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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

13.1.1 Field of Force and Gravitational Field

Introduction to Gravitational Fields

What is a Gravitational Field?

A gravitational field is an invisible influence that a mass exerts in the space around it, causing other masses to experience a force of attraction. This field concept is essential for explaining how objects with mass attract each other without direct contact.

  • Invisible Influence: While we cannot see gravitational fields, their effects are evident - for instance, in the way planets orbit the sun.
  • All Masses Contribute: Every mass, no matter how small, generates a gravitational field around it, affecting other masses within its reach.

The Essence of Gravitational Fields

Gravitational fields are not just theoretical constructs but are observable through their effects on objects:

1. Direction and Magnitude: These fields are vector fields, characterised by both a direction (towards the mass creating the field) and magnitude (strength of the field).

Diagram showing that the gravitational lines directed towards the centre of the earth create the field and explaining the attractive nature of the force

Direction of Gravitational Field on Earth

Image Courtesy MikeRun

2. Ubiquitous Nature: Gravitational fields are universal. They exist everywhere a mass is present, from the smallest particles to the largest celestial bodies.

3. Distance Dependency: The field's strength diminishes with the square of the distance from the mass, indicating a weaker pull as one moves further away.

Gravitational Field Strength

Defining Field Strength

Gravitational field strength, denoted as g, is a measure of the force per unit mass that a gravitational field exerts. It is defined by the formula:

g = F/m

Here, F represents the force exerted, and m is the mass experiencing the force. The unit of gravitational field strength is Newtons per kilogram (N/kg).

Calculating Field Strength

The gravitational field strength due to a mass M is derived from Newton's law of universal gravitation. The law states:

F = G x M x m / r2

Where G is the universal gravitational constant (6.674 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2), M is the mass creating the field, m is a test mass, and r is the distance between the two masses. The field strength (g) is thus:

g = G x M / r2

Image showing the mathematical representation of Newton’s law of gravitation

Newton’s law of gravitation

Image Courtesy Pk0001

Practical Examples

  • On Earth: The average gravitational field strength at Earth's surface is around 9.81 N/kg. This value varies slightly across the Earth's surface due to factors like altitude and the Earth's rotation.
  • Celestial Bodies: Different planets have different gravitational field strengths. For example, Jupiter, being more massive than Earth, has a higher gravitational field strength at its surface.

Importance in Physics

  • Understanding Orbits: Gravitational field strength is crucial in calculating the orbits of satellites and planets.
  • Space Exploration: It aids in designing spacecraft trajectories and understanding the conditions astronauts will experience in space.

Detailed Examination of Gravitational Fields

Gravitational Fields as Vector Fields

Gravitational fields are vector fields, which means they have both magnitude and direction at every point in space. The direction of the gravitational force at any point in the field points towards the mass creating the field. The magnitude, or strength, of the field decreases with distance from the mass.

Diagram showing gravitational field as vector lines

Gravitational field as vector lines

Image Courtesy MikeRun

Universal Character of Gravitational Fields

  • Inherent to Mass: Every object with mass, regardless of its size, generates a gravitational field.
  • Infinite Reach: Theoretically, these fields extend to infinity, though their practical influence becomes negligible at large distances.

Impact of Distance on Field Strength

The strength of a gravitational field diminishes with the square of the distance from the mass creating it. This relationship is crucial in understanding why the force of gravity weakens with increasing distance.

Comprehensive Analysis of Field Strength Calculation

Formula Derivation

The formula for gravitational field strength (g = G x M / r2) is derived from Newton's law of gravitation. This law connects the gravitational force between two masses with the distance separating them and the masses themselves.

Real-World Applications

  • Astronomical Calculations: Astronomers use gravitational field strength to study the movement of celestial bodies and the dynamics of galaxies.
  • Engineering: In engineering, understanding gravitational fields is vital for constructing structures like bridges and buildings that must withstand Earth's gravity.

Variations in Gravitational Field Strength

  • Altitude Effects: The gravitational field strength decreases with altitude. For example, mountaintops experience a slightly weaker gravitational pull than sea level.
  • Planetary Differences: The gravitational field strength varies from planet to planet, affecting everything from the weight of objects to the atmosphere's behaviour.


Gravitational fields, as fields of force, provide a profound insight into the nature of gravitational interactions. Understanding and calculating gravitational field strength is pivotal in physics, offering a quantifiable measure of gravity's influence in various scenarios. This knowledge is not only foundational in theoretical physics but also essential in practical applications across multiple disciplines, from astronomy to engineering.


Gravitational field strength cannot be negative. By definition, it is the force per unit mass exerted by a gravitational field on an object, which is always an attractive force towards the mass creating the field. A negative value would imply a repulsive force, which contradicts the nature of gravity as we understand it. The strength of the gravitational field can decrease with distance, approaching zero, but it never becomes negative. It is a scalar quantity that measures the magnitude of force per unit mass, always acting in the direction of the mass creating the field.

Gravitational field strength at a point is directly related to the change in gravitational potential energy of a mass when it moves in the field. Specifically, the gravitational field strength is the negative gradient of the gravitational potential at that point. This means that as you move a unit mass against the gravitational field, the rate at which its gravitational potential energy increases is equal to the gravitational field strength. In simpler terms, a stronger gravitational field implies a more significant change in potential energy for a mass moving the same distance within that field.

Gravitational field strength is considered a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude is the strength of the gravitational pull per unit mass, and the direction is towards the source of the gravitational field. This vector nature is essential because it not only tells us how strong the gravitational pull is but also in which direction it acts. For instance, on the Earth's surface, the direction of gravitational field strength is towards the center of the Earth. This directional aspect is crucial in analysing the movement of objects under gravity, as it influences the trajectory and acceleration of these objects.

Gravitational field strength and gravitational force are closely related but distinct concepts. Gravitational force is the actual force exerted by a gravitational field on an object with mass. It is calculated using the formula F = G x M x m / r2, where M and m are the masses involved, r is the distance between them, and G is the gravitational constant. On the other hand, gravitational field strength, denoted as g, is the force exerted per unit mass. It is a measure of how strong the gravitational field is at a point, irrespective of the mass of the object experiencing the force. Essentially, gravitational force depends on the mass of the object in the field, while gravitational field strength does not.

Inside a hollow spherical shell, the gravitational field strength is surprisingly zero. This phenomenon is a result of the Shell Theorem. According to this theorem, the gravitational forces exerted by the mass of the shell on a point inside it cancel out. This is because, for any small mass element of the shell, there is an identical element on the opposite side of the shell at the same distance, exerting an equal and opposite gravitational force. Thus, within a hollow sphere, these forces balance out, leading to a net gravitational field strength of zero.

Practice Questions

Define the term 'gravitational field strength' and calculate the gravitational field strength at a point 400,000 meters above the Earth's surface. Assume the Earth's radius as 6,371,000 meters and its mass as 5.97 x 10^24 kg.

Gravitational field strength is defined as the force per unit mass exerted on a small test mass placed in the field. It can be calculated using the formula g = G x M / r2, where G is the gravitational constant (6.674 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2), M is the mass creating the gravitational field, and r is the distance from the centre of the mass to the point of interest. In this case, r is the Earth's radius plus the altitude above the surface, which is 6,371,000 m + 400,000 m = 6,771,000 m. Therefore, the gravitational field strength at this point is g = (6.674 x 10-11) x (5.97 x 1024) / (6,771,000)2, resulting in g ≈ 9.52 N/kg.

Explain how the concept of gravitational field strength aids in understanding the motion of satellites around the Earth.

The concept of gravitational field strength is fundamental in understanding satellite motion. It provides a measure of the gravitational force experienced by a satellite per unit mass at various points in its orbit. This understanding allows us to calculate the necessary velocity and altitude for a satellite to maintain a stable orbit. For instance, the higher the altitude, the weaker the gravitational field strength, which means the satellite requires less velocity to balance the gravitational pull. This balance between the gravitational force and the satellite's inertia results in a stable orbit, which is essential for the functionality of communication, weather, and GPS satellites.

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