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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

12.2.3 Calculating Centripetal Acceleration

Introduction to Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal acceleration is essential in understanding the dynamics of objects moving in a circular path. It is the acceleration that keeps an object in circular motion, always pointing towards the centre of the circle.

  • Characteristics: Unlike linear acceleration, centripetal acceleration does not change the object's speed; it only changes the direction of the velocity.
  • Relevance: It is a key concept in various fields, from astrophysics to mechanical engineering.

Core Formulas for Calculation

Formula 1: a = rω²

This formula links centripetal acceleration with the radius of the circle and the angular speed.

  • a (Acceleration): Measured in metres per second squared (m/s²).
  • r (Radius): Distance from the centre of the circle to the path of motion.
  • ω (Omega - Angular Speed): The rate of change of the angle, measured in radians per second (rad/s).

Formula 2: a = v²/r

This equation relates centripetal acceleration to the tangential speed and the radius of the circular path.

  • v (Tangential Speed): Linear speed along the circular path.
Diagram explaining the calculation of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force

Calculating Centripetal acceleration

Image Courtesy Visual Physics Online

In-depth Analysis of Formula Applications

Application in Planetary Orbits

The movement of planets around the sun can be analysed using these formulas.

  • Gravitational Force as Centripetal Force: The gravitational pull of the sun provides the necessary centripetal force for the planets’ circular orbits.
  • Use of a = v²/r: This equation helps calculate the acceleration due to the gravitational pull based on the planet's speed and distance from the sun.

Application in Amusement Park Rides

Understanding the mechanics of rides like roller coasters and carousels.

  • Varying Speed and Radius: The constant change in the radius and speed on such rides makes the calculation of centripetal acceleration crucial for safety.
  • Real-world Safety Calculations: Engineers use these formulas to design rides that are thrilling yet safe.

Detailed Examination of Variables

Impact of Speed (v)

  • Increased Speed: Leads to greater centripetal acceleration, necessitating stronger centripetal force.
  • Practical Example: In a car taking a sharp turn, higher speed requires more force to stay on the path.

Impact of Radius (r)

  • Decreased Radius: Requires greater centripetal acceleration for the same speed, implying a tighter curve needs more force.
  • Real-life Scenario: Athletes running on tracks with varying curvature experience different forces.

Role of Mass (m)

  • Influence on Force: While mass does not directly appear in the centripetal acceleration formula, it is crucial in the centripetal force equation (F = ma).
  • Practical Implication: Heavier objects need a stronger force to maintain the same circular motion as lighter ones.

Contextual Applications and Examples

Earth’s Orbit Around the Sun

  • Given Data: Earth's average orbital radius and orbital speed.
  • Calculation Objective: Utilise a = v²/r to find the centripetal acceleration keeping Earth in its orbit.

Carousel Ride

  • Given Variables: Radius of the carousel and rotational speed.
  • Calculation Goal: Determine the centripetal acceleration experienced by the riders, ensuring it stays within safe limits.

Addressing Calculation Challenges

Non-uniform Circular Motion

  • Complexity: Situations where either the speed or radius (or both) change over time.
  • Implication: This requires advanced calculations and sometimes integration to find average acceleration.

Accounting for External Forces

  • Additional Factors: Forces like friction and air resistance can impact the net centripetal acceleration.
  • Consideration in Calculations: These factors must be considered, especially in engineering applications.


The formula a = rω² is more appropriate in scenarios where the angular speed (ω) is known or more relevant than the tangential (linear) speed. This is often the case in systems where rotation is a key element, such as in gears, rotating machinery, or when dealing with objects moving along a circular path where the rate of rotation is controlled or constant. For instance, in a spinning disc or a rotating space station, it is more straightforward to measure or control the angular speed rather than the linear speed of a point on the edge. In these cases, using the angular speed directly in the formula a = rω² simplifies calculations.

Centripetal acceleration is inversely proportional to the radius of the circular path, as indicated by the formula a = v²/r. This means that for a given tangential speed, if the radius of the circular path increases, the centripetal acceleration decreases, and vice versa. This relationship can be understood by considering that a larger radius implies a broader, more gentle curve, requiring less acceleration to change the direction of the object. Conversely, a smaller radius results in a sharper curve, necessitating a greater centripetal acceleration to continuously alter the object's direction to conform to the circular path.

Yes, an object can have centripetal acceleration even when moving at a constant speed. In circular motion, even though the speed (the magnitude of velocity) remains constant, the direction of velocity is constantly changing. Centripetal acceleration is responsible for this change in direction, always pointing towards the centre of the circular path. It's important to note that acceleration in physics refers to a change in velocity, which includes both speed and direction. Therefore, an object moving in a circle at a constant speed experiences acceleration because its direction is continuously changing.

The mass of an object does not directly affect its centripetal acceleration. Centripetal acceleration, as given by the formulas a = rω² and a = v²/r, is independent of the mass of the object in motion. This is because centripetal acceleration is a result of the change in direction of the velocity, not the amount of matter in the object. However, when considering centripetal force, which is the force causing this acceleration, mass becomes relevant. The centripetal force is calculated using F = ma, where m is the mass. Thus, while the acceleration remains constant for a given velocity and radius, the force required to cause this acceleration increases with an increase in mass.

Centripetal acceleration is always directed towards the centre of the circle because it is the acceleration that is necessary to change the direction of the object's velocity towards the centre of the circular path. In circular motion, while the speed may remain constant, the direction of the velocity vector changes continuously. To cause this change in direction, a force - and hence an acceleration - must be applied towards the centre of the circle. This inward acceleration ensures that the object continues to move in a circular path, rather than moving off in a straight line according to Newton's first law of motion.

Practice Questions

A satellite orbits Earth at a constant height, completing one orbit every 6 hours. The radius of Earth is 6,371 km. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the satellite. (Assume the orbit is circular and neglect any atmospheric effects.)

To calculate the centripetal acceleration of the satellite, we first need to find its orbital speed. The circumference of the orbit is 2π times 6,371 km. Since the satellite completes one orbit in 6 hours, its speed, v, is the circumference divided by the orbital period in seconds. After calculating v, we use the formula a = v²/r to find the centripetal acceleration, where r is the radius of the orbit (Earth's radius plus the satellite's altitude, if any). This approach demonstrates understanding of both the formula and its application in an astronomical context.

A roller coaster car travels at a constant speed of 20 m/s around a circular track of radius 25 m. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of the car.

To find the centripetal acceleration of the roller coaster car, we apply the formula a = v²/r. Here, v is the constant speed of the car, 20 m/s, and r is the radius of the circular track, which is 25 m. By substituting these values into the formula, we can calculate the centripetal acceleration. This calculation involves straightforward substitution into the formula, reflecting an understanding of the relationship between speed, radius, and centripetal acceleration in circular motion.

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