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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

12.2.1 Nature of Centripetal Acceleration

Introduction to Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal acceleration is an essential aspect of circular motion, fundamental in understanding how objects travel along curved paths. It's a type of acceleration experienced by an object moving in a circular path and is always directed towards the centre of the circle.

Understanding Centripetal Force and Acceleration

The concept of centripetal force is integral to grasping centripetal acceleration. This force is always directed towards the centre of the circular path and is essential for maintaining the object in its circular trajectory.

Diagram showing centripetal acceleration and velocity of a car in circular motion

Centripetal acceleration

Image Courtesy Openstax

Key Characteristics

  • Direction: Centripetal acceleration is always directed towards the centre of the circular path, distinguishing it from linear acceleration, which operates in the direction of motion.
  • Magnitude: It remains constant if the object's speed and the circle's radius are unchanged. This constancy is a defining characteristic of uniform circular motion.
  • Perpendicular Nature: It acts at right angles to the object's velocity. This perpendicular relationship ensures that while the object’s speed remains constant, its direction changes, facilitating circular motion.

Role in Circular Motion

Centripetal acceleration is the reason an object can maintain circular motion:

  • Velocity Vector: In circular motion, the object’s velocity vector constantly changes direction, though its magnitude may remain constant.
  • Force Requirement: For the velocity direction to change, a force (centripetal force) must act on the object. This force, responsible for centripetal acceleration, is vital for maintaining circular motion.

Mathematical Exploration of Centripetal Acceleration

The mathematical formulation of centripetal acceleration provides a deeper insight:

  • Equation: a = v2 / r
  • Variables: Here, a represents the centripetal acceleration, v the linear speed, and r the radius of the circular path.
  • Implications: This equation shows that centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to the square of the velocity and inversely proportional to the radius of the circle.
Diagram explaining the calculation of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force

Centripetal acceleration and centripetal force

Image Courtesy Visual Physics Online

Deducing from the Equation

  • Increased Speed: As the speed increases, the centripetal acceleration increases quadratically.
  • Radius Dependency: A larger radius results in a smaller centripetal acceleration for the same speed, illustrating the inverse relationship.

Centripetal Acceleration in Real-World Contexts

Planetary Motion

  • Orbital Motion: Planets orbiting the sun exhibit centripetal acceleration, directed towards the sun, maintaining their elliptical orbits.

Amusement Park Rides

  • Roller Coasters: These rides utilise centripetal acceleration to navigate curves and loops, ensuring riders experience the thrill safely.

Vehicle Dynamics

  • Cornering: Vehicles turning around a bend experience centripetal acceleration, requiring sufficient frictional force to prevent skidding.

Everyday Observations of Centripetal Acceleration

Swinging Objects

  • Example: A ball on a string, when twirled, experiences tension in the string providing the necessary centripetal force, resulting in centripetal acceleration towards the circle's centre.

Vehicle Cornering

  • Frictional Force: The friction between a car's tyres and the road provides the necessary centripetal force during cornering, illustrating the principles of centripetal acceleration in everyday life.

Detailed Analysis of Centripetal Acceleration

Velocity and Acceleration Relationship

  • Constant Speed: Despite constant speed, the constant change in direction signifies acceleration, a unique aspect of circular motion.
  • Directional Change: The acceleration's role in continually changing the direction of velocity is fundamental in maintaining circular motion.

Centripetal Force: Source and Effects

  • Source: The centripetal force can stem from various sources, such as gravitational force in planetary orbits or tension in the case of a string.
  • Effects on Motion: This force's effect on an object’s motion is crucial for maintaining its circular path.

Practical Implications

  • Technological Applications: From centrifuges used in laboratories to satellites orbiting Earth, centripetal acceleration principles are widely applied.
  • Safety Considerations: Understanding these principles is crucial in designing safe roads, vehicles, and amusement park rides.


Centripetal acceleration affects an object’s kinetic energy in terms of changing its direction, not its magnitude, assuming the speed remains constant. Kinetic energy is given by the formula KE = 1/2 mv², where 'm' is mass and 'v' is velocity. Since centripetal acceleration doesn't change the speed (magnitude of velocity) of the object in uniform circular motion, it doesn't affect the kinetic energy directly. However, it's crucial to note that if the speed of the object changes (non-uniform circular motion), then the kinetic energy will change accordingly, influenced by tangential acceleration rather than centripetal acceleration.

Yes, an object experiencing centripetal acceleration can have a changing speed, but this scenario involves additional forces and types of acceleration. While centripetal acceleration, by definition, is directed towards the centre of a circular path and influences direction rather than speed, if an object is speeding up or slowing down while moving in a circle, it also experiences tangential acceleration. This tangential acceleration is responsible for the change in speed and is independent of the centripetal acceleration, which is solely responsible for the change in direction. Therefore, in scenarios like a car speeding up on a curved road, both centripetal and tangential accelerations are at play.

Passengers feel pushed outward in a turning car due to inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. When a car turns, the centripetal force acts to change the direction of the car towards the centre of the turn. However, the passengers inside the car tend to continue moving in their original, straight-line path due to inertia. This outward feeling is not a real force acting on the passengers but rather the resistance to the inward centripetal force. It is a sensation of being pushed outward, commonly referred to as the 'centrifugal effect', which is a perceived effect rather than an actual force.

Centripetal acceleration is considered a radial acceleration because it is always directed towards the centre of the circle along the radius. This radial nature distinguishes it from tangential acceleration, which acts along the tangent to the circle at the object’s position. Centripetal acceleration does not change the object’s speed but alters its direction, constantly pulling it towards the centre, preventing it from moving off in a straight line. This inward-directed acceleration ensures the object stays on the circular path, making it a radial acceleration. It's this continuous redirection, perpendicular to the object's motion, that sustains circular motion.

The radius of the circular path is inversely proportional to the centripetal acceleration when the speed of the object is constant. This relationship is articulated in the formula for centripetal acceleration, a = v²/r, where 'a' is the centripetal acceleration, 'v' is the velocity, and 'r' is the radius. As the radius increases, for the same velocity, the centripetal acceleration decreases. This is because a larger radius means the object has a broader path to cover, reducing the rate at which it needs to change its direction to maintain the circular motion. In simpler terms, the sharper the curve (smaller radius), the greater the acceleration needed to keep the object moving in that curve at the same speed.

Practice Questions

A car of mass 1200 kg is travelling at a constant speed of 20 m/s around a circular track with a radius of 50 meters. Calculate the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration and the centripetal force acting on the car.

The centripetal acceleration can be calculated using the formula a = v²/r. Substituting the given values, a = (20 m/s)² / 50 m = 8 m/s². The centripetal force is then found using F = ma, where m is the mass of the car and a is the centripetal acceleration. Thus, F = 1200 kg × 8 m/s² = 9600 N. Therefore, the centripetal acceleration is 8 m/s², and the centripetal force acting on the car is 9600 N.

Explain why an astronaut feels weightless while orbiting the Earth, even though the gravitational force is acting on them.

An astronaut feels weightless in orbit due to the presence of centripetal acceleration. When orbiting Earth, the gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force to keep the astronaut in circular motion. However, as the astronaut is in free fall towards Earth, they don't experience the normal reaction force that we feel as weight on Earth's surface. In orbit, both the astronaut and the spacecraft are accelerating towards Earth at the same rate, creating a sensation of weightlessness. This is a result of the only force acting being the centripetal force, which is balanced by the gravitational pull.

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