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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

12.2.2 Circular Motion and Angular Speed

1.1 Defining Angular Speed

  • Angular Speed (ω): Angular speed is the rate of change of the angular displacement of an object. It is a vector quantity, typically measured in radians per second.
  • Relation to Linear Speed: Angular speed is related to linear speed through the radius of the circular path; linear speed v = , where r is the radius.
Diagram showing linear speed and angular speed in a circular motion

Linear speed vs Angular speed

Image Courtesy GeeksforGeeks

1.2 Circular Motion Characteristics

  • Uniform Circular Motion: In uniform circular motion, the speed of the object is constant, but its velocity changes due to the continuous change in direction.
  • Centripetal Acceleration Requirement: For an object to remain in circular motion, centripetal acceleration is necessary, always directed towards the centre of the circle.

2. Centripetal Acceleration: The Cornerstone of Circular Motion

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration directed towards the centre of a circle, enabling an object to follow a circular path.

Diagram showing centripetal acceleration and velocity of a car in circular motion

Centripetal acceleration

Image Courtesy Openstax

2.1 Nature of Centripetal Acceleration

  • Directional Change: Centripetal acceleration is responsible for the change in direction of the velocity of an object, not its speed.
  • Formula: The formula for centripetal acceleration is a = v2r, where v is the linear speed and r the radius of the circle.

2.2 Maintaining Circular Motion

  • Perpendicularity to Velocity: The centripetal acceleration is always perpendicular to the object's velocity, ensuring the object stays on the circular path without speeding up or slowing down.

3. Connection Between Centripetal Acceleration and Angular Speed

This section explores how centripetal acceleration and angular speed are interrelated in maintaining circular motion.

3.1 Centripetal Acceleration's Role in Angular Speed

  • Constant Angular Speed: Centripetal acceleration is crucial for keeping the angular speed constant in circular motion.
  • Velocity Vector Tangency: It ensures the velocity vector of the object is always tangent to the circle, a key factor in sustaining circular motion.

3.2 Mathematical Link

  • Formula Link: The relationship between centripetal acceleration and angular speed is given by a = rω2.

4. Variations in Circular Motion Dynamics

Different factors like speed, radius, and mass affect the dynamics of circular motion.

4.1 Speed Variations and Their Effects

  • Increased Speed: Higher speeds demand greater centripetal acceleration to keep the object in a circular path.
  • Consequences of Speed Alterations: Changes in speed can lead to changes in the radius of the path or the required centripetal force.

4.2 The Role of Radius in Circular Motion

  • Larger Radius: Increasing the radius decreases the required centripetal acceleration for the same speed.
  • Smaller Radius: A smaller radius necessitates a larger centripetal acceleration for maintaining circular motion.

4.3 Mass and Circular Motion

  • Direct Proportionality to Centripetal Force: The centripetal force required is directly proportional to the mass of the object.
  • Implications for Heavier Objects: Heavier objects require more force to maintain the same circular motion as lighter ones.

5. The Mathematical Framework of Circular Motion and Angular Speed

This section delves into the mathematical aspects of circular motion, particularly the relationship between centripetal acceleration and angular speed.

5.1 Mathematical Relationships

  • Centripetal Acceleration Formula: a = v2 / r and a = rω2 are the key formulas linking linear speed, angular speed, and radius.
  • Understanding the Formulas: These formulas are vital for solving problems related to circular motion, such as calculating the forces involved in planetary orbits or amusement park rides.

6. Practical Applications and Real-World Examples

  • Astronomical Contexts: In planetary motion, gravitational force acts as the centripetal force, keeping planets in orbit.
  • Engineering Applications: Designing vehicles and rides involves calculating centripetal forces to ensure safety and efficiency.

7. Problem Solving and Analysis in Circular Motion

  • Sample Problems: Solving problems involving the calculation of centripetal acceleration and force in various contexts.
  • Experimental Learning: Conducting experiments to observe the effects of changing parameters like radius, mass, and speed on circular motion.

In sum, the study of circular motion and angular speed, centred around the concept of centripetal acceleration, is fundamental in physics. It not only provides a deep understanding of motion but also equips students with the analytical skills needed to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios.


An object cannot have a changing linear speed and still maintain a constant angular speed in uniform circular motion. Uniform circular motion implies that the object moves in a circular path with constant speed and constant angular speed. Angular speed is linked to the linear speed by the relation v = rω, where v is linear speed, r is the radius of the circle, and ω is angular speed. If the linear speed v changes, then either ω must change, or the radius r must change. Therefore, a constant angular speed necessitates a constant linear speed in uniform circular motion.

Angular momentum is a key concept in circular motion, representing the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It is defined as the product of the moment of inertia (I) and the angular velocity (ω), expressed as L = Iω. In circular motion, as an object moves around a central point, it possesses angular momentum. This momentum depends on the object's mass distribution (moment of inertia) and its angular speed. For an object in uniform circular motion, the angular momentum remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque. This conservation of angular momentum is pivotal in understanding phenomena like the behaviour of rotating celestial bodies or the operation of gyroscopes.

Heavier riders experience more force in circular rides at amusement parks due to the direct relationship between mass and centripetal force. The centripetal force required to maintain circular motion is calculated using the formula F = mv2/r, where F is the centripetal force, m is the mass, v is the speed, and r is the radius. As the mass (m) of the rider increases, the force (F) required to keep them in circular motion also increases proportionally. Therefore, heavier riders experience a greater force as their increased mass requires more force to sustain the same circular motion as lighter riders.

If the radius of the circular motion is halved while the speed remains constant, the centripetal force will double. This is explained by the formula for centripetal force, F = mv2/r, where F is the centripetal force, m is the mass, v is the speed, and r is the radius. Halving the radius (r) while keeping the speed (v) constant means the denominator of the fraction v2/r is reduced to half its original value, thereby doubling the force. This demonstrates how sensitive the centripetal force is to changes in the radius of the circular path.

Changing the mass of an object does not directly affect its centripetal acceleration in circular motion. Centripetal acceleration, as given by the formula a = v2/r, depends only on the speed (v) of the object and the radius (r) of the circular path, not on the mass. However, the mass does affect the centripetal force required to maintain this acceleration, as shown in the formula F = mv2/r, where F is the centripetal force and m is the mass. Therefore, while the acceleration remains unchanged with varying mass, the force required to produce this acceleration increases with the mass of the object.

Practice Questions

A satellite is in a stable circular orbit around Earth. If the satellite's speed is doubled while maintaining the same orbital radius, how does the centripetal acceleration change? Explain your reasoning.

Doubling the speed of the satellite while maintaining the same orbital radius results in a fourfold increase in centripetal acceleration. This is because centripetal acceleration is directly proportional to the square of the speed, as described by the formula a = v2/r. Since the speed is doubled, 2v, when squared, becomes 4v2. Therefore, the centripetal acceleration increases by a factor of four. This illustrates the significant effect of speed changes on centripetal acceleration in circular motion.

A car is travelling at a constant speed around a circular track of radius 50 m. If the car takes 20 seconds to complete one revolution, calculate the centripetal acceleration.

To calculate the centripetal acceleration, we first determine the angular speed, ω. Since the car takes 20 seconds to complete one revolution, the angular speed is 2π/20 rad/s. Using the formula for centripetal acceleration, a = rω², and substituting the given radius (50 m) and calculated angular speed, we get a = 50 × (2π/20)² m/s². Calculating this gives us the centripetal acceleration. This calculation demonstrates the application of angular speed in determining centripetal acceleration in circular motion.

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