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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.3.2 Nature of Covalent and Dative Covalent Bonds

Covalent Bonding: The Art of Sharing Electrons

Single Covalent Bonds: The Basic Building Blocks

At the heart of molecular architecture are single covalent bonds, formed through the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. This mutual sharing helps atoms achieve stability, akin to noble gases, by completing their valence shells.

  • Essentials of Formation: Single covalent bonds typically form between atoms of non-metals that possess similar electronegativities, ensuring an equitable distribution of the shared electron pair.
  • Illustrative Example: Consider the chlorine molecule (Cl₂), where two chlorine atoms share a pair of electrons, each atom achieving the electron configuration of a noble gas.

Multiple Covalent Bonds: Strength in Numbers

Beyond single bonds, atoms can share multiple pairs of electrons, forming double or triple bonds. These bonds, characterized by their increased strength and reduced length, play a pivotal role in the chemistry of molecules.

  • Double Bonds: In an oxygen molecule (O₂), for instance, the bond involves the sharing of two electron pairs, facilitating a stronger connection between the atoms.
  • Triple Bonds: The nitrogen molecule (N₂) exemplifies a triple bond, where three electron pairs are shared, showcasing one of the strongest bonds known in chemistry.

Visual Representation: Lewis Structures and Beyond

The representation of covalent bonds in molecular structures is crucial for understanding and predicting molecular behavior. Lewis structures serve as a primary tool for this purpose, visually depicting the arrangement of atoms and the distribution of electron pairs.

  • Lewis Structures: These diagrams use dashes to represent shared electron pairs (bonds) and dots for lone pairs, providing a clear picture of the molecule's structure.
  • Electron Dot Diagrams: These diagrams emphasize the valence electron configuration around atoms, highlighting both shared and unshared electron pairs.

Dative Covalent Bonds: A Unique Partnership

Dative covalent bonds, or coordinate bonds, represent a specialized type of covalent bond where a single atom provides both electrons for the shared pair.

The Concept and Formation

  • Defining Characteristic: Unlike traditional covalent bonds, in a dative covalent bond, the electron pair comes exclusively from one of the bonding atoms, termed the donor atom.
  • Formation Dynamics: The bond forms when an atom with a lone pair of electrons (the donor) donates those electrons to another atom with an available orbital (the acceptor), creating a bond that is covalent in nature but unique in its origin.

Examples in Molecular Structures

  • Ammonium Ion (NH₄⁺): Here, a nitrogen atom donates a pair of electrons to a proton (H⁺), forming a dative bond and resulting in a stable ammonium ion.
  • Hydronium Ion (H₃O⁺): In this case, a water molecule's oxygen atom donates a pair of electrons to a proton, forming the hydronium ion through a dative covalent bond.

Representation Techniques

Dative bonds require a distinct representation to differentiate them from standard covalent bonds, often utilizing an arrow pointing from the donor atom to the acceptor atom.

Mastery in Representation: A Skillset for Chemists

The ability to accurately represent molecular structures, including both covalent and dative covalent bonds, is essential for chemists. This section provides a deep dive into the techniques and common pitfalls associated with drawing molecular structures.

Crafting Lewis Structures: A Stepwise Approach

Creating accurate Lewis structures involves a systematic process that ensures all valence electrons are accounted for and appropriately distributed.

  1. Total Valence Electrons: Begin by calculating the total number of valence electrons available for bonding.
  2. Skeleton Structure: Connect atoms using single bonds, generally placing the least electronegative atom at the center of the structure.
  3. Distribute Electrons: Allocate the remaining electrons to complete the octets of the outer atoms before addressing the central atom. Utilize double or triple bonds as necessary to achieve stable structures.

Dative Bonds: Identifying and Representing

Understanding and representing dative covalent bonds involves recognizing potential donor and acceptor atoms within a molecule.

  • Donor and Acceptor Identification: Look for atoms with available lone pairs (donors) and those with vacant orbitals capable of accepting electrons (acceptors).
  • Representation with Arrows: Use arrows to denote dative bonds, clearly indicating the direction of electron donation from the donor atom to the acceptor.

Avoiding Common Mistakes: Tips for Success

  • Adherence to the Octet Rule: Ensure that, where applicable, atoms achieve a complete octet of electrons to reflect stability, with the exception of hydrogen, which aims for a duet.
  • Minimizing Formal Charges: Opt for structures that minimize the formal charges on atoms, as these are more likely to represent the actual molecule.
  • Considering Resonance: Some molecules may require the depiction of resonance structures to accurately convey the distribution of electrons across different bonding configurations.

Concluding Remarks: The Significance of Covalent Bonds

The study of covalent and dative covalent bonds is not merely academic; it is foundational for understanding the vast array of chemical phenomena encountered in both nature and industry. From the development of new pharmaceuticals to the creation of novel materials, the principles underlying these bonds find application across a spectrum of scientific endeavours. Armed with the knowledge of how to represent and predict the behavior of molecules based on their bonding, students are well-equipped to explore the broader realms of chemistry and beyond.


Resonance structures play a significant role in our understanding of covalent bonding, particularly in molecules where the electron distribution can be represented in multiple valid structures. Resonance is a concept used to describe the delocalisation of electrons within a molecule, indicating that the electrons are not confined to a single bond or position but are spread over several atoms, contributing to the overall stability of the molecule. For example, in benzene (C₆H₆), the delocalisation of electrons across the carbon atoms is represented by two or more resonance structures, each showing alternating single and double bonds. However, the actual molecule is a hybrid of these structures, with bond lengths that are intermediate between single and double bonds. This delocalisation reduces electron repulsion and lowers the potential energy, enhancing the stability of the molecule. Understanding resonance is crucial for explaining the chemical behaviour and stability of molecules with delocalised electrons.

The length of a covalent bond is inversely related to its strength: shorter bonds are generally stronger than longer bonds. This relationship arises because shorter bonds result from a greater overlap between the atomic orbitals of the bonded atoms, leading to a more effective sharing of electrons. Consequently, molecules with shorter covalent bonds tend to have higher bond dissociation energies, meaning more energy is required to break the bond. For example, triple bonds, being the shortest and strongest type of covalent bonds, contribute to the stability and low reactivity of molecules like nitrogen gas (N₂). The bond length also influences the molecular geometry and can affect physical properties such as melting and boiling points. Understanding the relationship between bond length and strength is essential for predicting the reactivity and stability of molecules.

Electronegativity differences between atoms are crucial in determining the polarity of covalent bonds. When two atoms with different electronegativities form a covalent bond, the more electronegative atom attracts the shared electron pair more strongly towards itself, creating a partial negative charge (δ-) on that atom. Conversely, the less electronegative atom acquires a partial positive charge (δ+). This uneven distribution of electron density leads to the formation of a polar covalent bond. The greater the difference in electronegativity between the bonded atoms, the more polar the bond becomes. For instance, in a water molecule (H₂O), the oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms, resulting in polar O-H bonds. This polarity is crucial for many physical properties, such as solubility and boiling point, and is a fundamental concept in understanding the chemical behaviour of molecules.

Hybridisation is a key concept in understanding the structure and bonding in molecules such as methane (CH₄). In methane, the carbon atom undergoes sp³ hybridisation, where one s orbital and three p orbitals mix to form four equivalent sp³ hybrid orbitals. This hybridisation process allows the carbon atom to form four sigma (σ) bonds with four hydrogen atoms, resulting in a tetrahedral molecular geometry. Each hybrid orbital contains one electron from carbon, which pairs with an electron from a hydrogen atom to form a covalent bond. The equal energy and spatial orientation of these hybrid orbitals facilitate the formation of a molecule with equivalent C-H bonds, contributing to its symmetric shape. The concept of hybridisation explains how atoms achieve lower energy configurations through orbital mixing, leading to more stable and symmetrical molecular structures, thereby enhancing our understanding of molecular geometry and covalent bonding.

The 'octet rule' is a fundamental concept in covalent bonding that states atoms tend to form bonds in such a way that each atom has eight electrons in its valence shell, achieving a stable electronic arrangement similar to that of noble gases. This rule is significant because it helps predict the types of bonds atoms will form and the resulting molecular structures. For example, in water (H₂O), each hydrogen atom shares an electron with oxygen, and oxygen shares one electron with each hydrogen, giving oxygen a total of eight valence electrons.

However, there are exceptions to the octet rule. Elements in the third period and beyond can accommodate more than eight electrons due to the availability of d orbitals, leading to expanded valence shells. Molecules like phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) exemplify this. Additionally, some molecules have fewer than eight electrons around an atom, such as in boron trifluoride (BF₃), where boron has only six valence electrons. Understanding the octet rule and its exceptions is crucial for accurately predicting and explaining molecular structures and bonding patterns.

Practice Questions

Describe the bonding in carbon dioxide (CO₂) and explain how the structure and bonding contribute to its physical properties.

Carbon dioxide consists of two double bonds between the carbon atom and each oxygen atom. These double bonds are formed by the sharing of two pairs of electrons between the carbon and oxygen atoms, illustrating covalent bonding. The linear shape of the CO₂ molecule, a result of the double bonds and the electron pair repulsion, contributes to its gaseous state at room temperature. The non-polarity of CO₂, due to the symmetrical arrangement cancelling out any dipole moments, explains its inability to dissolve in water significantly, showcasing how molecular structure and bonding affect physical properties.

Explain the formation of a dative covalent bond in the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺), including a description of the donor and acceptor atoms.

In the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺), a dative covalent bond is formed when the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is donated to an empty orbital of a hydrogen ion (H⁺). Nitrogen, with its lone pair, acts as the donor atom, while the hydrogen ion, lacking electrons, acts as the acceptor. This donation leads to the formation of a coordinate bond, stabilising the structure into the positively charged ammonium ion. This process exemplifies the concept of dative covalent bonding, where one atom provides both electrons for the shared pair in the bond.

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