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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.2.1 Amino Acids and Peptide Formation

Amino acids are fundamental to life, serving as the building blocks of proteins. Their intricate structure and the manner in which they combine dictate the vast diversity of proteins. Let's delve deeper into the structure, peptide formation, and dietary implications of amino acids.

General Structure of an Amino Acid

Amino acids are organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Though there are various amino acids, each with its unique side chain, they all possess a standard core structure.

  • Alpha Carbon (Cα): This central carbon atom is pivotal to the amino acid structure. It's bonded to four different components, making it a chiral centre in all amino acids except for glycine, where the R-group is a hydrogen.
  • Amine Group (NH₂): A basic functional group that comprises a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms. This group is usually on the left side of amino acid diagrams and is the reason for the 'amino' in amino acids.
  • Carboxyl Group (COOH): An acidic functional group that consists of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and single-bonded to a hydroxyl (OH) group. This is generally depicted on the right side of amino acid structures and lends the 'acid' part of the name.
  • R-Group (Side Chain): The variable group of amino acids, the R-group defines each amino acid's distinct characteristics. Depending on the side chain's composition, amino acids can be non-polar, polar, acidic, or basic. For instance, the R-group of glycine is a hydrogen atom, while that of lysine includes a chain of carbons and a terminal amine group.
  • Hydrogen Atom: A single hydrogen atom is also directly bonded to the alpha carbon.
A diagram of the general structure of amino acids.

Image courtesy of Scott Henry Maxwell

Formation of Dipeptides and Polypeptides

Proteins are vast molecules, but their foundation lies in the simplistic bond formed between amino acids.

  • Peptide Bonds: A peptide bond is a covalent bond that forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amine group of another. This linkage results in the release of a water molecule, which brings us to the term condensation reaction.
  • Condensation Reaction: When two amino acids bond to form a dipeptide, the process releases a water molecule. This reaction is called a condensation or dehydration synthesis because it synthesises a larger molecule by removing water.
    • For example: Amino Acid 1 + Amino Acid 2 → Dipeptide + H₂O
  • Polypeptide Chains: As more amino acids join the chain through repeated condensation reactions, a polypeptide forms. A protein can be a single polypeptide or multiple polypeptides bonded together.
A diagram showing the formation of peptide bonds.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Dietary Requirements of Amino Acids

Amino acids are not just fundamental for cellular functions; they're crucial for human health and must be a part of our diet.

Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids

  • Essential Amino Acids: The term 'essential' might sound grand, but it simply means that our body can't produce these amino acids. Hence, it's essential to include them in our diet. There are nine essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.
  • Non-Essential Amino Acids: These amino acids can be synthesised by our body, so they don't necessarily have to be a part of our diet. They include alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid, among others.
  • Conditionally Essential Amino Acids: In certain situations, like diseases or stress, some non-essential amino acids become essential. Examples include arginine, cysteine, glutamine, tyrosine, glycine, proline, serine, and ornithine.
A diagram showing Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids.

Image courtesy of Pk0001

Considerations for Vegan Diets

A vegan diet, devoid of animal products, requires careful planning to ensure all essential amino acids are consumed.

  • Complete Proteins: Some plant-based sources, like soy, buckwheat, and quinoa, are complete proteins, meaning they offer all essential amino acids.
  • Complementary Proteins: Consuming a combination of plant-based foods can help achieve a full amino acid profile. Classic examples include beans and rice or hummus and whole grain bread.
  • Rich Vegan Sources: Lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, tofu, tempeh, and edamame are all rich in amino acids and should be staples in a vegan diet.
  • Supplements: While a well-planned vegan diet can provide all the amino acids, some individuals opt for supplements to ensure they meet their daily requirements. However, it's essential to consult with a nutritionist or doctor before incorporating any supplements.


The pKa value represents the pH at which half of the species are protonated and half are deprotonated. Amino acids have at least two pKa values - one for the carboxyl group and one for the amine group. However, amino acids with ionisable side chains (R-groups) will have an additional pKa value. For instance, the amino acid histidine, which has an ionisable imidazole ring in its R-group, will have three distinct pKa values. These multiple pKa values indicate the pH at which different parts of the amino acid will accept or donate protons, thus influencing the overall charge of the molecule. Understanding these values is critical in predicting the charge of an amino acid at a specific pH.

Chirality refers to the property where a molecule cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, much like left and right hands. Most amino acids (except glycine) exhibit chirality due to the four different groups attached to the alpha carbon. The two mirror-image forms are called L- and D-enantiomers. In proteins, only L-amino acids are typically incorporated. This specificity is crucial because the orientation of the R-groups affects the three-dimensional folding and, subsequently, the function of the protein. If a D-amino acid were introduced, it could disrupt the protein's shape and potentially its function, even though the D-form has the same chemical composition as the L-form.

A zwitterion is a molecule that contains both positive and negative charges, but is neutral overall. Amino acids can exist as zwitterions at certain pH levels, specifically around their isoelectric points. In this state, the amine group is protonated, carrying a positive charge, while the carboxyl group is deprotonated, carrying a negative charge. This dual charge is crucial for amino acid interactions and solubility in water. Additionally, the zwitterionic form plays a role in the buffering capacity of amino acids, allowing them to resist changes in pH by accepting or donating protons. This property is particularly significant in maintaining the pH balance in biological systems.

Proline is unique amongst amino acids because its R-group forms a cyclic structure, bonding back to the amine nitrogen. This distinctive structure means that proline introduces a kink or bend in the polypeptide chain when incorporated into proteins. Additionally, the cyclic structure limits the flexibility of the amine group, preventing it from participating as freely in hydrogen bonding as other amino acids might. This can disrupt the formation of regular alpha helices and beta sheets, thus affecting the secondary structure of proteins. In many proteins, the presence of proline can signify turns or loops in the structure.

The isoelectric point (pI) of an amino acid refers to the pH at which the amino acid does not migrate in an electric field. In essence, it's the pH at which the amino acid is neutral or has no net charge. This pI value varies among amino acids, primarily due to the nature of their R-groups. For example, amino acids with acidic R-groups, like glutamic acid, will have a lower pI, while those with basic R-groups, such as lysine, will have a higher pI. Understanding the isoelectric points is vital in techniques like isoelectric focusing, where proteins are separated based on their pIs. Moreover, at a cellular level, the surrounding pH can influence the charge on amino acids, impacting protein interactions and functions.

Practice Questions

Describe the general structure of an amino acid and explain the significance of the R-group.

Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, possess a core structure comprising an alpha carbon (Cα) bonded to four different components: an amine group (NH₂), a carboxyl group (COOH), a hydrogen atom, and the R-group or side chain. The amine and carboxyl groups give amino acids their characteristic 'amino' and 'acid' names respectively. The R-group, also known as the side chain, is particularly significant as it imparts unique properties to each amino acid. Depending on its composition, the R-group determines whether an amino acid is polar or non-polar, basic or acidic, thereby influencing its behaviour, interactions, and the function of the protein it forms part of.

Elaborate on the difference between essential and non-essential amino acids and provide implications for those on a vegan diet.

Essential amino acids are those that the human body cannot synthesise on its own and therefore must be sourced from the diet. Examples include leucine, lysine, and tryptophan. In contrast, non-essential amino acids are ones that the body can produce, meaning they don't necessarily have to be consumed through diet. Examples are alanine and asparagine. For individuals on a vegan diet, sourcing all essential amino acids can be a concern since many complete protein sources are animal-derived. However, certain plant-based foods like soy and quinoa are complete proteins. It's also possible to combine different plant foods, like beans and rice, to ensure intake of all essential amino acids. Proper planning and diversifying food choices are crucial for vegans to meet their amino acid requirements.

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