a vacuum. These conditions are highly specific and don't occur naturally. They are of great interest in the field of photonics and advanced optical research. It's important to note that while the phase velocity can exceed the speed of light, this does not violate the principles of relativity, as the signal or information transfer still occurs at or below the speed of light. These conditions are more theoretical and experimental and are not typically encountered in everyday scenarios or standard physics education.

Temperature can significantly affect the refractive index of a medium. As temperature increases, the density of a medium generally decreases, which can lead to a decrease in the refractive index. This is because the refractive index is related to how densely packed the atoms or molecules in the medium are; the more dense the medium, the slower the light travels through it, resulting in a higher refractive index. For gases, this effect is quite pronounced since their density changes significantly with temperature. In liquids and solids, the change is less dramatic but still noticeable. This principle is important in precision optical instruments and in industries where control of light's path is critical, as even small temperature changes can lead to noticeable differences in refraction.

The cladding in an optical fibre plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient transmission of light through the fibre. The cladding is made of a material with a lower refractive index than the core of the fibre. This difference in refractive indices is essential for achieving total internal reflection, which is the principle by which light is transmitted along the fibre. The cladding prevents the light from escaping by reflecting it back into the core whenever the light ray hits the boundary between the core and the cladding at an angle greater than the critical angle. This ensures that light travels along the length of the fibre with minimal loss. Additionally, the cladding protects the fibre from external physical damage and environmental factors, which could otherwise affect its transmission properties.

Practice Questions

A light ray enters a glass block at an angle of incidence of 30 degrees. The refractive index of glass is 1.5. Calculate the angle of refraction inside the glass block.

An excellent IGCSE Physics student would approach this problem by first recalling Snell's Law, which states that n1 sin(theta1) = n2 sin(theta2), where theta1 is the angle of incidence and theta2 is the angle of refraction. Here, n1 (the refractive index of air) is approximately 1, and n2 (the refractive index of glass) is given as 1.5. The angle of incidence, theta1, is 30 degrees. Using this information, the equation becomes 1 sin(30 degrees) = 1.5 sin(theta2). Solving for theta2, we find that sin(theta2) = sin(30 degrees) / 1.5. Therefore, theta2 = arcsin(sin(30 degrees) / 1.5). Calculating this gives an angle of refraction, theta2, of approximately 19.47 degrees. This demonstrates understanding of Snell's Law and its application to calculate the angle of refraction.

Explain why optical fibres use the principle of total internal reflection to transmit light over long distances.

Optical fibres utilise the principle of total internal reflection (TIR) to transmit light effectively over long distances. This happens when light travelling through a denser medium, like the glass of the optical fibre, hits the boundary with a less dense medium, like the surrounding air, at an angle greater than the critical angle. In such a scenario, all the light is reflected back into the denser medium, preventing any light loss through the sides of the fibre. This principle allows for the efficient transmission of light signals with minimal loss and dispersion, making it ideal for long-distance telecommunications. The student's answer demonstrates a clear understanding of how TIR is critical for the functioning of optical fibres and the practical application of this phenomenon in telecommunications technology.

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