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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.4.1 Enthalpy Change

Enthalpy change is a cornerstone concept in chemical thermodynamics, essential for understanding the energy exchange in chemical reactions. It quantifies the heat absorbed or released under constant pressure conditions, offering insights into the energetics of chemical processes. This section delves into the classification of reactions based on heat transfer, the nuances of defining enthalpy change, and the pivotal role of standard enthalpy changes, with a focus on combustion and formation processes.

Classification of Reactions as Endothermic or Exothermic

Chemical reactions are classified based on the direction of heat flow between the system and its surroundings, influencing both their theoretical understanding and practical applications.

  • Endothermic Reactions: These reactions absorb heat from the surroundings, causing a decrease in the surrounding temperature. The enthalpy change for these reactions is positive (∆H > 0), indicating that the products are at a higher energy level than the reactants. An example includes the decomposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO₂), a crucial process in cement manufacturing.
  • Exothermic Reactions: Conversely, exothermic reactions release heat to the surroundings, resulting in an increase in environmental temperature. The enthalpy change for exothermic reactions is negative (∆H < 0), showing that the reactants have higher energy than the products. Common examples include the combustion of methane (CH₄) in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Understanding the nature of a reaction as endothermic or exothermic is crucial for predicting its behavior under various conditions and for applications in energy production, material synthesis, and environmental management.

Defining Enthalpy Change (ΔH) Under Constant Pressure

Enthalpy change, denoted as ΔH, represents the heat absorbed or released by a system during a reaction at constant pressure. It is a state function, meaning its value is determined solely by the initial and final states of the system, regardless of the reaction path.

  • Formula: ΔH = H(products) - H(reactants), where H represents the enthalpy of the respective species.
  • Units: Enthalpy change is measured in joules (J), though kilojoules (kJ) are more common due to the large energy scales involved in chemical reactions.

Enthalpy encompasses the system's internal energy along with the product of its pressure and volume (PV), reflecting the total heat content.

Standard Enthalpy Changes (ΔH₂₉₈°) at Standard Conditions

Standard enthalpy changes are measured when reactions occur under standard conditions, typically at 100 kPa and a specified temperature, commonly 298 K (25°C). This standardization allows for the comparison of enthalpy values across different reactions and substances.

  • Significance: Standard enthalpy values serve as benchmarks for thermodynamic calculations and are essential for compiling thermochemical data.
  • Notation: The standard enthalpy change is denoted with a "°" symbol (e.g., ΔH₂₉₈°), indicating measurement under standard conditions.

Standard Enthalpy of Combustion (ΔcH°)

The standard enthalpy of combustion is the enthalpy change when one mole of a substance combusts completely in oxygen under standard conditions, yielding carbon dioxide and water for hydrocarbons.

  • Importance: This value is crucial for assessing the energy efficiency and environmental impact of fuels.
  • Calculations: Determining ΔcH° involves careful calorimetric measurements or calculations using Hess's law, based on balanced chemical equations and standard enthalpy values.

Standard Enthalpy of Formation (ΔfH°)

The standard enthalpy of formation measures the heat change when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states under standard conditions.

  • Application: It is fundamental for calculating the enthalpies of reactions using Hess's law, enabling predictions about the feasibility and energetics of reactions.
  • Determination: Formation enthalpies are obtained through experimental measurements or derived from other thermochemical data, highlighting the interconnectedness of thermochemical information.

Skills Development

Understanding and Applying Standard Enthalpies

A thorough understanding of standard enthalpy values, like ΔcH° and ΔfH°, is crucial for predicting the outcomes of reactions and energy changes in chemical systems.

  • Interpreting Data: Students must learn to accurately interpret thermochemical equations and standard enthalpy tables, extracting relevant information for various chemical contexts.
  • Performing Calculations: Proficiency in utilizing Hess's law and calorimetric data to compute reaction enthalpies from given standard values is essential for advanced chemical analysis and engineering applications.

Practical Applications and Implications

The practical utility of enthalpy concepts extends to diverse fields, from energy generation, where the calorific value of fuels is paramount, to materials science, where reaction enthalpies guide the synthesis of new compounds with desired properties.

For example, in environmental science, understanding the enthalpy changes of chemical reactions helps assess their carbon footprint and ecological impact, guiding sustainable practices and green chemistry initiatives.

Enthalpy Change in Real-World Scenarios

Enthalpy change has tangible applications beyond theoretical considerations, affecting everyday life and industrial operations. The endothermic dissolution of ammonium nitrate in water, used in instant cold packs, contrasts with the exothermic reactions in self-heating cans, demonstrating the versatility of enthalpy concepts.

In industrial contexts, the enthalpy changes of reactions inform the design and optimization of chemical processes, from large-scale chemical synthesis to the development of energy-efficient heating and cooling systems.

Furthermore, the standardization of enthalpy measurements underpins the systematic study of thermochemistry, facilitating the global exchange of scientific information and the development of innovative technologies.

In summary, the exploration of enthalpy change encompasses the classification of reactions by heat transfer, the detailed definition and calculation of enthalpy under constant pressure, and the application of standard enthalpy values in chemical analysis and industrial processes. A deep understanding of these concepts enables students to accurately analyze and predict the energetic outcomes of chemical reactions, laying a solid foundation for further studies in chemistry and related fields.


The enthalpy of solution, ΔH_solution, is the heat change associated with dissolving a solute in a solvent, resulting in the formation of a solution. It represents the energy change when one mole of solute is dissolved in a solvent to form an infinitely dilute solution, where the solute-solute, solvent-solvent, and solute-solvent interactions are fully accounted for. The enthalpy of solution can be either positive (endothermic, where the system absorbs heat from the surroundings) or negative (exothermic, where the system releases heat).

To measure the enthalpy of solution, calorimetry is commonly employed. In a typical calorimetric experiment, a known amount of solute is dissolved in a solvent within a calorimeter, an instrument designed to measure heat changes. The temperature change of the solution is monitored before and after the solute dissolves. Using the specific heat capacity of the solution and the mass of the solution, the heat change (q) can be calculated using q = mcΔT. This heat change, when related to the number of moles of solute dissolved, gives the enthalpy of solution. This measurement provides valuable insights into the energetics of solvation processes, crucial for understanding various physical and chemical phenomena, such as solubility, crystal formation, and the design of industrial separation processes.

The concept of enthalpy is deeply intertwined with the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another or transferred between systems. Enthalpy (H) is a thermodynamic potential that combines a system's internal energy (U) with the product of its pressure (P) and volume (V), expressed as H = U + PV. This relationship highlights how enthalpy accounts for the heat energy within a system, as well as the work done by the system as it expands or contracts against external pressure.

In the context of chemical reactions occurring at constant pressure, the change in enthalpy (∆H) reflects the heat absorbed or released by the system, which is equivalent to the change in internal energy plus the work done on or by the system. Therefore, the First Law of Thermodynamics underpins the concept of enthalpy change, ensuring that the energy balance of a reaction can be accurately described and quantified, whether the reaction absorbs energy (endothermic) or releases energy (exothermic) to its surroundings.

Bond enthalpies, also known as bond dissociation energies, are a measure of the energy required to break a specific chemical bond in one mole of gaseous molecules. They provide a way to estimate the enthalpy changes of reactions by considering the energy required to break the bonds in the reactants and the energy released when new bonds are formed in the products.

To calculate the reaction enthalpy using bond enthalpies, one sums the bond enthalpies of all the bonds broken in the reactants (which requires energy and is thus considered positive) and then subtracts the sum of the bond enthalpies of all the bonds formed in the products (which releases energy and is considered negative). The result gives an approximate value for the overall enthalpy change of the reaction: ΔH_reaction ≈ Σ(Bond enthalpies broken) - Σ(Bond enthalpies formed).

This method is particularly useful for reactions involving gaseous reactants and products, where the concept of bond enthalpies is most applicable. However, it's important to note that since bond enthalpies are average values taken from a range of compounds, the calculated reaction enthalpy is an approximation. Despite this, bond enthalpy calculations are invaluable for predicting reaction energetics, especially when more precise methods are not feasible or when an initial estimate is required for theoretical studies or the design of chemical processes.

Measuring enthalpy changes under standard conditions, which are defined as a pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 298 K (25°C), is crucial for ensuring consistency and comparability in thermochemical data. These conditions provide a reference point that allows scientists and chemists to compare the enthalpy changes of different reactions without the variability introduced by differing experimental conditions.

The importance of standard conditions lies in the elimination of external variables that can influence the enthalpy change, such as atmospheric pressure or ambient temperature, which might otherwise lead to discrepancies in the data. By standardising these conditions, the enthalpy changes reported in the literature and used in calculations are directly comparable, facilitating the development of a coherent and universally applicable thermochemical database. This consistency is essential for theoretical studies, where enthalpy changes under standard conditions are used to predict reaction behavior, and in practical applications, such as the design of chemical processes and energy systems, where accurate and comparable data are vital for optimization and efficiency improvements.

Heat capacity and specific heat capacity are closely related concepts that describe how much heat energy is required to change the temperature of a substance, but they differ in scope. Heat capacity (C) is the total amount of heat required to raise the temperature of an entire object by one degree Celsius. It depends on the mass and the material of the object and is measured in joules per degree Celsius (J/°C). Specific heat capacity (c), on the other hand, is a property of a substance that indicates the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of the substance by one degree Celsius, measured in J/g°C.

In the context of enthalpy change, specific heat capacity is crucial when performing calorimetry experiments to measure the heat absorbed or released during a reaction. For instance, when calculating the enthalpy change (∆H) using the equation q = mc∆T (where q is the heat change, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ∆T is the temperature change), specific heat capacity allows for the determination of the heat involved in the process on a per-gram basis. This makes it possible to calculate the molar enthalpy change by relating the heat change to the number of moles of reactants or products involved, providing a detailed and specific measure of the energy dynamics in chemical reactions.

Practice Questions

Calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction where 2 moles of benzene (C₆H₆) are combusted in excess oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. The standard enthalpy of combustion for benzene is -3267 kJ/mol.

2 C₆H₆(l) + 15 O₂(g) → 12 CO₂(g) + 6 H₂O(l). Recognising that the enthalpy change for the reaction can be calculated using the standard enthalpy of combustion and the stoichiometry of the reaction, the student would then calculate the total enthalpy change: ΔH = 2 mol × (-3267 kJ/mol) = -6534 kJ. The answer would be stated clearly: "The enthalpy change for the combustion of 2 moles of benzene in excess oxygen is -6534 kJ."

Given the standard enthalpy of formation for H₂O(l) is -286 kJ/mol and for CO₂(g) is -394 kJ/mol, calculate the standard enthalpy change for the combustion of 1 mole of carbon to produce carbon dioxide.

C(s) + O₂(g) → CO₂(g). The student would then apply the concept of standard enthalpy of formation, recognizing that since carbon is in its standard state, its enthalpy of formation is 0 kJ/mol. Thus, the enthalpy change for the reaction is simply the standard enthalpy of formation of CO₂(g): ΔH = ΔfH°(CO₂) = -394 kJ/mol. The student would conclude: "The standard enthalpy change for the combustion of 1 mole of carbon to produce carbon dioxide is -394 kJ."

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