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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.3.6 Bond Polarity

Electronegativity and Covalent Bonding

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract shared electrons in a covalent bond towards itself. It is a pivotal concept for understanding the distribution of electron density in molecules.

  • Definition and Importance: Electronegativity is quantified on scales, such as the Pauling scale, which assigns values based on an atom's tendency to attract electrons. The scale helps in predicting how electrons are shared in a bond, influencing bond polarity and molecular properties.
  • Factors Affecting Electronegativity: The atomic structure significantly influences electronegativity. As the number of protons in the nucleus increases, and as electrons are closer to the nucleus (across periods and up groups in the periodic table), electronegativity typically increases. This trend helps in predicting the nature of bonds between different elements.
  • Electronegativity in Bonding: In a covalent bond, if one atom is significantly more electronegative than the other, it will draw more electron density towards itself, creating a polar covalent bond. This uneven electron distribution is key to understanding many chemical reactions and properties.

Polar Covalent Bonds

Polar covalent bonds are formed between atoms of different electronegativities, resulting in an uneven distribution of electron density.

  • Characterization of Polar Bonds: A polar covalent bond is characterized by the partial negative charge (δ-) on the more electronegative atom and a partial positive charge (δ+) on the less electronegative atom. This separation of charges creates a dipole across the bond.
  • Representation and Examples: Polar bonds are often depicted with arrows pointing from the positive end (less electronegative atom) to the negative end (more electronegative atom), with a plus sign at the tail to indicate the positive pole. For instance, in water (H₂O), the oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms, resulting in two polar O-H bonds.

Molecular Dipoles

Molecular dipoles arise when there is an overall separation of positive and negative charges in a molecule, due to the arrangement of polar covalent bonds and the molecule's geometry.

  • Dipole Moment: The dipole moment is a vector quantity that represents the magnitude and direction of the separation of charges in a molecule. It is influenced by both the bond dipoles and the molecular structure.
  • Geometry and Dipole Moment: The shape of a molecule plays a crucial role in determining its dipole moment. Symmetrical molecules like methane (CH₄) may contain polar bonds but have no net dipole moment due to the symmetrical cancellation of individual bond dipoles.
  • Physical Implications: The dipole moment affects a molecule's boiling point, solubility, and interaction with electromagnetic fields. Polar molecules tend to have higher boiling points and greater solubility in polar solvents compared to non-polar molecules.

Denoting Polarity with Partial Charges

The concept of partial charges is instrumental in visualizing and understanding the distribution of electron density in polar molecules.

  • Symbolic Representation: Chemists use δ+ and δ- to indicate partial positive and negative charges, respectively, highlighting the polar nature of bonds within a molecule. This notation is particularly useful in complex molecules where multiple polar bonds may influence the molecule's overall polarity.
  • Application in Structures: By denoting partial charges in molecular diagrams, one can readily assess the polarity of different bonds and predict the molecular dipole moment. This graphical representation aids in understanding the molecular basis of physical and chemical properties.

Non-Polar Molecules Containing Polar Bonds

The presence of polar bonds in a molecule does not necessarily result in a polar molecule. The overall molecular geometry can lead to the cancellation of dipole moments, resulting in a non-polar molecule.

  • Symmetry and Cancellation: Symmetrical molecules like carbon tetrachloride (CCl₄) exhibit a cancellation of bond dipoles, rendering the molecule non-polar despite containing polar C-Cl bonds.
  • Analyzing Molecular Geometry: Understanding the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory is crucial for predicting molecular geometry and, consequently, the dipole moment. Molecules with tetrahedral, linear, and trigonal planar geometries, when symmetrically substituted, often exhibit no net dipole moment despite the presence of polar bonds.
  • Influence on Properties: The non-polar nature of such molecules significantly influences their physical properties, like solubility in non-polar solvents and lower boiling points compared to similar polar molecules.

Applying Concepts to Unfamiliar Molecules

The ability to apply the principles of electronegativity, bond polarity, and molecular geometry to unfamiliar molecules is a key skill in chemistry. It allows for the prediction of molecular properties and reactivity.

  • Predictive Skills: By examining the periodic trends in electronegativity and applying the VSEPR theory, students can predict the polarity of bonds and the overall polarity of new molecules. This skill is invaluable in understanding the behavior of molecules in various chemical contexts.
  • Case Studies: Practice with diverse molecules, from simple diatomics to complex organic structures, helps reinforce the understanding of bond polarity. Analyzing molecules like sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and ammonia (NH₃) can provide insights into the effects of molecular shape on polarity and dipole moments.

In mastering the concept of bond polarity, students gain the tools to predict and rationalize the physical and chemical behavior of molecules. From the fundamental principles of electronegativity and the nature of polar covalent bonds to the nuanced understanding of molecular dipoles and symmetry, the study of bond polarity is central to the field of chemistry. Through detailed exploration and application of these concepts, students can develop a deep and nuanced understanding of molecular interactions and properties.


A molecule cannot be polar if it contains only non-polar bonds because polarity arises from differences in electronegativity between bonded atoms, leading to an uneven distribution of electron density. In non-polar bonds, the electron density is shared equally between the atoms due to similar or identical electronegativities, resulting in no permanent dipole moment within the bond. For a molecule to be polar, it must contain at least one polar bond, or it must have a geometry that does not allow for the symmetry-based cancellation of polar bond dipoles. However, a molecule with non-polar bonds can still exhibit temporary polarity due to instantaneous and induced dipoles, leading to temporary attractions known as London dispersion forces. These forces, however, are much weaker than the dipole-dipole interactions found in polar molecules and do not classify the molecule as polar in the same sense.

Bond polarity significantly influences the boiling and melting points of compounds due to the type and strength of intermolecular forces present. Polar molecules have dipole-dipole interactions, which are stronger than the van der Waals forces present in non-polar molecules. This means that more energy (in the form of heat) is required to overcome these interactions during phase changes, leading to higher boiling and melting points. For example, water (H₂O), a polar molecule, has a relatively high boiling point for its molar mass due to strong hydrogen bonds (a special type of dipole-dipole interaction) between molecules. In contrast, non-polar molecules like methane (CH₄) have weaker dispersion forces as the primary intermolecular force, resulting in lower boiling and melting points. Therefore, understanding bond polarity and the resultant molecular polarity is crucial in predicting and explaining the physical properties of substances.

Some molecules with polar bonds are non-polar overall due to their symmetrical geometric arrangement, which causes the dipole moments of individual bonds to cancel out. The key to predicting whether a molecule with polar bonds will be non-polar overall lies in understanding its molecular geometry. Using the VSEPR theory, one can predict the shape of the molecule. If the shape is symmetrical, and the polar bonds are arranged in such a way that their dipole moments are equal and opposite, they will cancel each other out, resulting in a non-polar molecule. For example, carbon tetrachloride (CCl₄) has four polar C-Cl bonds, but the molecule is tetrahedral and symmetrical, leading to cancellation of the bond dipoles and making the molecule non-polar. Analyzing molecular geometry and bond polarity allows chemists to predict the overall polarity of a molecule.

The concept of bond polarity is fundamental in understanding solubility because it governs the interactions between molecules in a solvent. Solubility is often summarized by the principle "like dissolves like," which means polar solvents tend to dissolve polar substances, and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar substances. This is due to the fact that polar molecules have partial charges that can interact with the partial charges in other polar molecules or ions, leading to the formation of solvation shells that facilitate dissolution. For instance, the polar water molecules are attracted to the positive and negative ions in an ionic compound, leading to its dissociation in water. In contrast, non-polar substances lack significant charge separation and thus do not interact as effectively with polar solvents, leading to poor solubility. However, they dissolve well in non-polar solvents because the intermolecular forces, like van der Waals forces, are similar in nature, allowing for easier mixing and solvation.

The difference in electronegativity between two atoms determines the type of bond they form. Generally, if the electronegativity difference is less than 0.5, the bond is considered non-polar covalent, as the electrons are shared almost equally. This small difference means that neither atom significantly attracts the shared electrons towards itself, resulting in a balanced electron distribution.

For electronegativity differences between 0.5 and 1.7, the bond is typically polar covalent. In such bonds, the electrons are shared unequally, with the more electronegative atom pulling the shared electron density closer to itself, leading to partial charges on the atoms.

When the electronegativity difference exceeds 1.7, the bond is usually ionic. In ionic bonds, one atom has a much stronger pull on the shared electrons, effectively 'taking' the electrons from the other atom, resulting in the formation of ions. The atom that loses electrons becomes a positively charged cation, while the atom that gains electrons becomes a negatively charged anion. These ions are then held together by the strong electrostatic forces of attraction, which is the basis of ionic bonding. It's important to note that these thresholds are not fixed and can vary slightly depending on other factors, such as the overall molecular environment and the specific elements involved.

Practice Questions

Explain why the water molecule (H₂O) is polar, considering the electronegativities of hydrogen and oxygen and the molecular geometry of water.

The water molecule is polar because oxygen is significantly more electronegative than hydrogen, which results in an uneven distribution of electron density towards the oxygen atom, creating partial negative (δ-) and positive (δ+) charges. Furthermore, the VSEPR theory predicts a bent molecular geometry for water due to the two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom. This shape prevents the cancellation of the dipole moments generated by the two polar O-H bonds, resulting in a net dipole moment for the molecule. Hence, the combination of differences in electronegativity and the bent molecular geometry makes water a polar molecule.

Consider a molecule of carbon dioxide (CO₂). Despite containing polar C=O bonds, CO₂ is a non-polar molecule. Explain why this is the case, focusing on the molecular geometry and the distribution of electron density.

Carbon dioxide is non-polar despite having polar C=O bonds because of its linear molecular geometry. The molecule consists of a central carbon atom double-bonded to two oxygen atoms. The oxygen atoms are more electronegative than the carbon, creating two polar bonds. However, these bonds are exactly opposite to each other and at 180° due to the linear geometry dictated by the VSEPR theory. This symmetrical arrangement causes the dipole moments of the two C=O bonds to cancel out, resulting in no net dipole moment for the molecule. Therefore, the overall distribution of electron density is even, making CO₂ a non-polar molecule.

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