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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.1.2 Macromolecule Production

The study of macromolecules is pivotal in understanding biological processes. These large, complex molecules play numerous roles in organisms. Let's delve deeper into how these important molecules are produced and some quintessential examples in biology.

Condensation Reactions

At the heart of macromolecule production lies the condensation reaction. Also known as dehydration synthesis, this reaction combines smaller molecules, termed monomers, to form the larger structures we know as polymers.

What is a Condensation Reaction?

In a condensation reaction:

  • Two monomer molecules approach each other.
  • A hydrogen atom from one monomer and a hydroxyl group (OH) from another monomer combine. This produces a molecule of water (H₂O).
  • The resulting bond formed between the two monomers is a covalent bond.
  • Since water is produced as a by-product, the reaction is termed dehydration synthesis.

Key Fact: The essence of a condensation reaction is the release of a water molecule upon the formation of a bond.

Condensation reaction.

Image courtesy of tang90246

Role in Polymer Formation

Polymers, intricate and large molecules, are chains or structures constituted of repeating monomer units. The continuous link of monomers through condensation reactions forms these structures.

  • Monomer: A singular, repeating unit.
  • Polymer: A chain or structure of many repeating monomer units.

Analogy: Consider monomers as individual bricks and polymers as the wall. Each time a brick is added to the wall, it represents a monomer being added to a polymer chain through a condensation reaction.

 A diagram showing monomers and polymers.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Examples of Macromolecules

The biological realm is rich with diverse macromolecules, each tailored to fulfil specific roles. Let's delve deeper into a few of these:


Polysaccharides, carbohydrate macromolecules, are formed by chaining together simpler sugar monomers. They serve various functions, from energy storage to providing structural support.

Formation of Polysaccharides

  • Monosaccharides, like glucose, are the building blocks.
  • Through condensation reactions, these monosaccharides link together to form polysaccharides.
  • The bond formed between monosaccharides is known as a glycosidic bond.

Notable Examples

  • Starch: Primarily found in plants, starch is a significant energy reserve. Comprising two types of molecules, amylose and amylopectin, starch molecules may exhibit both unbranched and branched structures.
  • Glycogen: Often termed 'animal starch', glycogen is the primary storage polysaccharide in animals. It boasts a highly branched structure, enabling rapid glucose release when energy is required.


Polypeptides, the precursors to proteins, are polymers constructed from amino acid monomers. They fold into various forms, culminating in proteins that carry out myriad functions in organisms.

Formation of Polypeptides

  • Amino acids, the monomers, are connected in a sequence.
  • Through condensation reactions, amino acids form peptide bonds, leading to the creation of polypeptides.
  • These polypeptides can then fold in various ways, leading to the formation of functional proteins.
A diagram showing the formation of peptide bonds.

Condensation reaction between two amino acids forming a polypeptide backbone.

Image courtesy of CraigClark

Key Insight

The sequence in which amino acids are linked determines the protein's final structure and function. A change in this sequence can lead to a non-functional or malfunctioning protein, sometimes causing diseases.

Nucleic Acids

Central to life, nucleic acids are polymers crafted from nucleotide monomers. Their primary role? To store and transmit the genetic information that guides all cellular functions.

Formation of Nucleic Acids

  • Nucleotides, the monomers, consist of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base.
  • These nucleotides connect through condensation reactions, creating long chains or strands.
  • The bonds between nucleotides are termed phosphodiester bonds.

Chief Examples

  • DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid): This double-stranded molecule carries the genetic code necessary for the growth, development, and reproduction of all known organisms.
  • RNA (Ribonucleic acid): Usually single-stranded, RNA molecules play critical roles in translating the genetic information in DNA into proteins.
Structure of DNA and RNA

Image courtesy of Sponk


No, not all bonds formed during condensation reactions are identical. The type of bond formed depends on the nature of the monomers involved. For instance, when monosaccharides are linked to form polysaccharides, the bond created is a glycosidic bond. When amino acids come together to make polypeptides, they form peptide bonds. Meanwhile, in the synthesis of nucleic acids from nucleotides, phosphodiester bonds are formed. Each type of bond is specific to the nature of the monomers and the resultant polymer, and each has unique properties that influence the structure and function of the polymer.

The specific structures of polysaccharides are intrinsically linked to their functions. For instance, the branched structure of glycogen means it has multiple endpoints for enzymes to act upon, allowing for rapid release of glucose when energy is required. Starch, while less branched than glycogen, still allows for a compact storage of glucose in plants. Cellulose, on the other hand, forms straight, rigid chains that provide structural strength to plant cell walls, aiding in plant stability. Thus, the structural intricacies of these polysaccharides are tailored to their biological roles, highlighting nature's meticulous design.

The differentiation between alpha (α) and beta (β) forms of glucose is crucial because they lead to the formation of different types of polysaccharides with varied properties. For instance, starch and glycogen are formed from α-glucose, resulting in coiled or branched structures, respectively. These structures are easily broken down by enzymes in animals, making them ideal for energy storage. In contrast, cellulose is formed from β-glucose. The orientation of β-glucose results in straight, unbranched chains that are stabilised by hydrogen bonds, creating a rigid structure that's difficult to break down, making it apt for providing structural support in plants.

While peptide bonds are central to the formation of polypeptides, they are entirely different in nature and function from the glycosidic bonds found in polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are carbohydrate polymers made up of sugar monomers and involve the formation of glycosidic bonds. Polypeptides, on the other hand, are formed from amino acid monomers that join together via peptide bonds. The nature of the monomers, the type of bonds, and the resulting structures and functions of the macromolecules are what differentiate them. Polypeptides, when folded into specific structures, become proteins, which have roles distinct from those of polysaccharides in biological systems.

Condensation reactions and hydrolysis reactions are opposite processes in the realm of macromolecule synthesis and breakdown. In condensation reactions, two monomers are joined together through the removal of a water molecule, resulting in the formation of a covalent bond between them. This is how polymers are built. In contrast, hydrolysis reactions involve the addition of a water molecule to break the bond between monomers in a polymer, effectively splitting the polymer into its constituent monomers. Think of condensation as the process of building and hydrolysis as the process of breaking down.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of condensation reactions and explain their importance in the formation of biological polymers.

Condensation reactions, also known as dehydration synthesis, involve the joining of two monomers. During this process, a hydrogen atom from one monomer and a hydroxyl group (OH) from another come together, forming a molecule of water (H₂O). This leads to the creation of a covalent bond between the two monomers. This mechanism is pivotal for the production of biological polymers since it allows smaller molecular units, or monomers, to link together and form larger, more complex structures known as polymers. These polymers, which include polysaccharides, polypeptides, and nucleic acids, play crucial roles in the structure and function of organisms.

Highlight the significance of polysaccharides in biological systems and provide two examples of such macromolecules.

Polysaccharides are carbohydrate polymers that play vital roles in biological systems. They primarily serve as energy storage molecules and provide structural support in cells. The importance of polysaccharides is underscored by their presence and functionality in both plants and animals. Two prime examples of polysaccharides are Starch and Glycogen. Starch, found in plants, acts as the main energy reserve, consisting of amylose and amylopectin molecules. On the other hand, Glycogen, often termed 'animal starch', is the chief storage polysaccharide in animals, possessing a highly branched structure that facilitates rapid glucose release when energy demands arise.

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