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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.1.1 Chemical Properties of Carbon

Carbon, an element found in the Earth's crust and in every known life form, is central to the study of biology due to its unparalleled versatility in forming compounds. This distinct characteristic arises from its unique electron configuration and its ability to form a vast array of structures, from simple gases to complex DNA molecules. Let's delve deeper into the world of carbon.

Nature of Covalent Bonds in Carbon

A covalent bond arises when atoms share electrons, leading to a stable electron configuration. For carbon, this means achieving an octet in its valence shell.

  • Carbon's Electron Configuration: Carbon has an atomic number of 6, meaning it possesses six electrons. Two of these reside in the inner shell, and four in the valence (outermost) shell. This configuration is significant because it means carbon requires four more electrons to attain a full octet.
  • Formation of Covalent Bonds: To achieve this octet, carbon forms covalent bonds with other elements. The shared electrons create a robust link between the atoms, stabilising the molecule.

Carbon's Versatility in Bond Formation

Carbon's electron configuration bestows it with a remarkable adaptability in forming bonds. Its four valence electrons allow it to engage in diverse bonding patterns:

  • Four Single Bonds: Carbon's four electrons can each form a single bond with electrons from other atoms. Methane (CH<sub>4</sub>) is a classic example, where carbon forms single bonds with four hydrogen atoms.
Carbon's electron configuration bestows it with a remarkable adaptability in forming bonds. Its four valence electrons allow it to engage in diverse bonding patterns:

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  • Double and Triple Bonds: Apart from single bonds, carbon can form double or triple bonds. Ethene (C2H4) is an example where carbon atoms form a double bond. In ethyne (C2H2), the carbons form a triple bond.
A chemical structure of ethene, showing a double bond.


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A chemical structure of ethyne, showing a triple bond.


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  • Hybridisation: This is a concept in chemistry where atomic orbitals combine to form hybrid orbitals. Depending on how carbon hybridises, it can form different structures, leading to compounds with varying shapes and properties.

Examples of Carbon Compounds

The vast array of carbon compounds underpins life's complexity. From simple hydrocarbons to intricate biological molecules, carbon's adaptability is evident:

  • Branched Chains: These carbon compounds don't follow a straight line; they branch out. Iso-pentane, with a CH<sub>3</sub> group branching off from the main chain, is one such example.
  • Unbranched Chains: Linear compounds like hexane demonstrate this structure, where carbon atoms are linked end-to-end in a single, unbroken chain.
  • Single Rings: These compounds, like cyclopentane, form a closed loop or ring. The carbon atoms are connected in a circle, forming a cyclic structure.
  • Multiple Rings: Carbon compounds can exhibit more than one ring. Anthracene, with its three fused rings, showcases this multi-ring structure.
Branched and unbranched hydrocarbons.

Image courtesy of Croatian-English Chemistry

Understanding International Metric Unit Prefixes

In biology, especially when working at microscopic or molecular scales, understanding metric prefixes is vital. These prefixes allow scientists to express large or small numbers succinctly:

  • Kilo (k): Represents a thousandfold. So, 1 kilogram = 1000 grams.
  • Centi (c): Stands for one-hundredth. Thus, 1 centimetre is 0.01 of a metre.
  • Milli (m): Denotes a thousandth. In lab work, measurements like millilitres (ml) or milligrams (mg) are commonplace.
  • Micro (μ): One-millionth. Particularly useful in cellular biology, where structures like organelles or proteins might be measured in micrometres.
  • Nano (n): Expresses one-billionth. Nanometres (nm) are often used in DNA research, nanotechnology, and advanced microscopy.

Each of these prefixes aids in precise communication, ensuring measurements and scales are understood universally.

Carbon's Role in Life

The diversity of carbon compounds plays a pivotal role in life processes. From being the primary constituent of DNA, the genetic material, to forming the cell wall in plants, carbon's presence is ubiquitous:

  • Carbohydrates: Carbon forms the backbone of essential energy-providing molecules like glucose and more complex polysaccharides like starch and cellulose.
  • Proteins: Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, have a carbon core. Proteins regulate nearly every biochemical reaction in organisms.
  • Lipids: These are energy-dense molecules, comprising long carbon chains or rings. Fats, oils, and cholesterol are common examples.
  • Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA, the carriers of genetic information, are built on a carbon framework.


Carbon compounds form rings as a result of the stable nature of these cyclic structures. When the carbon atoms in a molecule can attain a stable configuration by forming a closed loop, they tend to do so. Ring structures, particularly in organic chemistry, often result from the closure of a carbon chain to form a cyclic compound. This is energetically favoured in certain conditions because cyclic compounds can have lower strain and more stable conformations than their open-chain counterparts. Additionally, in some cases, ring formation may lead to aromaticity, a highly stable and resonant state, as observed in compounds like benzene.

The capability of carbon to form double and triple bonds enhances its versatility in organic chemistry. Double and triple bonds introduce variations in bond lengths and strengths. These variations influence the reactivity of the molecule, its physical properties, and its potential to undergo certain chemical reactions. For instance, alkenes, with their double bonds, can participate in reactions like hydrogenation and halogenation. Alkynes, having triple bonds, can undergo similar reactions but with distinct outcomes due to the presence of the additional π bond. This flexibility in bonding patterns allows for a broader array of organic compounds, each with unique properties and reactivities.

Carbon's unique electron configuration is fundamental to the origin and sustenance of life. Its tetravalent nature means it can form a vast range of stable and complex molecules, essential for life processes. Carbon can bond with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other elements to create diverse compounds. These compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, are the cornerstones of life, governing energy storage, cellular structure, metabolic processes, and genetic information storage and transfer. The adaptability and stability of carbon compounds have likely made carbon-based life the dominant form on Earth.

Hybridisation refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals in an atom to produce new hybrid orbitals suitable for bond formation. In carbon compounds, hybridisation directly influences the shape and geometry of the molecule. For instance, in ethane (C2H6), where carbon undergoes sp3 hybridisation, the shape is tetrahedral. In ethene (C2H4) with sp2 hybridisation, the shape is planar triangular. And in ethyne (C2H2), where carbon undergoes sp hybridisation, the shape is linear. Essentially, the type of hybridisation determines the orientation of the orbitals, which, in turn, establishes the molecule's geometry.

Carbon is considered tetravalent because it has four valence electrons in its outermost shell. In order to achieve a stable configuration with eight electrons in this shell (known as a full octet), carbon can form four covalent bonds with other atoms. The term "tetravalent" originates from "tetra-", meaning four, and "-valent" referring to the bonding capability. This tetravalent nature enables carbon to bond with a wide variety of atoms, including other carbon atoms, which is foundational for the diversity and complexity of organic compounds in nature.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of carbon's electron configuration in its ability to form diverse organic molecules.

Carbon's electron configuration is foundational to its role in organic chemistry. It possesses six electrons, two in the inner shell and four in the valence shell. These four valence electrons are critical because they enable carbon to form covalent bonds with other atoms, including itself. By sharing electrons, carbon seeks to achieve a stable octet configuration. This ability to form up to four covalent bonds means it can create a wide variety of structures, from simple hydrocarbons to complex molecules like nucleic acids. The tetravalence of carbon, coupled with its capacity to form single, double, or triple bonds, underpins the diversity and complexity of organic molecules.

Describe two types of carbon compound structures, giving an example for each, and explain how metric unit prefixes are used in biology.

Carbon compounds can be categorised into various structural types. Firstly, there are branched chains like iso-pentane, where carbon atoms don't form a straight line but branch out. Secondly, there are compounds with multiple rings, such as anthracene, which has three fused rings of carbon atoms. Regarding metric unit prefixes in biology, they help in expressing large or small quantities succinctly. For instance, the prefix "micro (μ)" denotes one-millionth, used to measure tiny structures like cell organelles in micrometres. "Nano (n)," meaning one-billionth, is used in fields like nanotechnology, where structures or particles might be measured in nanometres. These prefixes ensure accurate and universal communication in scientific contexts.

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