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CIE IGCSE Physics Notes

3.2.4 Dispersion of Light

Light, a captivating and essential component of our world, exhibits fascinating properties, particularly when it interacts with various materials. Among these is the dispersion of light, a phenomenon that unveils the spectrum hidden within what we perceive as white light.

Understanding Light Dispersion

Dispersion is the process by which light separates into its constituent colours. This effect is most prominently observed and explained through the use of a glass prism.

The Role of a Glass Prism in Dispersion

  • Prism Structure and Function: A glass prism, typically a triangular block, refracts or bends light passing through it. The prism’s shape and material are critical in this process.

  • How Dispersion Occurs: As white light enters the prism, it is refracted differently for each colour due to the variation in their wavelengths. This differential refraction causes the light to fan out into a spectrum.

The Visible Spectrum: An Array of Colours

The visible spectrum constitutes the segment of electromagnetic waves visible to the human eye, extending from red to violet.

Sequential Order of Colours

  • Red: Positioned at one end of the spectrum, red light has the longest wavelength and undergoes the least refraction.

  • Orange to Green: These intermediate colours – orange, yellow, and green – exhibit progressively shorter wavelengths and are increasingly refracted.

  • Blue and Indigo: Closer to the other end of the spectrum, blue and indigo have shorter wavelengths and are more significantly refracted.

  • Violet: At the opposite end of the spectrum from red, violet has the shortest wavelength and experiences the most refraction.

Relationship Between Frequency and Wavelength

  • Inversely Proportional: Light frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional. Thus, red light, with the longest wavelength, has the lowest frequency, while violet light has the highest frequency.

  • Wavelength Explained: Wavelength is defined as the distance between successive crests or troughs in a wave.

  • Frequency Details: Frequency is measured as the number of wave cycles that pass a given point per second.

Concept of Monochromatic Light

Monochromatic light is essentially light of a single wavelength and, therefore, a single colour.

Defining Characteristics

  • Single Colour Composition: Unlike white light, which is a mixture of all visible colours, monochromatic light consists of only one colour.

  • Consistent Nature: Monochromatic light is characterized by its uniformity and predictability, making it ideal for various scientific and industrial applications.

Applications in Technology and Science

  • Laser Technology: Lasers are a common and practical example of monochromatic light sources.

  • Precision Instruments: Monochromatic light is crucial in devices requiring exact control over light properties, such as spectrometers.

Practical Applications of Light Dispersion

The concept of dispersion transcends theoretical physics, finding relevance in several practical applications.

Spectroscopy and Its Uses

  • Light Composition Analysis: Spectroscopy uses the principles of dispersion to analyze the composition of light from various sources.

  • Chemical Identification: Different substances emit or absorb specific wavelengths, identifiable through spectral analysis.

Everyday Phenomena and Devices

  • Rainbows: These natural occurrences are perhaps the most familiar example of light dispersion, where sunlight is dispersed by water droplets in the atmosphere.

  • Fibre Optics Technology: Fibre optic cables, pivotal in telecommunications, utilise principles of light behaviour, including dispersion, for effective data transmission.

Importance in Optical Studies

  • Telescopes and Binoculars: Optical devices often incorporate prisms or lenses that use dispersion to enhance image quality and clarity.

  • Photographic Equipment: Camera lenses are designed to minimize unwanted dispersion effects, such as chromatic aberration, to produce sharp and accurate images.

Deeper Insights into Dispersion

Understanding the nuances of light dispersion leads to a better appreciation of its role in both natural phenomena and technological applications.

Spectrum Analysis

  • Colour Temperature: The concept of colour temperature, used in photography and lighting design, is based on the understanding of the visible spectrum.

  • Astronomical Observations: Astronomers rely on the analysis of dispersed light from celestial bodies to determine their composition, temperature, and movement.

Educational and Scientific Significance

  • Teaching Tool: Dispersion is a key concept in physics education, illustrating the wave nature of light.

  • Research Applications: In scientific research, dispersion is used in studying the properties of new materials and in developing advanced optical technologies.


The study of light dispersion, the visible spectrum, and monochromatic light provides a foundational understanding of optics. This knowledge is not only crucial for comprehending the intriguing behaviour of light but also forms the basis for numerous technological innovations. As students of IGCSE Physics, grasping these concepts deepens your insight into physics and its myriad applications in the modern world.


The dispersion of light in a prism leads to a spectrum, a continuous range of colours, rather than distinct, separate colours due to the overlapping nature of the wavelengths of different colours. When white light, which contains all the visible wavelengths, enters a prism, each colour bends at a slightly different angle because each colour's wavelength interacts differently with the prism material. This differential bending is gradual and continuous, not discrete. For instance, red light, with the longest wavelength, bends the least, while violet, with the shortest wavelength, bends the most. The colours in between - orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo - gradually shift from one to the next, creating a seamless transition. This continuous range of wavelengths results in the spectrum appearing as a smooth gradation of colours, with no distinct boundaries between them. The spectrum is not just a collection of individual colours but a representation of the complete range of visible wavelengths.

The angle of the prism significantly impacts the extent of light dispersion. A prism with a larger refractive angle (the angle between the two refracting surfaces) causes greater deviation of the light path, leading to a more pronounced dispersion of colours. This is because, as the angle of the prism increases, the path taken by the light inside the prism becomes longer. This increased path length allows for a more significant change in the direction (refraction) of different wavelengths of light, enhancing the separation between colours. Conversely, a prism with a smaller angle will produce less dispersion, resulting in a more compact spectrum. The material of the prism also plays a role; materials with a higher refractive index will disperse light more than those with a lower refractive index. Therefore, both the angle and material of the prism determine the degree to which light is dispersed into its constituent colours.

Violet light is refracted more than red light in a prism because it has a shorter wavelength. The degree of refraction of light as it passes through a medium depends on its wavelength; shorter wavelengths refract more, while longer wavelengths refract less. Violet light, being at the shorter wavelength end of the visible spectrum, is slowed down and bent more significantly when it enters the denser medium of the prism. In contrast, red light has the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum and is affected less by the change in medium. This difference in refraction is due to the light's speed changing more drastically for shorter wavelengths. The varying degrees of bending of different wavelengths result in the dispersion of white light into its component colours, with violet being deviated the most and red the least.

Yes, dispersion of light can and does occur in mediums other than a prism, with water droplets being a prime example. This phenomenon is most commonly observed in the formation of rainbows. When sunlight enters a water droplet in the atmosphere, it undergoes refraction and dispersion much like it does in a prism. The light is first refracted as it enters the droplet, dispersed into its component colours, and then refracted again as it exits the droplet. This double refraction intensifies the dispersion effect. The curvature and density of the water droplet influence the degree and angle of dispersion. Each colour emerges at a slightly different angle, leading to the formation of a circular, multicoloured arc. This process is essentially the same as in a prism, with the water droplet acting as a spherical prism.

The colours of the spectrum are always in the same order - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet - due to the consistent nature of light's wavelengths. Each colour in the visible spectrum has a specific wavelength range, with red having the longest and violet the shortest. This order is based on the physical properties of light and the way different wavelengths are refracted when passing through a medium like glass or water. Since these physical properties are constant, the order of the colours in the spectrum remains the same. The order cannot change under normal circumstances. It is a fundamental characteristic of the visible light spectrum determined by the inherent properties of light itself. The only way the order would appear different is if the viewing perspective or the light's propagation direction changes, but the inherent order of the wavelengths remains unchanged.

Practice Questions

Describe what happens when a beam of white light passes through a glass prism and explain why this happens.

White light is composed of multiple colours, each with a different wavelength. When a beam of white light passes through a glass prism, it undergoes refraction twice - once when entering the prism and again when exiting it. Due to the different wavelengths, each colour in the white light refracts at a slightly different angle. This is because the speed of light varies for different wavelengths within the prism's material. As a result, the light is dispersed into a spectrum of colours, ranging from red (which refracts the least due to its longest wavelength) to violet (which refracts the most due to its shortest wavelength). This phenomenon is known as the dispersion of light and demonstrates the wave nature of light.

Explain the concept of monochromatic light and give two examples of its practical applications.

Monochromatic light refers to light that consists of one single wavelength and, therefore, a single colour. Unlike white light, which is a mixture of all the visible colours, monochromatic light is pure and has a single colour. This property makes it ideal for applications where precise light control is necessary. For example, lasers are a common application of monochromatic light. They are used in various fields, from medical procedures like eye surgery to the scanning of barcodes in retail. Another application is in fibre optic communications, where monochromatic light is used to transmit data over long distances with minimal loss and interference. This demonstrates the importance of monochromatic light in both technological and everyday uses.

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