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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.3.7 Forces Between Molecules

Types of Intermolecular Forces

Intermolecular forces, the forces that mediate interaction between molecules, are pivotal in shaping the physical characteristics of substances. These forces, markedly weaker than the bonds within molecules, are nonetheless vital for understanding phenomena like phase changes, solubility, and the physical state of substances under various conditions.

Permanent Dipole-Dipole Interactions

Permanent dipole-dipole interactions occur in molecules where there is a permanent charge separation, leading to regions of partial positive and negative charges due to the uneven distribution of electrons in polar covalent bonds. This results in an attractive force between the oppositely charged ends of adjacent molecules.

  • Characteristics and Examples:
    • These interactions are typical in polar molecules such as water (H₂O), where the oxygen atom's higher electronegativity creates a partial negative charge, attracting the partial positive charges of hydrogen atoms in nearby water molecules.
    • Such forces are stronger than van der Waals forces but weaker than hydrogen bonds, influencing the physical properties like boiling points and viscosity. For instance, the relatively high boiling point of water compared to that of nonpolar substances of similar molecular mass can be attributed to permanent dipole-dipole interactions.

Induced Dipole-Dipole (Van der Waals) Interactions

Induced dipole-dipole interactions, or Van der Waals forces, are forces that arise when a temporary dipole in one molecule induces a similar dipole in a neighboring molecule, leading to a transient attraction. This can occur between any two molecules, whether polar or nonpolar.

  • Characteristics and Examples:
    • These interactions are universal, present in all substances, and are particularly notable in nonpolar molecules like methane (CH₄) where permanent dipole-dipole interactions are absent.
    • The strength of van der Waals forces increases with the size of the molecule and the number of electrons, leading to higher boiling points in larger molecules. For example, the boiling points of the noble gases increase smoothly from helium to radon due to the increase in van der Waals forces.

London Dispersion Forces

A specific type of induced dipole-dipole interaction, London dispersion forces, are present in all molecules, arising from momentary fluctuations in electron density that produce temporary dipoles, which, in turn, induce dipoles in adjacent molecules.

  • Characteristics and Examples:
    • These forces are especially significant in large, nonpolar molecules such as those in oils and waxes. The greater the molecular surface area, the stronger the dispersion forces, leading to higher boiling and melting points.
    • For instance, the boiling points of the alkanes increase with molecular size due to the increasing strength of London dispersion forces.

Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonding is a strong type of dipole-dipole interaction that occurs when a hydrogen atom, covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom like nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine, experiences attraction towards another electronegative atom in a neighboring molecule.

  • Characteristics and Examples:
    • This interaction is responsible for many of the unique properties of water, including its high specific heat capacity, surface tension, and the solid form (ice) being less dense than the liquid form.
    • Hydrogen bonds are also crucial in biological systems, stabilizing structures like DNA and proteins by holding together complementary strands and folding chains, respectively.

Influence on Physical Properties

The intermolecular forces within a substance significantly influence its melting point, boiling point, viscosity, surface tension, and solubility, among other physical properties.

Melting and Boiling Points

Substances with strong intermolecular forces require more energy to overcome these forces during phase transitions, leading to higher melting and boiling points. This is why ionic compounds, with their strong electrostatic forces, and polar substances with extensive hydrogen bonding, like water, have high melting and boiling points.

Structure of Ice

In ice, water molecules form a crystalline lattice stabilized by hydrogen bonds. Each oxygen atom is hydrogen bonded to four other oxygen atoms, creating a hexagonal structure that is less dense than liquid water, allowing ice to float. This anomalous expansion upon freezing is unique and vital for aquatic life's survival in cold climates.

Anomalous Boiling Points

Molecules with hydrogen bonding often exhibit boiling points that are significantly higher than those predicted by their molecular weight. For example, ammonia (NH₃), despite being a light molecule, has a higher boiling point than many heavier molecules due to the hydrogen bonds that form between its molecules.

Explaining Physical Properties

The ability to predict and explain the physical properties of substances based on their molecular structure and the intermolecular forces at play is a fundamental aspect of chemistry.

Relating Structure to Properties

The geometry and electron distribution within a molecule determine the types of intermolecular forces it can participate in, which in turn affect its physical properties. For example, molecules with larger electron clouds can induce stronger London dispersion forces, leading to higher boiling points.

Representing Structures Diagrammatically

Chemists use various diagrams, such as Lewis structures, space-filling models, and ball-and-stick models, to represent molecules and the forces between them. These visual tools are invaluable for understanding and predicting how intermolecular forces influence the physical states and behaviors of substances.

Applying Principles to Unfamiliar Examples

The principles governing intermolecular forces enable chemists to predict the behavior of unknown substances or new molecular assemblies. For instance, understanding that larger molecules with more surface area exhibit stronger London dispersion forces allows chemists to anticipate higher boiling points for such substances, even without direct experimental data.


The study of intermolecular forces provides deep insights into the physical properties and behaviors of substances, from the simple molecules that compose our atmosphere to the complex macromolecules that form the basis of life. Through a detailed exploration of permanent and induced dipole-dipole interactions, London dispersion forces, and hydrogen bonding, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how substances interact, transform, and exist in various states. This knowledge is not only fundamental to chemistry but also to fields as diverse as materials science, environmental science, and biochemistry, where the manipulation and control of physical properties are key to innovation and discovery.


Not all molecules with polar bonds form hydrogen bonds because hydrogen bonding requires a hydrogen atom to be directly bonded to a highly electronegative atom like nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine. The high electronegativity of these atoms creates a significant dipole, with hydrogen carrying a partial positive charge. This allows the hydrogen to interact strongly with lone pairs on electronegative atoms in neighbouring molecules. In molecules where hydrogen is bonded to less electronegative atoms, such as carbon in hydrocarbons, the polarity of the bond is insufficient to support hydrogen bonding. Furthermore, for hydrogen bonding to occur, the molecule must also have a suitable geometry that allows the hydrogen atom to come close enough to the electronegative atom in another molecule, facilitating this specific and strong form of dipole-dipole interaction.

Yes, intermolecular forces can be manipulated in industrial processes to achieve desired outcomes. One common example is in the distillation of crude oil, where the principle of varying boiling points due to different intermolecular forces is applied. Components of crude oil are separated based on their boiling points, which are determined by the strength of their intermolecular forces. Lighter fractions, which have weaker intermolecular forces and thus lower boiling points, are collected at higher points in the distillation column, while heavier fractions with stronger intermolecular forces and higher boiling points are collected lower down. Another example is in the manufacture of soaps and detergents, where the molecular design includes a polar (hydrophilic) head and a nonpolar (hydrophobic) tail, optimizing the intermolecular interactions with both water and oils to enhance cleaning efficiency.

Intermolecular forces play a crucial role in determining the solubility of substances. Solubility depends on the ability of solvent molecules to overcome the intermolecular forces in the solute and subsequently surround and interact with the solute molecules. For example, ionic compounds are soluble in polar solvents like water because the strong dipole-dipole interactions between the water molecules and the ions in the solute overcome the ionic bonds in the solid, leading to dissolution. On the other hand, nonpolar solutes such as oils do not dissolve in water because the intermolecular forces (London dispersion forces) between nonpolar molecules are weaker than the hydrogen bonds in water, preventing the nonpolar molecules from integrating into the water structure. This principle is encapsulated in the saying "like dissolves like," meaning substances with similar types of intermolecular forces tend to be soluble in each other.

Intermolecular forces are fundamental in contributing to the elasticity of materials, particularly in polymers. Elasticity refers to a material's ability to return to its original shape after being deformed. In polymers, the long chains of molecules are held together by intermolecular forces such as Van der Waals forces and, in some cases, hydrogen bonds. When an elastic material is stretched, these intermolecular forces are temporarily overcome, allowing the polymer chains to slide past each other and the material to elongate. Upon release of the stretching force, the intermolecular forces bring the polymer chains back to their original arrangement, causing the material to return to its initial shape. The ability of materials like rubber to stretch and rebound is largely due to the optimal balance between the flexibility of the polymer chains and the strength of the intermolecular forces holding them together.

Temperature changes significantly impact intermolecular forces. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules also increases, which can overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together. For instance, in the case of hydrogen bonds in water, raising the temperature provides water molecules with enough energy to break free from the hydrogen bonds, transitioning from a liquid to a gas during boiling. Conversely, cooling water removes kinetic energy from the molecules, allowing hydrogen bonds to dominate and organise the water molecules into a solid crystalline structure, forming ice. This dynamic interplay between kinetic energy and intermolecular forces underpins phase changes in substances and explains why different substances have distinct melting and boiling points, based on the strength of their intermolecular forces.

Practice Questions

Explain how hydrogen bonding influences the physical properties of water, making it different from other similar-sized molecules.

Hydrogen bonding in water results in several unique physical properties not observed in other similar-sized molecules. The strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules lead to a high surface tension, allowing insects like water striders to walk on water. These bonds also contribute to water's high specific heat capacity, meaning it can absorb a lot of heat before increasing in temperature, making it an effective coolant. Furthermore, the density of ice is less than liquid water because hydrogen bonds hold water molecules in a hexagonal lattice in ice, creating more space between them. This anomalous expansion upon freezing ensures ice floats on water, which is crucial for aquatic life during winter.

Describe the role of van der Waals forces in determining the boiling points of the noble gases.

Van der Waals forces, specifically London dispersion forces, play a crucial role in determining the boiling points of noble gases. These forces are the only type of intermolecular attraction between noble gas atoms, as they are monoatomic and nonpolar. The strength of London dispersion forces increases with the size of the electron cloud, which correlates with the atomic number of the noble gases. As a result, heavier noble gases, like xenon and radon, have larger electron clouds and therefore stronger van der Waals forces, leading to higher boiling points compared to lighter noble gases such as helium and neon. This explains the trend in boiling points increasing down the group in the periodic table.

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