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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

12.2.4 Centripetal Force in Circular Motion Understanding Centripetal Force

Definition and Importance

  • Centripetal force: A force that keeps an object moving in a circular path.
  • Acts perpendicular to the direction of motion, towards the circle's centre.
  • Essential in maintaining circular motion, preventing objects from moving off in a tangential linear path.
Diagram explaining centripetal force in circular motion

Centripetal force

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Nature of Centripetal Force

  • Represents the result of other forces like gravitational, tension, or frictional forces, depending on the scenario.
  • It's not a distinct type of force but a role played by existing forces under circular motion conditions.
  • Critical for the stability and continuity of circular motion in various contexts, from celestial orbits to everyday mechanical systems. Derivation of Centripetal Force Equations

The Basic Formulas

  • F = mrω²: This formula relates the centripetal force (F) to the mass (m) of the object, the radius (r) of the circle, and the angular speed (ω) of the object.
  • F = mv²/r: Another form of the equation that connects centripetal force with mass (m), tangential velocity (v), and radius (r).
Diagram explaining the formula for calculation of centripetal force

Centripetal force calculation

Image Courtesy Labster.com

Steps in Derivation

  • 1. Begin with Newton's Second Law of Motion, F = ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.
  • 2. Recognize that in circular motion, the acceleration a is centripetal and given by a = v²/r or a = rω².
  • 3. Derive the equations F = mv²/r and F = mrω² by substituting the respective expressions for acceleration into Newton's Second Law. Application of Centripetal Force Equations

Practical Examples and Calculations

  • Planetary Orbits: In this context, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational attraction between a planet and its orbiting body. Students can calculate the required gravitational force to keep a satellite in orbit.
  • Vehicle Cornering: Here, the frictional force between the vehicle's tires and the road provides the necessary centripetal force. Understanding this helps in analyzing how different speeds and turn radii affect the force required.
  • Amusement Park Rides: These often involve a combination of gravitational and mechanical forces acting as centripetal forces, offering an exciting context for applying these concepts.

Calculations in Different Contexts

  • Students should practice applying the formulas in various scenarios, particularly focusing on how changes in velocity, radius, or mass affect the centripetal force.
  • These calculations help in understanding real-world applications like the design of road curves, roller coasters, and satellite orbits. Centripetal Force in Real-World Scenarios

Vehicle Cornering

  • Investigate the role of friction as a centripetal force in vehicle cornering.
  • Explore how the speed of the vehicle and the radius of the turn affect the magnitude of the necessary frictional force.
  • Analyze scenarios where insufficient friction (like on a wet road) can lead to a loss of circular motion, causing the vehicle to skid.


  • Discuss the use of centrifuges in laboratories for separating substances based on density.
  • Understand how centripetal force causes denser particles to move outward, facilitating separation.
  • Calculation exercises can include determining the rotational speed needed for effective separation.

Planetary Motion

  • Explore how gravitational force acts as a centripetal force in maintaining the orbits of planets and satellites.
  • Discuss the balance between gravitational pull and the tangential velocity of the orbiting body.
  • Calculate the necessary gravitational force for different planetary bodies or artificial satellites to remain in orbit.
Diagram showing the application of Centripetal force in real-world scenario

Centripetal force in real-world scenario

Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks Problem-Solving Exercises

Exercise Set 1: Basic Calculations

  • Students should work on problems that involve the direct application of the formulas F = mrω² and F = mv²/r.
  • Focus on understanding how changes in mass, radius, and velocity influence the centripetal force.

Exercise Set 2: Applied Scenarios

  • Include problems set in real-world contexts, like calculating the necessary frictional force for a car making a turn on a road.
  • Challenge students with scenarios involving different surface conditions, vehicle speeds, and turn radii.

Exercise Set 3: Advanced Applications

  • Introduce problems that involve the analysis of non-uniform circular motion, where either the speed or the radius of the motion changes.
  • Incorporate exercises that blend centripetal force concepts with other areas of physics, such as energy conservation and dynamics. Key Takeaways

  • Centripetal force is a crucial concept in maintaining circular motion.
  • This force can be the result of various existing forces and is context-dependent.
  • Mastery of the equations F = mrω² and F = mv²/r is essential for understanding and solving problems related to circular motion.
  • The real-world applications of centripetal force, from vehicle cornering to planetary orbits, provide a practical perspective and deepen the understanding of these concepts.


In a rotating frame of reference, centripetal force is often described as 'fictitious' because it does not arise from any physical interaction but is a result of the frame's rotation. This perspective stems from non-inertial reference frames, where Newton's laws of motion don't apply in their usual form. In such frames, objects appear to experience forces that do not have an apparent physical source. For an observer in the rotating frame, objects seem to be acted upon by a force that pulls them outward (centrifugal force), but this force is actually the result of the inertia of the objects wanting to maintain their linear motion, not a real force acting on them.

Centripetal force, by definition, cannot be negative. It is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of centripetal force is always a positive value, as it represents the amount of force required to keep an object moving in a circular path. The direction of this force is always radially inwards towards the centre of the circle. Negative values in force generally indicate a direction opposite to the defined positive direction. Since the direction of centripetal force is always towards the centre, it does not make sense to have a negative centripetal force.

In uniform circular motion, the centripetal force does not affect an object's speed or angular velocity; rather, it affects the direction of the object's velocity. The centripetal force acts perpendicular to the direction of motion, which means it does not do any work on the object (since work is force times displacement in the direction of the force). As a result, the kinetic energy and, consequently, the speed of the object remain constant. However, since the force is always directed towards the centre of the circle, it continuously changes the direction of the object's velocity, maintaining circular motion.

If the mass of an object in circular motion is doubled, the required centripetal force will also double, assuming all other factors (radius and speed) remain constant. This is directly evident from the centripetal force formula F = mv²/r. Since the mass (m) is a directly proportional factor in this equation, increasing the mass will proportionally increase the force. For example, if the mass of an object is increased from 2 kg to 4 kg, the required centripetal force will increase by the same factor, assuming the velocity and radius of the circular path remain unchanged. This relationship highlights the direct impact of mass on the dynamics of circular motion.

Altering the radius of a circular path significantly impacts the required centripetal force for an object moving at a constant speed. According to the formula F = mv²/r, the centripetal force is inversely proportional to the radius. This means that as the radius increases, the required centripetal force decreases, and vice versa. For instance, if the radius of the path is doubled while keeping the speed constant, the required centripetal force will be halved. This inverse relationship illustrates how even small changes in the radius can lead to substantial changes in the necessary force to maintain circular motion.

Practice Questions

A car of mass 1200 kg is travelling around a circular track of radius 50 meters at a constant speed. If the car maintains a speed of 20 m/s, calculate the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the car.

To calculate the centripetal force, we use the formula F = mv²/r. Here, m is the mass of the car (1200 kg), v is the velocity (20 m/s), and r is the radius of the circle (50 m). Substituting these values, we get F = 1200 kg * (20 m/s)² / 50 m = 9600 kg·m/s² / 50 m = 192 N. Thus, the centripetal force acting on the car is 192 Newtons. This force is provided by the friction between the car's tires and the track, allowing the car to maintain its circular path without skidding.

A centrifuge in a laboratory rotates at a speed of 3600 revolutions per minute (rpm). If the radius of the centrifuge is 0.15 meters, calculate the centripetal acceleration.

First, we convert the speed from revolutions per minute to radians per second. One revolution is 2π radians, and 1 minute is 60 seconds. Thus, ω = 3600 rpm * 2π rad/rev * 1 min/60 s = 377 rad/s. To find the centripetal acceleration, a = rω², where r is the radius (0.15 m) and ω is the angular speed (377 rad/s). Substituting these values, we get a = 0.15 m * (377 rad/s)² = 21,281.55 m/s². The centripetal acceleration of the centrifuge is therefore 21,281.55 meters per second squared, which is significant and demonstrates the powerful forces at work in a rapidly spinning centrifuge.

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