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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.3.4 Bonding and Physical Properties

Crystal Structures

The atomic, ionic, or molecular arrangement within a crystal defines its structure, influencing its physical properties. The nature of bonding within these structures plays a crucial role in defining these properties.

Ionic Crystals

Ionic crystals are characterized by the electrostatic attraction between cations and anions, forming a robust lattice structure.

  • Examples: Sodium chloride (NaCl), Magnesium oxide (MgO)
  • Properties:
    • High melting and boiling points due to the strong ionic bonds requiring significant energy to break.
    • Brittleness as the like-charged ions repel when displaced, causing the crystal to fracture.
    • Electrical conductivity in the liquid state or when dissolved, as the ions are free to move. Solid-state ionic compounds are poor conductors due to the fixed positions of ions in the lattice.
    • Solubility in polar solvents, with solubility depending on the solvent's polarity and temperature.

Metallic Crystals

Metallic crystals are formed by metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons, facilitating unique metallic properties.

  • Examples: Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Gold (Au)
  • Properties:
    • High electrical and thermal conductivity due to the mobility of delocalized electrons.
    • Malleability and ductility allowing metals to be shaped without breaking the metallic bonds.
    • Lustre resulting from the interaction of light with delocalized electrons.
    • Variable melting points, with some metals melting at relatively low temperatures (e.g., Mercury) and others at very high temperatures (e.g., Tungsten).

Macromolecular Crystals

These crystals feature a vast network of atoms connected by covalent bonds, forming a rigid and robust structure.

  • Examples: Diamond, Graphite, Silicon carbide (SiC)
  • Properties:
    • Extremely high melting and boiling points due to the strong covalent bonds throughout the structure.
    • Variability in hardness, with diamond being one of the hardest known materials due to its tetrahedral carbon structure.
    • Electrical conductivity varies; graphite conducts electricity due to delocalized electrons in its layers, whereas diamond does not.
    • Optical properties such as the high refractive index in diamonds due to the dense electron cloud.

Molecular Crystals

Molecular crystals are held together by van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonds, or dipole-dipole interactions, resulting in relatively weakly bonded structures.

  • Examples: Ice (H₂O), Iodine (I₂), Carbon dioxide (CO₂) in solid form (dry ice)
  • Properties:
    • Low melting and boiling points due to the ease of overcoming the weak intermolecular forces.
    • Poor electrical conductivity as these crystals lack free charge carriers.
    • Softness and brittleness, with hardness varying depending on the strength of the intermolecular forces.

Specific Crystals and Their Properties


  • Structure: Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to four others in a tetrahedral arrangement, extending into a three-dimensional network.
  • Properties: High hardness, excellent thermal conductivity, and insulating electrical properties.


  • Structure: Layers of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal structures, with weak forces between layers.
  • Properties: Good electrical conductivity within layers, lubricating properties due to layer slippage, and high melting point.


  • Structure: Water molecules form a hexagonal lattice, with each molecule hydrogen-bonded to four others.
  • Properties: Lower density than liquid water, leading to ice floating, and poor electrical conductivity.


  • Structure: I₂ molecules held together in a lattice by van der Waals forces.
  • Properties: Sublimation at room temperature, forming a purple vapour, and poor electrical conductivity.


  • Structure: Metallic bonding with a hexagonal close-packed arrangement of magnesium ions and delocalized electrons.
  • Properties: Good electrical and thermal conductivity, high melting point, and ductility.

Sodium Chloride

  • Structure: A cubic lattice of alternating Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions, typical of ionic compounds.
  • Properties: High melting point, dissolves in water to form an electrolyte solution, and conducts electricity when molten or in solution.

Relating Melting Point and Conductivity to Structure and Bonding

The melting point is indicative of the bond strength within a crystal; higher melting points suggest stronger bonding. Ionic and macromolecular crystals typically have higher melting points due to the strength of ionic and covalent bonds, respectively.

Electrical conductivity is contingent upon the presence of mobile charge carriers. Metals, with their sea of delocalized electrons, are excellent conductors. Ionic compounds conduct when liquid or dissolved, as ions move freely. Molecular and macromolecular structures, lacking free electrons or ions, are generally insulators.

Diagrammatic Representation of Structures

Visual representations of crystal structures aid in understanding their three-dimensional configurations and related properties.

  • Ionic Crystals: Typically depicted as a regular arrangement of alternating cations and anions.
  • Metallic Crystals: Illustrated by a lattice of cations immersed in a sea of delocalized electrons.
  • Macromolecular Crystals: Shown as extensive networks of atoms connected by covalent bonds.
  • Molecular Crystals: Depicted as discrete molecules held together by intermolecular forces.

Skills Development

Developing the ability to sketch these structures assists students in visualizing spatial arrangements and in predicting the physical properties of substances. This skill is crucial for explaining phenomena such as conductivity, melting points, and material hardness, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical chemical applications.


The unique structure of ice contributes to its lower density compared to liquid water due to the arrangement of water molecules in the solid form. In ice, each water molecule forms hydrogen bonds with four other water molecules, creating a hexagonal lattice structure. This arrangement is less dense than the more closely packed structure of liquid water, where molecules are free to move closer to each other. The hydrogen bonds in ice are relatively strong and hold the water molecules at a fixed distance apart, leading to an open crystalline structure with more empty space between the molecules than in the liquid state. As a result, ice expands upon freezing, decreasing its density, which is why ice floats on water. This anomalous expansion upon freezing is a unique property of water stemming from the tetrahedral geometry of the hydrogen-bonded molecules in the ice lattice.

Molecular crystals are formed from molecules held together by weak intermolecular forces such as van der Waals forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonds. These forces do not provide a mechanism for the free movement of electrons or ions within the crystal structure. In substances like iodine and dry ice, the molecules are discrete and the electrons are localised within individual molecules, with no delocalised electrons across the crystal. This localisation of electrons means there are no charge carriers available to move throughout the structure and conduct electricity. Furthermore, the weak intermolecular forces that hold the molecules together in the crystal lattice are not conducive to electron transfer between molecules, further inhibiting electrical conductivity. The absence of free or delocalised electrons or ions in these structures is the primary reason for their poor electrical conductivity.

Ionic compounds dissolve in water due to the interaction between the ions in the compound and the polar water molecules. The structure of an ionic compound consists of a lattice of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions held together by strong electrostatic forces. Water molecules, being polar, have a partial positive charge near the hydrogen atoms and a partial negative charge near the oxygen atom. When an ionic compound is introduced to water, the water molecules surround the ions in the lattice. The negative end of the water molecules is attracted to the cations, and the positive end is attracted to the anions. This interaction between water molecules and ions helps to overcome the electrostatic forces holding the ions together in the lattice, leading to the dissolution of the ionic compound. The process of surrounding the ions with water molecules is known as hydration, and it is crucial for the solubility of ionic compounds in water. The extent to which an ionic compound dissolves in water depends on the strength of the ionic bonds in the lattice and the hydration energy of the ions, which is the energy released when water molecules surround and solvate the ions.

Macromolecular crystals, such as diamond and silicon dioxide (SiO₂), consist of a network of atoms covalently bonded in a vast three-dimensional lattice. This extensive covalent bonding results in each electron being tightly bound to its respective atom, leaving no free electrons available to conduct electricity. In materials like diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral structure, utilising all four valence electrons in covalent bonding. This leaves no delocalised electrons and, hence, no mechanism for electrical conduction. Similarly, in silicon dioxide, each silicon atom is bonded to four oxygen atoms in a network structure, again leaving no electrons free to move. The absence of free charge carriers in these macromolecular structures is the primary reason for their low electrical conductivity, as electrical conduction in materials requires the movement of charges, which is not possible in these tightly bonded networks.

Metallic crystals exhibit variable hardness and melting points due to differences in metallic bonding strength, which is influenced by the number of delocalised electrons and the charge of the metal ions. Metals with more delocalised electrons and higher ionic charges generally have stronger metallic bonds, leading to higher hardness and melting points. For instance, transition metals, which have partially filled d orbitals, can form stronger metallic bonds due to the overlap of d orbitals, resulting in a greater number of delocalised electrons. This contributes to their higher hardness and melting points compared to s-block metals, which typically have fewer delocalised electrons. Additionally, the packing arrangement of metal atoms in the lattice (e.g., body-centred cubic, face-centred cubic, hexagonal close-packed) also affects these properties. Denser packings lead to stronger metallic bonding as the atoms are closer together, allowing for more effective electron delocalisation, further contributing to the variations in hardness and melting points among metallic crystals.

Practice Questions

Describe the structure of graphite and explain why it is a good conductor of electricity but diamond, which is also made of carbon, is not.

Graphite consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in hexagons, with weak van der Waals forces between the layers. Each carbon atom forms three covalent bonds, creating a planar structure. The fourth electron of each carbon atom is delocalised, allowing it to move freely within the layers, which facilitates electrical conductivity. Conversely, in diamond, each carbon atom is tetrahedrally bonded to four other carbon atoms through strong covalent bonds, with no free electrons. This rigid structure makes diamond an excellent insulator, as there are no delocalised electrons to carry electrical charge.

Explain how the structure of ionic compounds like sodium chloride (NaCl) contributes to their high melting points and ability to conduct electricity when molten or in solution.

Sodium chloride forms a crystalline lattice where each sodium ion (Na⁺) is surrounded by chloride ions (Cl⁻) and vice versa, resulting in a strong electrostatic attraction throughout the solid. This ionic bonding requires a significant amount of energy to overcome, contributing to NaCl's high melting point. In the solid state, ions are fixed in place within the lattice, preventing electrical conductivity. However, when NaCl is molten or dissolved in water, the ions are free to move. This mobility allows them to carry electrical current, enabling conductivity in the liquid state or aqueous solution.

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