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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.1.8 Lipid Hydrophobic Properties

Lipids are central to the processes and structures of living organisms. Their hydrophobic nature is essential for various biological functions. To comprehend their significance and versatility, it's imperative to delve deeper into the hydrophobic properties of lipids and their diverse forms.

What are Lipids?

Lipids, often described as fats, oils, and waxes, are a broad group of organic compounds. They are characterised by their solubility in non-polar solvents and insolubility in water. This differentiation from water, or hydrophobicity, emerges primarily from their molecular structure.

Hydrophobic Properties of Lipids

Origin of Hydrophobicity

  • Molecular Structure: At the heart of lipid's hydrophobic nature is its molecular structure. Predominantly, lipids contain long chains or rings of hydrocarbons, which are non-polar. Because of the absence of significant polar or charged groups, lipids are unable to form hydrogen bonds with water, which means they repel it.
  • Energetic Dynamics: On an energy level, water molecules prefer to hydrogen bond with each other rather than with non-polar lipid molecules. This preference ensures that lipids are excluded from interactions with water, further emphasising their hydrophobic behaviour.

Biological Significance of Hydrophobicity

  • Cell Membrane Integrity: Phospholipids, a type of lipid, are critical in forming cell membranes. Their structure, consisting of a hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tails, allows them to form a bilayer. In this formation, the hydrophobic tails are shielded inside, away from water, while the hydrophilic heads remain exposed to the aqueous environment. This ensures the stability of cell membranes.
  • Energy Storage Dynamics: Lipids are densely packed with energy. Their hydrophobic nature ensures they don't mingle with the watery internal environment of cells. This separation makes lipids, especially triglycerides, an ideal choice for energy storage.
  • Thermal Insulation: Due to their hydrophobic nature, lipids are ineffective conductors of heat. This inefficiency is beneficial for animals, especially those in colder climates, as they utilise layers of fat to insulate themselves, reducing heat loss and conserving energy.
A diagram showing Phospholipids in cell membrane.

The circles are the hydrophilic heads and the wavy lines are the fatty acyl side chains.

Image courtesy of Masur

Key Types of Lipids

Lipids showcase considerable diversity, both structurally and functionally. Here's a more in-depth look at their primary categories:


  • Composition: Fats, or triglycerides, are composed of a glycerol molecule bonded to three fatty acid chains. The fatty acids can be saturated (no double bonds between carbons) or unsaturated (one or more double bonds).
  • Physical Attributes: Typically solid at room temperature, their solidity stems from the saturated nature of the fatty acids, allowing them to pack closely together.
  • Biological Roles: Besides being a significant energy reservoir in animals, fats also play roles in protecting vital organs and aiding in vitamin absorption.


  • Composition: Oils share a structural similarity with fats, being triglycerides. The difference lies in the fatty acid chains, which in oils contain more unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Physical Attributes: Unlike fats, oils are liquid at room temperature. The unsaturated fatty acids introduce kinks in their structure due to double bonds, preventing tight packing.
  • Biological Roles: Oils are predominantly energy storage molecules in plants, with seeds being a common storage site.
A diagram showing the chemical structures of saturated and unsaturated fats.

Saturated and unsaturated fats

Image courtesy of BYJU’S


  • Composition: Waxes are esters formed from long-chain alcohols and fatty acids. Their long-chain structure imparts rigidity.
  • Physical Attributes: They are solid, yet malleable, at ambient temperatures.
  • Biological Roles: Waxes often coat plant surfaces, providing a barrier against water loss and environmental threats. In animals, they're found in fur and feathers, offering protection and waterproofing.


  • Composition: Steroids have a core structure consisting of four interconnected carbon rings. Depending on the functional groups attached to this core, the properties of steroids can vary widely.
  • Examples & Roles: Cholesterol is a crucial steroid in animal cell membranes, regulating fluidity and acting as a precursor for other vital steroids, such as hormones. Other steroids, like sex hormones (e.g., testosterone, oestrogen), play pivotal roles in development and reproductive processes.
Image courtesy of Expii

Image courtesy of Expii

Interaction with Other Biomolecules

Given their hydrophobic properties, lipids often interact with other biomolecules in unique ways:

  • Lipid-Protein Interactions: In cell membranes, lipids interact closely with proteins, facilitating various cell functions, from transport to signal transduction.
  • Lipid-Carbohydrate Interactions: Certain lipids have carbohydrate residues attached, forming glycolipids. These molecules play critical roles in cell recognition and signalling.


Lipids can't mix with water primarily due to their molecular structure, which is largely non-polar. Water, being a polar molecule, tends to interact best with other polar or charged molecules. Lipids, with their non-polar nature, are repelled by water. This phenomenon influences how lipids are transported in our bloodstream. Since our blood is primarily water-based, lipids cannot freely circulate in their pure form. To navigate this, the body packages lipids into lipoproteins, which are structures with a hydrophilic exterior and a hydrophobic core. This allows the lipids to be effectively transported in the bloodstream without directly interacting with the aqueous environment.

Oils are primarily stored in plant seeds as they provide a concentrated source of energy essential for germination. When a seed begins to grow, it relies on this stored energy before it can produce its own through photosynthesis. The hydrophobic nature of oils benefits the seed in two main ways. Firstly, it ensures that the oil remains within the seed, providing a long-lasting energy reserve. Secondly, the hydrophobic property offers some protection against excess water, preventing the seed from becoming waterlogged, which could lead to rot or fungal infections. Essentially, the stored oil ensures the seed has an energy source and is protected from adverse conditions until it's capable of independent growth.

Lipids, given their hydrophobic properties, are less dense than water. This makes them an ideal component for aquatic animals, such as fish, to regulate buoyancy. Many fish have a swim bladder, an organ filled with gases, but lipids also play a role in buoyancy. In marine mammals like whales, the thick layer of blubber (which is lipid-rich) not only insulates against the cold water but also aids in buoyancy. The hydrophobic nature ensures that the lipid layers remain intact, allowing marine animals to control their depth in water efficiently, either by adjusting the volume of their lipid reserves or by leveraging the buoyant force offered by these lipids.

The hydrophobic nature of lipids is directly tied to their role in thermal insulation. Since lipids repel water and are poor conductors of heat, they become ideal insulators. When animals accumulate layers of fat, particularly under their skin (subcutaneous fat), it acts as a barrier to rapid heat exchange between the body and the surrounding environment. This allows animals in colder regions to maintain a consistent body temperature. The hydrophobic layer of fat prevents any water or moisture from entering the body, ensuring that the internal environment remains dry and warm. Thus, lipids play a dual role: conserving body heat and acting as a barrier against external moisture.

Lipids, particularly fats, play an essential role in cushioning and protecting vital organs. Organs such as the kidneys and heart are surrounded by adipose tissue, a type of connective tissue that stores fat. This fatty layer acts as a shock absorber, dissipating physical forces and protecting organs from potential damage due to impact or sudden movements. The hydrophobic characteristic of lipids ensures that this protective layer remains compact and does not dissolve or disperse in the bodily fluids surrounding these organs. This property allows for a stable protective cushion that remains consistently in place, safeguarding our most crucial organs.

Practice Questions

Explain the hydrophobic nature of lipids and discuss how this property is critical for the formation of cell membranes.

Lipids are primarily composed of long chains or rings of hydrocarbons, which are non-polar structures. This non-polarity means lipids are unable to form hydrogen bonds with water, a polar molecule. As a result, lipids repel water, leading to their hydrophobic nature. When considering cell membranes, this hydrophobic property is crucial. Phospholipids, which are central components of cell membranes, have a hydrophilic (water-attracting) head and two hydrophobic (water-repelling) tails. When in an aqueous environment, these phospholipids spontaneously arrange themselves into a bilayer, with the hydrophobic tails shielded inside and the hydrophilic heads facing outward. This unique arrangement forms the basis of the cell membrane, ensuring cellular integrity while permitting selective permeability.

Distinguish between fats and oils in terms of their composition and physical attributes. How does this difference impact their biological roles?

Fats and oils are both types of triglycerides, composed of a glycerol molecule bonded to three fatty acid chains. The primary distinction lies in the nature of the fatty acids: fats predominantly contain saturated fatty acids (with no double bonds between carbons), while oils have a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (containing one or more double bonds). Physically, this means fats are generally solid at room temperature because saturated fatty acids can pack closely together. In contrast, oils remain liquid due to the "kinks" in unsaturated fatty acids, which prevent tight packing. Biologically, fats are major energy storage molecules in animals, offering protection to vital organs and aiding in insulation. Oils, primarily found in plants, similarly serve as energy reservoirs, often stored in seeds, facilitating germination and initial growth.

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